Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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CaBRita 23 Oct 2011 21:36

Using moroccan SIM card

In a couple of weeks time I'll leave (again) to Morocco, the idea is some off-roading with MS6 in between.

This time I'll be a little bit more clever and I'll buy a local SIM card to use in an unlocked mobile.

My question:

- between IAM and Meditel what is the best operator in terms of network signal on remote areas and also ratings when calling abroad? :confused1:

Both operators show network signal maps on their sites, IAM looks more promising:
IAM - http://www.iam.ma/Particuliers/Mobil...ationale.aspx#
Meditel - Couverture nationale

Feedback of recent experiences will be appreciated!


grizzly7 24 Oct 2011 14:04


I got a Maroc telecom phone SIM and a Dongle+SIM from the shop in Assilah, passport being the only ID required.

Most people we spoke to seemed to think that was the way to go unless you're in a built up area all the time. We ended up not using the mobile SIM, just a £3 Skype phone from Ebay via the unlimited internet dongle. Coverage and speed was consistantly surprising, really pretty good.

Happy travels


silver G 26 Oct 2011 18:55


Originally Posted by grizzly7 (Post 353515)

I got a Maroc telecom phone SIM and a Dongle+SIM from the shop in Assilah, passport being the only ID required.

Most people we spoke to seemed to think that was the way to go unless you're in a built up area all the time. We ended up not using the mobile SIM, just a £3 Skype phone from Ebay via the unlimited internet dongle. Coverage and speed was consistantly surprising, really pretty good.

Happy travels


+1 for that - those dongles work really well

Afrikiya 28 Oct 2011 00:35

Hi, I tried both, Meditel and maroc Telecom-Jawal; this last one is the best one for off road areas, wider and better coverage in this zones.

pera 28 Oct 2011 14:27

As Afrikya says the IAM-Jawal has better coverage including some inner zones of Western Sahara

wanderer999 4 Nov 2011 23:22

There is also a network called inwi inwi : Operateur telecom et Internet mobile 3G au Maroc

Hence there is some healthy competition and double or triple recharges on offer.

Afrikiya 5 Nov 2011 00:37

I've been reading about people using Inwi and everybody says its awful.

wanderer999 6 Nov 2011 13:24

I have used all three networks. Recently I have used an inwi SIM for my smartphone and found it fine, although to be honest it took them a few hours to get it working.

CaBRita 7 Nov 2011 21:09

Thank you all for the useful feedback!

Bought a 100dirham IAM SIM card in Tanger and guess what there is a promotion and got a further 100dirham bonus.

Regards from Merzouga,
Luis Cabrita

Mervifwdc 24 Nov 2011 18:22

Just wondering if it's working well? Hoping I could plug it direct into an ipad....


bugsy 24 Nov 2011 20:22


Originally Posted by grizzly7 (Post 353515)

. We ended up not using the mobile SIM, just a £3 Skype phone from Ebay via the unlimited internet dongle. Coverage and speed was consistantly surprising, really pretty good.

Happy travels


Grizzly question mate
if have the dongle and a Maroc sim- but why do you need the ebay fone for?
I make skype calls from pc without a fone - what's the need/benefit?
me a bit confused (again)

grizzly7 25 Nov 2011 21:32

Some of the cyber cafe facilities have been a bit grubby, but the main thing of taking a phone is privacy.


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