Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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davebetty 23 Nov 2014 16:46

Washing me smalls
I was just wondering if there are laundrettes in Moroc, or its something you can ask for at a hotel, or something you pay a little "Stylo itnierant" to do for you?

I am going very light and will problaby need a couple of clothes washing experiences. If I am getting other people to wash my clothes, would it be best to supply the washing power (I don't just want wet clothes back!).

And how mcuh should I pay for this valuble service? I don't want to be accidently mean!

Thanks for your help and I hope those cut off due to the flooding will be on your way soon. Go easy with it!


Peter Girling 23 Nov 2014 18:53

Hi Dave,

Most towns have a laundry and most hotel/auberges will do it for you, just ask. If you don't specify, your stuff may come back ironed and folded which will cost more. Ask the cost up front; it'll be cheaper than at home but you should still expect to pay more than pennies.

Happy trails,


g6snl 24 Nov 2014 13:06

I had some done in Fes 2012 and it was about £2.80 ( not ironed but dry) which was good value considering the state of it all. BUT.............anything white had an "orange-tint" to it when it came back, not a big problem really :rofl:

mollydog 24 Nov 2014 17:23

Speaking of ... "Smalls"
For under wear I've splurged and bought high tech quick dry undies. About $8 USD per pair. I carry only 3 pair ... one worn, other two in reserve. Super comfy, no ball rot or stink. (some miracle non bacteria fabric)

And the best part? I can wash them out in any basin in hot or cold water using ANY soap. Takes less than 3 minutes. Rinse, Wring and hang up!

Better part? These little wonders dry in the Sun in ONE HOUR ... just hanging up ... about 2 hours. I have similar T shirts too. Very handy.

But dirt riding pants, some socks, electric vest and riding jacket all have to wait to get access to a machine or trusted person. I would not trust my riding jacket or electric jacket to natives ... I do it myself.

If on the road and moving daily, it's hard to "send out" your laundry. No time. Once you settle in for a few days ... I'm sure your hotel manager can take care of ALL your laundry needs. Clean clothes a BIG priority in Maroc.


davebetty 24 Nov 2014 22:01

A useful bit of infomation about the unmentionalbes there, very useful to know. Thanks

*Touring Ted* 25 Nov 2014 10:10

1x Universal travel plug..

1 x Sink

1 x bar of soap

Just add water....

I'm not opposed to washing my clothes in the shower too (Not wearing them lol).. Just take a plastic bag in to carry your wet washing somewhere to dry.

davebetty 25 Nov 2014 22:16

I have done quite a bit of washing clothes using all sorts of 'detergents' in all sorts of 'machines'. I have worn many a white specked, barely washed cloth and many a well washed but not clean undies.

I am happy to depart with a little money to get the job done right. A bit of detergent on the old dangleberries really can spoil the day!

Its all about making sure you can get the job done right I suppose!

*Touring Ted* 26 Nov 2014 10:11

Yup.... Medicated talc is a must pack for long sweaty bike trips. Keeps the critters out of the lunch box if you excuse the metaphor .

Warin 26 Nov 2014 10:34


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 486747)
I'm not opposed to washing my clothes in the shower too (Not wearing them lol)..

If it is hot enough the cloths are sweaty anyway .. so I ware them in, soap them up and take them off and put under my feet.. wash self, stamp around a bit for stubborn stains :D. Rinse cloths and wring dry. Still hot? = ware them out - they will dry on you and you save on ironing.

Warin 26 Nov 2014 10:43


Originally Posted by mollydog (Post 486686)
I would not trust my riding jacket or electric jacket to natives ... I do it myself.

In Morocco they have had the 'Paris Dakar' race .. and they clean their cloths, quick and good.

mollydog 26 Nov 2014 17:21


Originally Posted by Warin (Post 486882)
If it is hot enough the cloths are sweaty anyway .. so I ware them in, soap them up and take them off and put under my feet.. wash self, stamp around a bit for stubborn stains :D. Rinse cloths and wring dry. Still hot? = ware them out - they will dry on you and you save on ironing.

I use the same technique in the shower. Double duty. Most of my clothes just need a light washing to get the stink out. No real scrubbing/agitation required.

And it's true, with most NON cotton, breathable fabric, you can wear it damp and it will dry quickly on your body. Not recommended for cotton however, as it stays damp, takes a while to dry out.

dommiek 6 Dec 2014 20:11

wash the undies and socks out in the shower, wring out as much water as possible, use a dry towel to soak up any dampness and take the said items to bed with you (not wearing them); heat from the body will dry them as you sleep.

failing that just turn them inside out, then back to front, then inside out again !!

Bucket1960 7 Dec 2014 00:04


Originally Posted by dommiek (Post 487981)
failing that just turn them inside out, then back to front, then inside out again !!

don't forget to crack 'em with a hammer once in a while too :rofl:

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