Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Morocco (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/morocco/)
-   -   Where is the form for vehicle entry to Morocco? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/morocco/where-form-vehicle-entry-morocco-52211)

uk_vette 21 Aug 2010 00:52

Where is the form for vehicle entry to Morocco?
Hello all,

I remember seeing a form that needed completing in order to bring the vehicle into Morocco.

I thought I had a copy of it, but it looks like it might have been on my works laptop.

I am sure it also had a 'walk through' which pointed to what details went into each particular box.


Chris Scott 21 Aug 2010 07:14

TVIP or D16
Hi, try this link:

Temporary vehicle importation document: 'TVIP' or 'D16'

btw, I hear on ferries to the new Tangiers Med port you do all the papers, including D16 if necessary, on board, so on arrival you shoot straight out of the port.


Tim Cullis 21 Aug 2010 11:34

That would be nice, but it's not the case, see here. Passport control is onboard ship when entering Morocco via Tanger Med (but on land when exiting), the customs procedures are done once you land.

And if it's the first time using that passport you still need to go to the police cabins to have the passport entered into the online system.

The good news is that there's not a tout in sight when you land and go through the police/customs. I commented on this to the officials saying how glad I was.


uk_vette 22 Aug 2010 22:42

Hello Tim,

Thank you for the direction.

Is it still the D16TER form ?


Tim Cullis 23 Aug 2010 08:44

Yes, see here.

Reddefender 23 Feb 2011 10:13

Temp Importation of vehicle into Morocco
Hi Tim

Have just tried completing on line importation using www.douane.gov.ma/EDouane/DMCV/AT/Formulaire_AT.asp
unfortunatly the web site seems to have been updated and I have spent ages trying to find the form that normally appears, that you can fill in and print.
Could just be me, any ideas.

priffe 23 Feb 2011 12:45

M8 it was posted yesterday look at the thread just below

Administration des Douanes et Imports Indirects

Reddefender 23 Feb 2011 18:26

It works
Many thanks priffe, just what I had been looking for, why they had to make it so difficult to find I dont know. Anyway, done now and ready to go again.

Tim Cullis 23 Feb 2011 19:06

Revised instructions: Complete your temporary import forms online before you leave - ::. UKGSer.com .::

Shugs 10 Oct 2021 00:08

2019 Update -
Looks like taking a vehicle into Morocco is a lot easier now.

See here https://www.douane.gov.ma/web/16/45#...gov.ma/d16ter/

"As of January 1, 2019, the subscription of written declarations of Temporary Admission (AT) according to models D 16bis and D 16ter for motor vehicles and D 716 for pleasure boats and other nautical devices is no longer required. It is replaced by a simple verbal declaration from the persons concerned having their habitual residence abroad and coming to stay temporarily in Morocco.

Thus, the TA of these means of transport will be taken care of directly on the BADR computer system by the customs services at the entry offices, on the basis of the documents presented by the traveler (valid passport, registration certificate of the means of transport. transport, power of attorney in the event of importation by a third party, rental contract, etc.).

In the event of eligibility for the TA regime, the services at the entry offices issue travelers with a printed document from the system to present it during any checks on national territory.

For more information, please contact us via the following link https://www.douane.gov.ma/reclamations or by phone at the following numbers: 0537579223/27/28."

Chris Scott 10 Oct 2021 09:18

Thanks but to save confusion amongst some, this is relatively old news.

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