Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Motorcycle Events around the world (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/motorcycle-events-around-the-world/)
-   -   Zen & the Art of Cider (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/motorcycle-events-around-the-world/zen-and-the-art-cider-70872)

backofbeyond 16 Jun 2013 16:00

Zen & the Art of Cider
Looks like there will be an autumn meeting in the Mendips after all. It's at the same venue but under new management -

"Zen & the Art of Cider" Bike Rally ticket : 6-8th Sept

I really enjoyed the last HU branded one I went to and this could be a runner if my plans to go to the French mini meet (same weekend) fall through.

Toyark 16 Jun 2013 20:07


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 413679)
That's a BIG Shame... It had become my favourite meeting.

You can still go Ted- click on above link in Backofbeyond's post.
It's going to be run by Gabe and Char of Zen Overland.... who ran the HU ones! same format/content it seems.
So 'same old same old' plus some cider! and you'll get to see old friends!

and not a bear in sight!:smiliex:

*Touring Ted* 17 Jun 2013 16:14


Originally Posted by Bertrand (Post 426231)
You can still go Ted- click on above link in Backofbeyond's post.
It's going to be run by Gabe and Char of Zen Overland.... who ran the HU ones! same format/content it seems.
So 'same old same old' plus some cider! and you'll get to see old friends!

and not a bear in sight!:smiliex:

Yup... got an invite off gab.

Problem is, I work Friday, Saturdays and have no holidays left. I'd have to take two days unpaid leave which is painful :(

However, I'll do my bestest to attend. I just can't seem to catch a break this year. (He say's while in the airport after getting off the plane from Portugal lol)


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