Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Navigation - Maps, Compass, GPS (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/navigation-maps-compass-gps/)
-   -   Camping, NP, Embassies, Worldwide - GoogleEarth + GPX (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/navigation-maps-compass-gps/camping-np-embassies-worldwide-googleearth-36431)

Ulrich 17 Feb 2010 05:50

Again new places, mostly in Africa.

Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 5709 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg

Happy camping


ekkemu 21 Feb 2010 13:52

Wild or not wild?
Wow! This is a great project and it should have it's own website, not be hidden here on a topic on HU!!!

I want to contribute to this list so during this year I will gather as much info from Romania as I can.

I have a question: are these places for wild camping or there are real camp grounds there? (sorry If I missed the answer to this one)

Ulrich 21 Feb 2010 22:08

Hi Folks,

planned is a new category with the waypoints of the embassies worldwide.

So, always sent me data, I prepare it



Ulrich 7 Mar 2010 10:37

It's time!

Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 5806 KB ----------->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg

- corrections
- new places



Ulrich 22 Mar 2010 11:10

Hello all,

a first version for embassies and consulates waypoints is ready.

New file-name Camping-Embassy.zip. Please download only this file.

Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Embassy.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 6206 KB ---------->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg

The file includes:

- campground worldwide (update)
- Nationalparks Africa
- embassies, consulates worldwide

Thanks to Tobi.

Let me know what You think about it.



BlackBeast 22 Mar 2010 21:40

Thanks again for your time and effort to put this together and constantly updating. Vital information.:clap:

ThomasWillington 14 May 2010 17:25


This is absolutely fantastic! Such a huge resource, thank you greatly for your time and effort!

Ulrich 31 May 2010 17:11

New campgrounds and new country added: Malaysia

Corrected and updatet: Morocco-Campgrounds - Thanks to Edith Kohlbach and her update.

Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Embassy.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 6463 KB ------->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg

NB: Use of data is only allowed for private use and not commercial.



Ulrich 3 Jun 2010 12:11

There is something new!

U.S. National Parks - Wildlife-Parks-Asia - World-Heritage

Desert-Info.ch - Camping-NP-WH-Embassy.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 6963 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg

The new files are there only as a Google Earth KML. This leaves, in contrast to GPX, which is visible in Google Earth filed additional information.


If you want to convert the files anyway, for MapSource or whatever, I recommend

GPSBabel 1.3.7 Beta

the "Swiss Army knife" for format converters.

Further Informations:

World Wildlive Adventures Asia

UNESCO World Heritage Centre

Have fun with it.


beddhist 20 Jul 2010 23:02

Hi Ulrich,

Fantastic effort. Just a small fly in the ointment: as I have pointed out some time ago, you have taken *all* my waypoints and converted them to campsites, including lakes, guesthouses and others. I invite you to download a new copy from my website. Perhaps you can even put my comments into the kml file, that would be great.

Meanwhile, I'll try to post an example of what it could look like into this topic: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...327#post297790

Ulrich 26 Jul 2010 08:56


to the known categieries a new one:

Mobil-Home-Places in Europa

Why? OK, You become older, You like it more comfortable, Your wife says: Stop, now it's also me! Or what else. - Think, Biker could stay there too.

Also new campgrounds, lodges, guesthoses, hotels etc. in the following countries:

Indien - Indonesien - Laos - Malaysia - Pakistan - Thailand - Timor Leste

Desert-Info.ch - Camping-NP-WH-Embassy.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 7464 KB ---->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg

Thanks for the new data from Peter (beddhist)


beddhist 26 Jul 2010 10:37

What do you think of this: MapAList - Laos ? The data sits in a GoogleDocs spreadsheet and I will create a form so people can add to it. It's just an experiment at this stage.

ozhanu 13 Mar 2011 22:19


address of finland embassy in turkiye is right but the poi flag has been put wrong place.
gps coordinates are: N 39 57.573 E 32 34.961

bugsy 14 Mar 2011 11:07

Has Ulrich stoped updates? what a shame:frown: - he did a great job which I think many appreciate.:thumbup1:
any news one Ulrich?

Ulrich 16 Mar 2011 07:05

No, no stop! Update coming soon.



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