![]() |
Camping, NP, Embassies, Worldwide - GoogleEarth + GPX
Please use for download only the latest version on the last page of this thread. All other versions are no longer available. Thanks Ulrich Hello, I have prepared the following file with campgrounds and/or hotels, resthouses in Africa as GoogleEarth file and as GPX-file. Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 32 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Following countries are avaiable: Aegypten - Algerien - Angola - Äthiopien - Botswana - Gambia - Iran - Jordanien - Kenia - Libyen - Malawi - Marokko - Mauretanien - Namibia - Niger - Oman - Senegal - Simbabwe - Sudan - Syrien - Tansania - Tchad - Tunesien - Türkei - Zentralafrikanische Republik - Sambia - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate The countries are separated in directories. If someone has coordinates for not included countries and campgrounds, would be great if he sents me an PN or email. Regards Ulrich |
Camping Africa
Such a brilliant thing to have! Thank you so much for all your hard work.:clap: Regards Sean |
the file now includes also campings etc. of the world. Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 32 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Following countries are avaiable, the new one's in red color: Albanien - Aegypten - Algerien - Angola - Äthiopien - Botswana - Gambia - Griechenland - Iran - Jordanien - Kenia - Lettland - Libyen - Litauen - Malawi - Marokko - Mauretanien - Montenegro - Namibia - Niger - Oman - Polen - Senegal - Simbabwe - Sudan - Syrien - Tansania - Tchad - Tunesien - Türkei - Zentralafrikanische Republik - Sambia - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate The countries are separated in directories. If someone has coordinates for not included countries and campgrounds, would be great if he sents me an PN or email. Regards Ulrich |
... und some more countries (now in green):
Albanien - Aegypten - Algerien - Angola - Äthiopien - Botswana - Bulgarien - Burkina Faso - Gambia - Griechenland - Iran - Jordanien - Kenia - Lettland - Libyen - Litauen - Malawi - Marokko - Mauretanien - Montenegro - Mosambik - Namibia - Niger - Oman - Pakistan - Polen - Rumänien - Russland - Sambia - Saudi-Arabien - Senegal - Serbien - Simbabwe - Sudan - Syrien - Tansania - Tchad - Togo - Tunesien - Türkei - Ukraine - Ungarn - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - Weissrussland - Zentralafrikanische Republik Download-Link above Enjoy it Ulrich |
Feel free to grab my waypoints and track logs from beddha.free.fr/GPS and incorporate into your list. Note that some camping sites are just camp spots, nothing else there.
GPS POIs etc
Here is link for one Finnish waypoint page wher you can share POI's.
:scooter: |
Hello Capo Sakke,
got Your mail with the link. He is very useful. Soon an update. Forgot to say thanks for the link, so I do it now. Ulrich |
This is brilliant! If I find some new places in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, Croatia, Mazedonia or Kosovo I'll let you know!
fantastic work. thanks a lot. are they all wild camping or wild camping+regular camp grounds?
thanks |
Ok, the most is done! It's just in front of being "final".
Many new countries and points are included (the new countries in "blue"). Albanien - Aegypten - Algerien - Angola - Äthiopien - Belgien - Botswana - Bulgarien - Burkina Faso - China - Dänemark - Deutschland - Estland - Finnland - Frankreich - Gabun - Gambia - Griechenland - Holland - Indien - Iran - Italien - Jordanien - Kenia - Kongo - Laos - Lettland - Libyen - Litauen - Luxembourg - Malawi - Marokko - Mauretanien - Montenegro - Mosambik - Namibia - Nepal - Niger - Norwegen - Oman - Österreich - Pakistan - Polen - Rumänien - Russland - Sambia - Saudi-Arabien - Schweden - Schweiz - Senegal - Serbien - Simbabwe - Slovenien - Slowakei - Spanien - Sudan - Syrien - Tansania - Tchad - Thailand - Tibet - Togo - Tschechien - Tunesien - Türkei - Uganda - Ukraine - Ungarn - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - Weissrussland - Yemen - Zentralafrikanische Republik Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 702 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Attention: The unzipped files (GoogleEarth-KML, 4657 KB and GPX, 2768 KB) are a huge and it needs some time, especially in GoogleEarth, to load them. And: If someone has coordinates for not included countries and campgrounds, would be great if he sents me an PN or email. Thanks to all who have helped. Sorry for the German country-names. Could be I translate it sometimes into English. Happy camping Ulrich http://www.desert-info.ch/download/p...mping-Welt.jpg |
Where has the zip file gone?
had a look at it on the work machine yesterday, gone today and did not save it. |
Hello to all,
our provider has problems with the server. They are working on it. Maybe the downlaod is possible again during the day. Try again. Regards Ulrich |
download is working again and update. New places in Tunisia and ... something else. Regards Ulrich |
Update: new country - Portugal. The "watercampings" are removed. Some new places in Africa. Same link as usual, see one reply higher. Regards Ulrich |
update! New countries added Schweden - Irland - UK Sorry, UK-Place-Names not cleaned, too much work for the moment. Download as usual, see up. Regards Ulrich |
Fantastic thanks.
An addition for Spain: Camping Presa La Vinuela Latitude: 36°52'26.44"N Longitude: 4°11'5.35"W |
And another update.
Many new places from Thomas Richter. Namibia (with subdirectories and german discriptions) Botswana Zimbabwe Südafrika Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 855 KB ------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Regards U.E.H. |
've almost finished. Even some of the data changed and some campsites added. In addition, I have made a significant change. So it is easier to handle, I have separated the big file into small country-files. It should therefore no longer the whole Camping World file loaded. Which makes dealing with the plethora of data much easier, both in Google Earth as well as in the map-programs. Regardless two general files are in the ZIP-file included too. Once again the link to download all files: Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 1809 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Once all countries: Egypt - Albania - Algeria - Angola - Ethiopia - Belgium - Botswana - Bulgaria - Burkina Faso - China - Denmark - Germany - Estonia - Finland - France - Gabon - Gambia - Greece - Great Britain - Holland - India - Iran - Ireland - Italy - Jordan - Kuwait - Congo - Laos - Latvia - Libya - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Malawi - Morocco - Mauritania - Montenegro - Mozambique - Namibia - Nepal - Niger - Norway - Oman - Austria - Pakistan - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Russia - Zambia - Saudi Arabia - Sweden - Switzerland - Senegal - Serbia - Singapore - Slovakia - Slovakia - Spain - South Africa - Sudan - Syria - Tanzania - Tchad - Thailand - Tibet - Togo - Czech Republic - Tunisia - Turkey - Uganda - Turkey - Ukraine - United Arab Emirates - Belarus - Yemen - Central African Republic - Zimbabwe Now's to you to sent me data from non-integrated campsites worldwide. Have fun Ulrich |
Hey Ulrich,
I don't want to pollute this thread too much, but I have got to say this is fantastic, and thank you a million times for spending the time to do this. I think this could potentially be the basis of a bigger thing. Well done Cheers Ollie |
new campings added in following countries: Spanien - Deutschland - Rumänien - Russland - Ungarn Thanks to Manfred alias Mafra Botswana - Sambia Thanks to Torsten alias Toro - Both files are updated. Good morning greetings with senile bed-escape. :wheelchair: Ulrich |
The Never-Ending story ... part? ... continues
New counrtries and many new campgrounds from Ralf and Eva Ghana - Nigeria - Kamerun - Gabun - Kongo + DRC - Angola - Südafrika - Mosambik - Malawi - Tansania - Kenia - Uganda - Äthiopien Downloads as usual. Regards Ulrich |
Only that:
again ++++ Greetings Ulrich |
new country: Australia Campings added in: Indien - Pakistan - Sambia - Tansania Attention! Only the following download is working Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 1809 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Greetings Ulrich |
new countries and new campings in existing countries added. Ägypten - Albanien - Algerien - Angola - Äthiopien - Australien - Belgien - Benin - Botswana - Bulgarien - Burkina Faso - China - Dänemark - Democratic Rep. Kongo - Deutschland - Estland - Finnland - Frankreich - Gabun - Gambia - Ghana - Griechenland - Groß-Britannien - Holland - Indien - Iran - Irland - Italien - Jordanien - Kamerun - Kenia - Kongo - Kroatien - Laos - Lettland - Libyen - Litauen - Luxembourg - Malawi - Mali - Marokko - Mauretanien - Montenegro - Mosambik - Namibia - Nepal - Neuseeland - Niger - Nigeria - Norwegen - Oman - Österreich - Pakistan - Polen -Portugal - Rumänien - Russland - Sambia - Saudi-Arabien - Schweden - Schweiz - Senegal - Serbien - Simbabwe - Slovenien - Slowakei - Spanien - Südafrika - Sudan - Syrien - Tansania - Tchad - Thailand - Tibet - Togo - Tschechien - Tunesien - Türkei - Uganda - Ukraine - Ungarn - USA - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - Weissrussland - Yemen - Zentral Afrikanische Republik - Zimbabwe red = new countries blue = added campings Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 1896 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Greetings Ulrich |
Congrats Ulrich :thumbup1: Nice job Sir
again, new countries added. Ägypten - Albanien - Algerien - Angola - Argentinien - Äthiopien - Australien - Belgien - Belize - Benin - Bolivien - Botswana - Brasilien - Bulgarien - Burkina Faso - Chile - China - Costa Rica - Dänemark - Democratic Rep. Kongo - Deutschland - Ecuador - El Salvador - Estland Finnland - Frankreich - Gabun - Gambia - Ghana - Griechenland - Groß-Britannien - Guatemala - Holland - Honduras - Indien - Iran - Irland - Italien - Jordanien - Kamerun - Kenia - Kolumbien - Kongo - Kroatien - Laos - Lettland - Libyen - Litauen - Luxembourg - Malawi - Mali - Marokko - Mauretanien - Mexico - Montenegro - Mosambik -Namibia - Nepal - Neuseeland - Nicaragua - Niger - Nigeria - Norwegen - Oman - Österreich - Pakistan - Panama - Peru - Polen -Portugal - Rumänien - Russland - Sambia - Saudi-Arabien - Schweden - Schweiz - Senegal - Serbien - Simbabwe - Slovenien - Slowakei - Spanien - Südafrika - Sudan - Syrien - Tansania - Tchad - Thailand - Tibet - Togo - Tschechien - Tunesien - Türkei - Uganda - Ukraine - Ungarn - USA - Venezuela - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - Weissrussland - Yemen - Zentral Afrikanische Republik - Zimbabwe red = new countries Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 1987 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg By the way: If someone has corrections or new places, please make them in GoogleEarth and save only the concerning country as KML-file and send me via PM or mail. Regards Ulrich |
New countries and campgrounds inserted.
At the moment 107 countries Quote:
blue = campings Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 2056 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Greetings Ulrich |
New campgrounds in the following countries inserted:
Greetings Ulrich |
hundreds of new campgrounds added and made corrections. Download as usual. Greetings Ulrich |
I'm planning Africa over-land trip and want to use your files in my GPS.
I haven't bogth one yet, but planning to. What is the best solution if I want to have this data together with Africa maps and the ability to navigate not always by roads... Thanks |
Big Thanks
Sorry for 'polluting' this thread - I just want to say what an awesome job. Thanks for putting it all together, top stuff!!:thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1: |
Just starting to play around with google Earth and planning a trip to Morocco next week. This is fantastic. Thanks :thumbup1:
I also have to say THANK YOU for this. It is an excellent resource.. You did a great job this combined with your off line program is just amazing.
Okay but i have a confession to make.I dont actually know how to use it. I know the data is there I just dont know how to get it off the google program and into a formate that i can use like a file for my GPS (garmin) or even haw to extract the coordinates so i can look up on a map. (I dont have earth plus, only jsut downloaded earth today). Basically is there anyway that you can take the kml files and get them in to mapsource or Smelly bikers maps. I am so very sorry if this is a truely stupid question. I am a bit of a noob when it comes to GPS (maps I am good at but these things.. it is a long climb ahead of me). I have read the etnire google earth "how to use" thing and it has not helped. Is GPX the Garmin formate if so why can i see them any ideas Cheers EDIT: NEVER MIND_ I sorted it out.. for the ones like me who could not sort it out. It is a simple case of drag and drop the GPX file to the way points tab (window) of the Mapsource program!!! |
GPS Newbie Question
Hi All, I am a newbie to GPS/Sat Navs but I have a question. I downloaded Ulrich's POIs and dragged the .gpx file into the waypoints tab in mapsource and then transferred to my up up-to-date nuvi 250. All good at this point.
I checked for the new camping way points and yes they are there but certainly the couple around where I live are in the wrong places. A couple streets for one and one or two miles for another. Have I done something wrong or left out a step. Anybody else found these to be in the wrong spot ? I mean I could move them but I don't know if the campsites in France, spain or others are a little off ?. Plus I don't feel like move thousands of way points. Any advice ? Cheers |
Hello gixxer.rob,
if the places around Your home are wrong, try to found out if they are in Google Earth also on the wrong place. If "yes", sent me corrected coordinates, if "no", I don't know what You make wrong with Your Nüvi. Regards Ulrich |
Hi Ulrich, thanks again for this fantastic work. I have a little question.
I have downloaded and apply it to my google earth on Windows Vista operating computer. However, I'll take my 9" 4gb eee-pc when i am on the road. and it oparets ubuntu. it has also google earth in it. so, is there any way to apply this files to google earth run on linux(ubuntu)? |
Hi Ulrich,
The sites near my home are in the correct places on google earth so I am not sure what happened there ?? I take it you generate the gpx files from google earth ? I have tried a some other gpx files from another source (not even close to or as complete as yours) and they come show the correct locations so I am at a loss. I will just move them in map source and transfer to the GPS again. Thank you for the quick reply. :thumbup1: |
just to inform you that this magic camping coordinates also work in google earth installed on Linux (ubuntu)
This is just SO GREAT!
T H A N K S ! Danke, Ulrich! Silke |
I've spent several hours tracking down Polish camp sites the hard way. Wish I'd seen this thread earlier.
Many thanks for all the work! Tim |
it goes on! Hundreds of new campgrounds in 33 countries. Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 3085 KB--->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Have fun with it. Thanks for the compliments and thanks for all the quys who send me waypoints. Before I forget it: Who founds doubles could keep them, they are a present :arabia: To Tim: Who didn't open his eyes would be punished by life. :biggrin3: Regards Ulrich |
lrich -Wie geht es heute? nicht krank nicht mehr?
did you manage to integrate the world camp sites zip file I sent you yesterday in this latest update?? Und :oops2:es gibt ein hundert und elf Duplikatedanke:blushing: - Vielan Danke fur die Geschenk :wink2: |
I did it again. I think I have too much time. :wheelchair: Download again. To Bertrand: Yes, they are included. Regards Ulrich |
:thumbup1: Good Man
worked again and have inserted 1000 + (havn't counted) campgrounds. The actual download: Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 3847 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg A small statistic: Countries: 110 Campgrounds in - Europe - 32776 - Africa - 1095 - America - 681 - Sout-America - 391 - Asia - 264 - Australia/New Sealand - 173 Totally: 35380 campgrounds - This are now campgrounds for more than one life. Regards Ulrich P.S.: New campgrounds not listet are welcome. Looking for new countries. |
sorry, but I found more. In the following countries: Australia (+1894) - Canada (+28) - Russia (+42) - USA (+2497) Totally: 39663 Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 4427 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Warm up Your fingers and catch it. Regards Ulrich |
This is great. Are there any plans for North America?
Steve |
Hello Steve,
Regards Ulrich |
Camping & Caravaning North America found on the net.
email me ans I'll send you a zipped file - can't do it from here Ditto Ulrich if you'd like to include it |
Oops, something went wrong when you imported my Thailand waypoints. The first, Ao Nang beach is just that - :Beach:. You can't really camp there. The last one, Umphang refugee camp is definitely not a place where you can pitch your tent. The soldiers will object. :oops2:
It goes on.
Many new campgrounds worldwide. Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 4690 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Now: more than 40 000 Campgrounds! There is also a new folder USA-CA-noname with more than 1000 campgrounds in USA and canada, but they are nameless. - Thanks to Bert. @beddhist: I have corrected. Thanks for the advice. Regards Ulrich |
Ulrich, from the comments above, you have clearly put an enormous amount of work into this most useful source. (I can't myself comment for certain, not having GPS and not having worked out how to view the files (doh!) - maybe you could include an idiot's guide somewhere?) Anyway, to my point: People were happy to contribute with info on more locations, but I for one feel that if you can think of some way to make some money out of this, to partially compensate you for your time and trouble, you should do so.
Something goes allways!
Many new campgrounds, mainly in Africa (14 countries) and the rest of the world. Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 4696 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Regards Ulrich |
some new places added in Mauretanie and ... (thanks to Edith Kohlbach and thanks to Google Books :-)) Ralph has corrected Croatia (Kroatien) complete. Thanks to Ralph. Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 4819 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Regards Ulrich |
new places ... Angola - Argentinien - Brasilien - Burkina Faso - Chile - DemRep Kongo - Gabun - Ghana - Kamerun - Kongo - Mali - Nigeria - Senegal - Südafrika - Uruquay ... ... and corrections Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 4814 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Regards Ulrich |
New places in Africa and Europe.
- The Google-Earth-file is new sorted. - The campgrounds for Croatia and Slovenia are complete correcte by Offroad-Volker - Thanks Volker - Also thanks to Edith for the new moroccan places. Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 5823 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Regards Ulrich |
Many Thanks
This is an incredible database. I'm sure I'll make lots of use of it. So, Thanks very much for posting it and for all your work. |
foget what i just posted, all sorted now!
thats gonna be so unbelievable useful, ulrich you are a legend
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
1 Attachment(s)
Since I have found this really useful. Thank You. :clap:I have decided I would feed back into it. I have just been away for three weeks. Travelling thru France, Spain and Portugal. Along the way I checked my waypoints against yours and updated / added accordingly. I found some new campsites and some with sightly wrong way points. Nothing major. Attached is the file I saved them in. Just rename it to dot gpx. I hope that this helps, and again, thanks for your hard work. Dan |
something new! New places and corrections in: Ägypten - Frankreich - Iran - Kenia - Spanien - Sudan - Portugal - Thailand New is Island! (Iceland) - For this country is very less to be found in the net. Who was waypoints for campgrounds in Iceland could sent them to me. - Thanks Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 5726 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Thanks to Dan and his corrections. Happy camping U.E.H. |
again new places, also for Iceland and many other places. Thanks to Sue for the Iceland-places. Download again from above. Attention: File-size is 1000 KB smaller - Found a big double-file and deleted it. Regards Ulrich |
again hundreds of places, mainly in Europe, added. Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 4791 KB ---->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Thanks also to Archie from Archiescamping. Gruß U.E.H. |
die meisten im Netz findbaren Campingplätze wie auch die vorhandenen Updates usw. sind vorhanden. Jetzt war Zeit und Muse die Daten zu pflegen, sprich doppelte Wegpunkte zu entfernen, falsch liegende Wegpunkte zu korrigieren, bei gleichlautenden Namen eine Nummerierung einzufügen, die nur mit dem "Schnorchel" erreichbaren Campingplätze wieder an Land zu ziehen usw. Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 4953 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Trotzdem noch vorhandene Fehler dürft Ihr behalten oder korrigiert an mich zurückschicken. Gruß U.E.H. P.S.: Sorry, was too lazy to translate. Maybe someone would do it for me. ?c? |
New: National Parks in Afrika!
- 52 countries - 335 NPs http://www.desert-info.ch/download/p...e/NP-small.jpg Many of the travellers visit the NPs in Africa. I have sampled the places and prepared a new file - National Parks.zip. But take care, mostly it's only a waypoint in the middle of the area. For more information the following links: Wikipedia Englisch - List of national parks in Africa Africa Game Reserves UNESCO - World Heritage Africa More informations by Google. The Campgrounds are also reorganised, again corrected and updated! http://www.desert-info.ch/download/p...Welt-small.jpg The files for the NPs and Campgrounds are stored together in Camping-Welt.zip. Also new is the Garmin-Mapsource format GDB (sorry, not separated in single countries). Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX + Garmin Mapsource GDB- ZIP, 6716 KB----->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Unzip all and You will get two directories with the data inside. Best regards Ulrich PS.: Sorry for my rural Frankonian English :wheelchair: |
Ulrich, thanks a lot for the fantastic work - am traveling in SW Asia at the moment and finding it very useful! Alexandros |
thanks to the ADAC, there is again something on the eyes! Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX + GarminMapsource GDB, 6970 KB -------->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg - 23 Europian countries updated or corrected. Regards Ulrich |
Many thanks Ulrich!
Very usefull data! |
:thumbup1: Awesome! And I'm not even going anywhere (just yet).
Thanks for all your work Ulrich :thumbup1: - i'll add it to my garmin soon - helpful stuff! david
As the camping wordwide single file is rather large, I've converted it ready to upload to your gps using POI Loader to be used as a custom POI tip: each time you upload to a gps enabled custom poi folder ALL your custom POI files (excel in .csv format WITH matching filename icon in .bmp format) MUST all be in the same folder as it erases any previous one salready loaded. The benefit of using custom POI's on your gps is that these do not take up 'normal' poi memory space. i.e if your unit can say have up t0 2000 poi's then you will retain the ability to use all of those for your own poi's and route poi's. AND have your custom poi's available- you can 'goto' them but once loaded into your gps you cannot move or edit them. POI Loader software is available free of charge from Garmin's website. I use a 278C and did a 'crash unit' by uploading larger and larger custom POI files- It jammed somewhere around 326 THOUSAND! so keeping max load to 300,000 custom pois' on this particular unit. Happy trails and thanks to ulrich for providing the original data |
is working perfect in your computer? |
oops :blushing: yep gremlin found!
Download file again- thanks for heads up- all works fine now Over 45 thousand individual camp sites |
Problem solved:clap::clap::clap:
News from the campgrounds of the world
Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 5703 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Campgrounds in 16 countries have been added or corrected. Two countries are new: Mongolia (Mongolei) and Cambodia (Kambodscha) The African National Parks are still included. Sorry, no more Mapsource-files. Regards Ulrich |
Again new places, mostly in Africa.
Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 5709 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Happy camping Ulrich |
Wild or not wild?
Wow! This is a great project and it should have it's own website, not be hidden here on a topic on HU!!!
I want to contribute to this list so during this year I will gather as much info from Romania as I can. I have a question: are these places for wild camping or there are real camp grounds there? (sorry If I missed the answer to this one) |
Hi Folks,
planned is a new category with the waypoints of the embassies worldwide. So, always sent me data, I prepare it Greeting Ulrich |
It's time!
Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 5806 KB ----------->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg - corrections - new places Regards Ulrich |
Hello all,
a first version for embassies and consulates waypoints is ready. New file-name Camping-Embassy.zip. Please download only this file. Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Embassy.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 6206 KB ---------->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg The file includes: - campground worldwide (update) - Nationalparks Africa - embassies, consulates worldwide Thanks to Tobi. Let me know what You think about it. Regards Ulrich |
Thanks again for your time and effort to put this together and constantly updating. Vital information.:clap: |
This is absolutely fantastic! Such a huge resource, thank you greatly for your time and effort! |
New campgrounds and new country added: Malaysia
Corrected and updatet: Morocco-Campgrounds - Thanks to Edith Kohlbach and her update. Desert-Info.ch - Camping-Embassy.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 6463 KB ------->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg NB: Use of data is only allowed for private use and not commercial. Regards Ulrich |
There is something new!
U.S. National Parks - Wildlife-Parks-Asia - World-Heritage Desert-Info.ch - Camping-NP-WH-Embassy.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 6963 KB ------------------------>http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg The new files are there only as a Google Earth KML. This leaves, in contrast to GPX, which is visible in Google Earth filed additional information. http://www.desert-info.ch/download/p...le/note-GE.jpg If you want to convert the files anyway, for MapSource or whatever, I recommend GPSBabel 1.3.7 Beta the "Swiss Army knife" for format converters. Further Informations: World Wildlive Adventures Asia UNESCO World Heritage Centre Have fun with it. Ulrich |
Hi Ulrich,
Fantastic effort. Just a small fly in the ointment: as I have pointed out some time ago, you have taken *all* my waypoints and converted them to campsites, including lakes, guesthouses and others. I invite you to download a new copy from my website. Perhaps you can even put my comments into the kml file, that would be great. Meanwhile, I'll try to post an example of what it could look like into this topic: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...327#post297790 |
to the known categieries a new one: Mobil-Home-Places in Europa Why? OK, You become older, You like it more comfortable, Your wife says: Stop, now it's also me! Or what else. - Think, Biker could stay there too. Also new campgrounds, lodges, guesthoses, hotels etc. in the following countries: Indien - Indonesien - Laos - Malaysia - Pakistan - Thailand - Timor Leste Desert-Info.ch - Camping-NP-WH-Embassy.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 7464 KB ---->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Thanks for the new data from Peter (beddhist) U.E.H. |
What do you think of this: MapAList - Laos ? The data sits in a GoogleDocs spreadsheet and I will create a form so people can add to it. It's just an experiment at this stage.
address of finland embassy in turkiye is right but the poi flag has been put wrong place. gps coordinates are: N 39 57.573 E 32 34.961 |
Has Ulrich stoped updates? what a shame:frown: - he did a great job which I think many appreciate.:thumbup1:
any news one Ulrich? |
No, no stop! Update coming soon.
Regards Ulrich |
:wave:Fantastich! danke schon :clap:
(schnell bitte :blushing:)!! |
Ulrich- are you working on updates or no more?
was a great project:thumbup1: |
Please don't stop!
Hello Ulrich
hope you are reading this - will you be putting any new updates? :thumbup1: |
Does anybody still have the file saved somewhere? It's not available for download anymore and I really need it.
our server was hacked, now the download of the file is online again. Desert-Info.ch - Camping-NP-WH-Embassy.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 7464 KB ---->http://www.desert-info.ch/download/pdf/Icons/ZIP.jpg Have fun Ulrich |
Ulrich, you rock! Thanks a lot.
reader for this file
Is there also a readable tekst file with all the info? My laptop broke down in Spain and Im now in Bamako, Mali heading to South Africa. Being able to get this info on my smartphone would be very helpful. Anyone ideas or already a file at hand I can read with my smartphone? |
Sorry to hear about your server problems- hope all is now well- Could you please indicate the date your file was last updated? Many thanks Fokke [Anyone ideas or already a file at hand I can read with my smartphone?[/QUOTE] Choose and download Ulrich's .kmz files and open with Google Earth assuming you already have GE on your smartphone. |
C a l l i n g
U l r i c h Could you please indicate the date the download was last updated please? that would be very useful for all. Is there a way to tell which are your latest contributions? Danke schon |
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