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-   -   Garmin V download time (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/navigation-maps-compass-gps/garmin-v-download-time-20492)

BenW 25 Oct 2003 23:49

Garmin V download time
I've had my GPS V for a while now and even when only downloading 2 UK maps, about 5.9Mb in total, it takes about 15 minutes to do it - does it take everyone else with one of these so long?

Download speed is set to the fastest 115K baud but it still seems dreadfully slow.



BurnieM 2 Nov 2003 12:43

Sounds about right; mine takes 40 minutes to download the full 19 MB

alan hopkins 28 Nov 2003 02:38

sounds about right.
I usually pull down the full 19mgb and set it off while I go make a cup of tea.

Very nice feeling when you know technology is working away while you rest up. That's the way it should be!

All we could do once was saok things over night for easy cleaning next day but now we can download good music, images, de-frag knotted hard drives without lifting a finger.


BenW 28 May 2004 16:03

Back to this again!

The GPS V says transferring data 115200, yet the screen on the computer says, when it first starts downloading, "switching to 9600 baud".

Anyone else notice this?


Kudi 28 May 2004 16:33

Hi BenW

Just a short calculation:

You have 5.6MB of data at 1024kb per MB at 1024 Bytes per kb at 8+2=10 Bits per Byte
That's a total of 58720256 Bits to be transfered at a speed of 115200 bits/second.
That's a period of 509.72 seconds which is 8.49 Minutes or aprox 8Min and 30Sec.

Pretty easy ;-)

btw: at a speed of 9600 it would take aprox 102 Minutes which is more than one and a half hours. The Garmin V does transfer other data than the maps at 9600 baud, God (the developer) knows why. So that might be the reason why it takes a bit longer than the 8.5 Minutes, maybe the index-files of the maps are quite big which might take some time at the low speed.

Cheers, Kudi

Ride Your Dreams

Huey 28 May 2004 21:28

I had a Garmin V a while back . . isn't the issue that the unit only comes with a cable for the serial port? I see that they are now doing USB cables, BUT I just looked on http://www.gpsw.co.uk/details/prod2161.html to find they were £25.00 ex VAT!!!


Kudi 28 May 2004 23:28

Hi Huey

No. Though the Garmin V will work on this "cable" it will not speed up the transfer at all. The reason is that this "cable" is a translator between 1970 and 2000. There is a build in electronic which translates the slow serial RS232 protocoll data (invented in the 70s) to a USB compatible format, but it cannot speed up the hardware interface in the Garmin. You will never get a faster speed than 115200 baud on the RS323 side of the cable, that's limited by the hardware used in the Garmin V. This type of "cable" is for peopel having a computer or notebook without a serial COM interface (they're geting rare in these days). It's called a "RS232 to USB Adapter". RS232 and USB are two completely different technologies (though they're both serial interfaces).

Cheers, Kudi

Ride Your Dreams

A.B. 30 May 2004 22:35

yeah Kudi is right on money as a friend of mine found out. However the USB cable can be plugged in and out without shutting down the machine..... as if we really did that with serial http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif.


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