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I'm glad i found this thread as i was looking for routable Portugal maps and Topo Lusitania isn't. A contact has given me some routes [offroad] that i want to try. Question I have is on the Navmaps.eu. I only have a 60CSX and i'm wondering if the processor will struggle generally with these maps?
Am i better off with the openstreetmaps also in this link? I would probably download Spain and Portugal and combine them. I'm not so bothered on towns as I find copilot with a smartphone sufficient on gps-only mode. Looking more for offroad and contours. |
Croatia & Slovenia
If anyone has any Topo maps of Croatia and Slovenia, I'd really appreciate copies. I'll be using a Garmin 60csx
Cheers Harty |
Mopoke -
If you are looking for Portugal and Spain, I would suggest you manually select the tiles you need from the garmin.openstreetmap.nl site (see that option at the top of the page) and download them as one map if you can. I believe that combining them later (with MkGMap or other) will break their searchability. |
OpenStreetMap (OSM) data loss coming
As a result of a transition from CC-SA licence to ODBL, the OpenStreetMap data set is being culled of data where original contributors have not agreed to the new licensing terms. You can read the service and data-removal schedule by going to OpenStreetMap Foundation | Supporting the OpenStreetMap project and scrolling down to Service Schedule March - April 2012. I've read somewhere that about a month's worth of data will be lost but my feeling is that is a misleading statistic since it implies that all will be restored within a month. I don't think that is the case at all as volunteers will need to sift through all the world, and either remap or re-import from acceptable sources. My suspicion is that the derived maps (and particularly routing) will be broken for quite a while.
Unfortunately, large tracts (almost all of SE Poland for example) will be automatically wiped starting very soon. Like within days. You can get a sense by going to OSM Inspector | Geofabrik Tools and zooming in. Data in red will definitely disappear... not sure about the orange or yellow colors. Free worldwide routable Garmin maps from OpenStreetMap is currently offline, possibly related to the service outage noted in the OpenStreetMap blog. Not sure if they or navmaps.eu will offer maps based on earlier data sets, but if not, the Garmin maps derived from OSM data may be far less reliable than they have in the past as least for the near future. :censored: |
Yes, this licence change is a shambles and it's a shame to do this to such a wonderful project. We have to thank legal 'experts' for this mess. However, there are teams of people working on various countries to re-map the 'red' data. I have no idea how successful they may have been. In any case, I think the major holes should be filled again soon, but yes, we can expect routing problems.
There was talk of an OSM fork, continuing with the old licence and data, but I don't think it ever came to much. The maintenance on the Garmin map server is unrelated. |
What a pain to hear about the OSM problem.
On 7th Feb this year (so, not that long ago...) I downloaded Russia/Mongolia/Central Asia maps from the .nl site. If anyone needs a copy of the Garmin/mapsource compatible files, I can share them. cheers Chris |
Well it will be a mess... and unfortunately just as OSM is entering the mainstream with Apple dumping Google maps on some products in favor of OSM. I bet they're kicking themselves now. Seems strange to make such a fuss about a licensing change if the OSM Foundation is not going to enforce the terms of use that it has now. Apple is apparently using OSM maps without the required attribution. Welcome, Apple! | OpenStreetMap Foundation They say they are working with Apple to get that on there. I figure if Google can pay the Mozilla Foundation 300 million dollars / year for having Google listed as the default search engine, OSM should be able to get 100 million or so a year out of Apple to support its various projects... and maybe even buy some better servers.
Here is another interesting tool to see the impact of the data wipe: OSM CLEANMAP. Move to your favorite area and use the radio buttons on the right to see how it will be affected. Chris made a rather generous offer there. I have recent European NavMaps files... but thy are close to 4G each and not sure I can easily share that much. Maybe Lambertus would be amenable to offering an old data set for custom maps... at least until things get repaired in the current OSM offering? |
Oz Garmin GPS maps
As per the above post
Shonky is around 0.3G for the setup file. You''ll also find Tracks for Australia OK, no contour information Tracks4Australia Think T4A is around 0.1G installed on disk. The OSM maps for Australia are very good too, possibly shonky and T4A will be better in the bush, but the OSM maps if they show a track it will be there. They also have the added info in small towns of shops and camping grounds. Free worldwide Garmin maps from OpenStreetMap OSM Around 0.1G installed on disk. for Australia only. PS OSM maps - now at 3.6G for OZ + North America + Britian. beer |
This is what I found so far, sorry in Dutch but I think you will find your way............
Links naar “kaartenbakken” (plekken waar meerdere kaarten verzameld zijn): OpenMaps.eu Maps 'n Trails - free maps for Garmin GPS, Tools and more Rotweiler GPS Maps of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and more! GPSFileDepot - Free Custom Garmin Maps, Ximage hosting, tutorials, articles and more for your GPSr Welcome to MapCenter GPS Map Downloads for Garmin - GPSTravelMaps.com Travel by GPS Maps for Garmin In kaartenbakken is het soms lastig te bepalen wat wel of niet bruikbaar is. Soms zit er bijvoorbeeld geen "installer" bij en zal je met een programma als de mapsettoolkit de kaart in bijvoorbeeld Mapsource moeten zetten. Wereld Garmin basiskaart V3 http://www.elsinga.net/map_wwbmap3.html Garmin basiskaart V4.06 http://www.filestube.com/aadcfa3bedb7b8 ... -4-06.html OSM: http://garmin.na1400.info/routable.php Hier kan je je kaart zelf samenstellen. Daarnaast kan je uit 4 verschillende formats kiezen. Zowel de oude als de nieuwe Garmin format zitten erbij. Let op de site werkt, om wat voor reden dan ook, beter met andere browsers dan Internet Explorer OSM kaartgegevens zijn ook weer vrij te gebruiken door derden om ze icm toegevoegde informatie weer tot een specifieke kaart of kaart voor specifiek gebruik te verbouwen. Hier een overzicht van al deze specifieke kaarten: OpenStreetMap Wiki ... n/Download Afrika: http://www.tracks4africa.com/ Marokko: GPS Vector Map Morocco Tunesie en Libie: carthographie Europa: Albanie: carthographie Cypres: Free GPS Cyprus Maps - Map of Cyprus for Garmin - CyMps Griekenland: http://www.elsinga.net/map_greece.html Oekraine: Veel verschillende formats, niet gratis: Navigation Software & Maps | Carte Blanche Ukraine Portugal: Topo kaart: GPS-info.nl > REIZEN > PORTUGAL Roemenie: Veel verschillende formats in 2D en 3D: OpenMaps.eu Rusland: Файлы neem de translit versie voor Latijns schrift Sardinie: carthographie Witrusland: КАРТА БЕЛАРУСИ - Главная страница Zuid Amerika Diverse landen in Zuid Amerika, diverse formats: Tracksource - Mapas Gratuitos para GPS ... mapas.html Argentinie, Chili, Bolivie, Uruguay en Peru: GPS de Argentina y del ConoSur Proyecto Mapear Brazilie: Tracksource - Mapas Gratuitos para GPS en http://www.cursosdegps.com.br/instalado ... brasil.htm Peru: PERUT=Peru Ruteable Oceanie Australie: Tracks4Australia GRTZ Jeroen |
I don't know where you copied this from, but most, if not all of it is already further up this topic. I think it's quite outdated:
Mapcenter only has historic value now, with Mapcenter2 having disappeared. The link to OSM is outdated. Rotweiler maps are not free. |
Jeroen |
You did copy it then, from your own site! :p
I suggest you work your way backwards through this topic and update your links from that. As long as you keep track of what you change you will have to change every link only once. Happy new year to you, too. For us new year means: :Beach: |
Routable Garmin Maps
Sorry for misplacing this thread in a separate post. Here it is where it should belong.
Here is a useful link for routable Garmin Maps. http://www.raumbezug.eu/ag/internet/osmGarmin.htm |
Based on OSM, this looks like an interesting alternative to Free worldwide Garmin maps from OpenStreetMap. Especially in Europe, where their updates are every 1-3 days.
Pity their selection of countries in Asia is a little strange. Thailand, Malaysia and Laos, where most people would go to ride, are missing. |
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