Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Which GPS to choose! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/navigation-maps-compass-gps/which-gps-to-choose-20577)

bensouthallvw 16 Sep 2005 19:37

Which GPS to choose!
After having my house broken in to last month and my GPS being stolen, I am having to replace my Garmin Etrek Legend courtesy of the insurance company!

I will be taking a TransAfrica trip in 2 years time, and also completing a number of shorter sub-saharan journeys, and am wondering which GPS unit to replace mine with.

My mind is swaying towards either the Garmin Vista Colour or the Garmin V deluxe....does anyone have any thoughts on which would be the more suitable from experience??

Many thanks,


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