Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   North Africa (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-africa/)
-   -   Any one interested in sharing a guide in Algeria in March 2007 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-africa/any-one-interested-sharing-guide-24540)

rob_hutch 10 Dec 2006 22:19

Any one interested in sharing a guide in Algeria in March 2007

We are busy booking/reserving a guide for crossing Algeria from south to north with an agency that has received good reviews on this site.

We are looking at 12-14 days max, approx dates 14th-28th March 2007

Suggested itinery would be as follows:
day 1: Meeting Ain Guezzam
day 1-3: via Tassili du Hoggar to Tamanrasset
day 4-5: Assekrem / Hoggar
day 6-8 : Teffedest - Garet el Djenoun (Mountain) - Tesnou/Marabout Moulay Hassan (Lahcene)
day 9-12: Arak, Erg Mehejbet, old Hoggar piste through Immidir - In Salah
12-14: In Salah - Ghardaia - Taleb LArbi

Does anyone want to share guide with us if you are going to be crossing at a similar time. Obviously cost is one thing but more importantly for us is space/comfort as we only have 2 seats in our Land Rover. This means one of us (not the guide) will be in back which which will be fairly uncomfortable & a bit limited for views as no windows in the back. But we will do it if we have too!

Otherwise if others were to join guide could possibly travel in your vehicle and we could share costs accordingly?

Let me know if this sounds like an option for anyone.

For more info on us and our trip check out www.southwardbound.co.uk

Otherwise look out for us in a red Land Rover on the way on the roads of Spain, Morocco, Mauritania, Mali & Niger leaving the UK on 01st Feb 07



donncha 11 Dec 2006 13:03


We are planning a similar trip, leaving from Ireland on February 4.
However we have the same problem regarding space for a guide in our 2-seat Discovery.
We plan to enter Algeria a little later - I estimate 24/25th March (I am swapping co-driver in Mopti on March 19). If that is not too late for you, please get in touch, and it might be feasible to share a guide in their own vehicle. Otherwise we'll be looking out you in Morocco and southwards.


rob_hutch 12 Dec 2006 10:01

Sharing Algeria guides
Hi Denis

Sorry about this - thought I had posted this reply yesterday but it has not materialised on the site yet! Must have done something wrong although can't think what! :( Hope it doesn't come up twice!

Never say never! week or 2's difference may seem like a long time now but once we are on the road may be nothing really eg. unexpected delays etc!

We will see how it goes and stay in touch? Saying that won't really be saving anything by sharing a guide in his own transport as this will be just over double the rate for guide in your own vehicle. BUT we will both have more room which would be a big bonus! :thumbup1: So maybe it is still something we should keep open as an option.

We have untill roughly 2 weeks prior to arriving at Algerian border/Ain Guezzam to re-confirm arrival date with agency and if it is looks on then maybe we can request guide with own transport then? I will ask for prices in the meantime!

Otherwise keep in touch and we should definately see each other along the way looking at your departure & route.

ps Daedalus films has ruled himself out due to only wanting to cross Algeria late April

Good Luck

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