Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   North Africa (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-africa/)
-   -   atlantic route (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-africa/atlantic-route-88648)

chrisue 14 Aug 2016 15:42

atlantic route

hello travellers,
I am after some up to date info on the Atlantic route, have not been the road since 2012/13 , whats the story with Mauri visa now , price and availability , i'e Rabat and or boarder , are there any new campsites open in Western Sahara , also is the Diama piste open (oct/nov) , whats going on,on the Senegal boarder, last time it cost me 240 euro and a custom man in the car as far as Gambia , any new info would be welcome . our ferry is already booked for Santander mid Oct , then a slow drive south , regards chris

Chris Scott 16 Aug 2016 09:51

Hi Chris, see this or the top two sticky threads for the latest on Mori visas and the border.
Price has gone up but the same in Rabat or the border where fixers have got on on the act, like Wadi Halfa
For Diama etc see the sub-Sahara forum.

chrisue 17 Aug 2016 22:25

ok , thanks chris , where would we be without fixers , life was a lot simpler before the tar, and there were just a couple of tents behind a dune . regards chris

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