Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   North Africa (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-africa/)
-   -   ferry boat between Egypt and Turkey (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-africa/ferry-boat-between-egypt-turkey-63954)

womble 16 Mar 2014 05:50

Anyone taken this ferry recently? I am looking to take it in Nov/Dec (14).


Ruulio 30 Apr 2014 18:31

we will take it in Octobre. let's hope the ferry is still running. Motorbike and passenger should be around 225 US dollars, thats the latest information from my collegue who lives in turkey.

if you get any news please let us know.

TwoTwins2Capetown 30 Apr 2014 18:38

@Ruulio we are also heading for Africa in october. What is your destination? We are leaving from the Netherlands and will travel to Capetown.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9505 met Tapatalk

Eef_and_Dries 7 May 2014 17:05

Hi All,

We used Remon Travel last year, very nice.
Visit our website for some more info (under section 'The Traveller').

Eef and Dries

Follow us on

Ruulio 14 May 2014 15:07


Originally Posted by TwoTwins2Capetown (Post 464608)
@Ruulio we are also heading for Africa in october. What is your destination? We are leaving from the Netherlands and will travel to Capetown.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9505 met Tapatalk

Hi TwoTwins, check our planned route on home - findingrichard - the motorbike adventure from Zurich to Cape Town! at the moment we have no plan about that ferry. so we might change the route and go trough lybia. do you go with bikes? we maybe can meet up and use the same fixers in lybia. just contact us if you have usefull information or if we can help each other.

TwoTwins2Capetown 14 May 2014 22:38

Hi, we will ride to Capetown on......... Two African Twins. :-)
I just took a look at your website (looks great) and saw you guys are starting the journey in the beginning of october.
Our plan is to start our trip on monday october 13th. We will travel in three days to Genoa where we will take the ferry to Tunis.
Plans are to arrive in Tunis on thursday evening the 16th. We hope to be in Libya the week after.
We're having email contact with Tidwa tours. They arrange our visas for Libya and a guide for the greatest part of the trip through Libya.
What is your exact date to start the journey?


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Ruulio 19 May 2014 08:45

we start 1st of octobre. due to the actions going on in lybia (check the news today) it seems not to be an option.

if you have any good plan how to get to egypt plz. let us know. we should stay in contact.

thank you for the compliment on our webpage.

dippy 19 May 2014 10:31

Hi Folks,
We have also planned to do this trip in October, also through Tunisia and Libya but as Ruulio says it's up in the air and we're now thinking of going via Turkey. saying that we're keeping our options open although the BBC shows Libya in turmoil!

BBC News - Libya fighting causes turmoil as government claims control

TwoTwins2Capetown 19 May 2014 18:03

Libya may not be a good plan for now, but things change rapidly so it may be better in octobre. Some friends are leaving the netherlands at the end of august and they are planning to take a ferry (or a cargo ship) from Greece to Egypt. I hope to hear from them soon and will keep you informed.

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sakke 11 Jun 2014 14:50

Hey all,

We are leaving on september 7 but we are driving in a landrover defender. We are still thinking about goiing to tunis-libya-egypt.

Is anyone thinking about the same route in the period oct-november.


TwoTwins2Capetown 11 Jun 2014 16:14

Well i have to say that Libya is currently not an option for us. Maybe the safety issue will be better in two months but we are not getting our hopes up. We are taking a freighter from salerno to Israƫl. We are leaving begin octobre.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9505 met Tapatalk

dippy 12 Jun 2014 09:25

We're planning on that route in October but as Twotwins says it seems not an option at the moment and as the ferry from Turkey to Egypt is not running we're thinking of changing plans and shipping to SA and doing the route backwards.

womble 12 Jun 2014 17:15

dippy... where did you find out that the ferry to Turkey is not running. Reading back up this thread i can't see anything.

preferred option (assuming Libya/Tunisia is out) will be this ferry, failing that the ferry from Israel to Italy.

getting some planning done while the car ships to Durban...

WomblingFree | from Sydney to London

Mehmet Zeki Avar 12 Jun 2014 20:12

If this sea line is on, this is the agent for ticketsales for egypt..

togians 13 Jun 2014 07:58

@Womble, here is the story about the suspended ferry:


We decided to change our plans and start our journey in Cape Town and travel north back to Europe (in stead of travelling south). Leaving Cape Town with our Landcruiser the 12th of september.


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