Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   ferry to casablanca? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-africa/ferry-to-casablanca-14484)

radek 21 Jan 2004 03:57

ferry to casablanca?
I'll be going for a month long trip to Morocco in March and will be probably taking a ferry from Portsmouth to Bilbao and drive the usual way down. However, I've seen in several maps some ferry lines from Casablanca to Southampton, but can't find anything on the net. Also there should be a ferry from Spanish Santander to Casablanca, but again no mention of it on the net...
Did anybody take those ferries before (that means, if it exists) and where can one buy a ticket for it?
Thanks for any help

nickt 22 Jan 2004 03:08

Yes, I saw this a couple of weeks ago when we were in Essaouira. I don't think it runs anymore, though would be happy to be proved wrong and hear from anyone who used it in the past.

Can't imagine it's a pleasant crossing this time of year...


96 BMW F650
96 Defender 90 300TDi
97 NAS D90
98 Camel Trophy 110

RACPG 22 Jan 2004 16:49


There are no vehicle ferries from Southampton,Portsmouth or Plymouth to North Africa - only to Bilbao/Santander as you have indicated.

Paul Gowen
Travel Research
RAC Bristol

radek 23 Jan 2004 01:22

I found out yesterday that the direct line between Southampton-Casablanca was canceled in 1971. But I also found out on the web site of Santander port - www.puertosantander.com that there is a ferry run by Iberia Scan Line from santander to Casablanca. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any internet booking webpage. I was trying to call them, but nobody answered. Probably called during a siesta. will have to try earlier in the morning. So, does anybody heard about them?

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