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NCR 4 Jun 2004 17:37

Fuel situation in Tidjika (RIM)

I'm going to RIM and Mali next winter with some friends and we are planing to do the piste Atar - Nema (more or less 1350 Kms), and fuel suply is a problem.
In "Mauritanie au GPS it is said that "essence" (i.e. gas) can be bought in Tidjika (RIM) for a price. Anyone can confirm this? What about diesel??

Thanks and regards,


Jose Brito 4 Jun 2004 18:48


Diesel is available in Tidjikja in a gas station just a couple of km before the village (on the paved road coming from Moudjeria).
There is no fuel in Tichitt or Oualata, and food/water is also difficult to find.

Good luck,

NCR 4 Jun 2004 18:53

Hi Jose,

Sent you an e-mail just minutes ago ;-)
Do you know if they also sell petrol?

Thanks and regards,


Jose Brito 4 Jun 2004 20:22

To be honest, I didn't pay attention....
But I suppose that petrol should be available as well...

Good luck,

coolkarim 5 Jun 2004 05:16

I was there (tidjikja) in 1997 and I bought 30 litres petrol from stores that were kept at a house, I just asked around. I imagine nothing has changed.

Joost Z 7 Jun 2004 19:50


I visited Tidjika two years ago and got 150 liters of petrol at the mentioned petrol station. It should be available!


NCR 7 Jun 2004 21:02

Thank you all for the information.
I assumed diesel wasn't a problem as it is a city (?!) of 40.000 people. I was worried with petrol, as I didn't decide yet if I will go with my Xt 600E or my diesel Patrol. Any sugestions ;-) ????



Jose Brito 7 Jun 2004 22:49


From to Tidjikja to Nema, apart from a hammada section and some rocky ascendeants before Oualata, is sand all the way....
So it should be fun in a motorbike, but far more demading than in a car.

The most difficult part, at least for the cars, is a 30km-section between Tichitt and Oualata. There are some giant Aklés from which recovering a car could be tricky. But in a motorbike you can access the best passages and help the 4WDs.

Have fun,

coolkarim 8 Jun 2004 05:06

If you go by bike from tidjikia to tichi to nema you need to go in a group. I didnt and got lost. I lived with nomads for 10 days until they brought me to Oualata (minus bike)

NCR 8 Jun 2004 21:15

Hi Karim,

Yep, I know. Read your horror story in your web site...not very inspiring ;-)

Yes, I'll go with a group of 4X4. Thus, I'll not carry any weight in the bike.



Travelmaniac Marcel 16 Jun 2004 21:10

I was in Tidjikja last january and in 2002, fuel should be no problem (coming from Atar on the "route des Caravanes")
They now have several fuel stations.

Best regards,


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