Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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DesertFox 26 Aug 2002 14:25

Guys, to all out there, haven't been around recently (several months...)
I forgot my password and couldn't get an emnail to grant or susan so I reregistered...
so, update on my libya invitatations messages
1) 4 people are required for invite and group visa
2) carnet is required (insurance purposes/customs my cruiser is worth 12,000 I say 6000 for carnet purposes so my carnet is £600)
3) Libyan authorities would obviosly like you to pay for an 'escort' for the whole of your trip, however, you don't actually need to do this. You MUST be for a guide for the Akakus because it is a national park (minimum 100-120US$ per day, but this is just for say, 5 to 7 days if you want to spend this time in the Akakus)
4) otherwise, the following apply;
An escort without his vehicle is approx 40US$ per day, you pay for his food and water, he sits in your 4x4
An escort with his own vehicle (i.e. escort as driver,100US$ per day,you pay for his food and water.
Ideally, you hire at least one agency vehicle and driver (two vehicles is a good situation in Libya, three is better)

Some of you guys might be interested in the following; (some of you also might remember that I am a researcher as well as an overlander).
There are opportunities to join me on my next interim surveys of the Wadi Tabra'qat, the Wadis Ahloun, Aheir and Aramat (these are all in the north Akakus south of Fort Tarat and north east of sardelles, and north of Ghat)
Next season is Spring next year, Autumn and then the next 5 years, Spring and Autumn from 2003 to 2006/7
Anybody interested either hit me off-forum on desertfox@orange.net or send global email to the forum - I will endeavour to reply to all enquires re, me, my vehicle, my research projects, libya etc


Yves 27 Aug 2002 02:22

Talking about carnet:
are you talking about a carnet issued by libyan authorities or a UK based one?

I remember that the libyan auth. issued a carnet for quite a low sum, less than 100$US - but that was back in 1997. Anyway, as far as I know this practice had never been abandoned.
Any changes recently?

By, Yves

[This message has been edited by Yves (edited 26 August 2002).]

DesertFox 27 Aug 2002 03:39


this is the carnet that we Brits have to arrange for entry at customs into Libya, and also for exit as well.

Prices do vary and are based on what you say your Beast is worth for insurance purposes only.

A pain, I know, but this unfortunately what us Brits have to do - its issued by our automobile organisations, such as the AA or RAC.

So, if I say my auto is worth say, 6000GB£s than a carnet would be 600; about two thirds of this is returned on surrender of carnet when we arrive back in the UK; its submitted (duly stamped at all entry and exits to Libya) back to the automobile association that it was purchased from. Personally I don't think that we should have to do this, but there you are! its so much easier in Europe!

Hope this is useful info. Yves


DesertFox 27 Aug 2002 03:45

I forgot to say that the carnet is additional to the Libyan costs (about 150-300US$) for temporary vehicle license plates which we have to purchase - the money is refunded practically in full (give or take a couple of dinars here or there) when you leave the borders, such as the Rass Adjir main border, when the plates are returned.

I purchased (hired) these license plates last year when I was there.

Hope this helps!

Sorry, gross error! the fee mentioned above is the cost of an agencies intervention if you want him to do the paperwork for you, usually, it costs about 50-65 Libyan Dinar for the hiring of the plates, without agency intervention. So, it is much cheaper without agency intervention, since they don't really do more than this, only make it easier for negotiating/time so we don't go blue in the face trying to do it ourselves (like I did...)

[This message has been edited by DesertFox (edited 26 August 2002).]

omar mansour 27 Aug 2002 06:27

i,m to worry now
my name is omar
i,m in france right now i bought a bike here (honda africa twin 750 c.c. model 1990) i,m egyptian and in 2 weeks i will go back to egypt via tunesia lebya
i just have my motorbike lisence and even the insuerance i couldnt make it by my name so i made it by afriend name
i dont have a carnet and i hope you can help me ?? what i need to cross lybia to go to egpyt ?? and what about the escort ?? i,m egyptian it will be the same or not ???? what the pffffffffffffffff i,m tooo depressed now
thank you any way
my email is omarmansourr@hotmail.com
hope to see you soon
and welcome in egypt any time i live in alexandria wich is too close to you ;hope to see you there
thanks again

DesertFox 27 Aug 2002 14:26


Thankyou for your email, and your invite

I'm sorry I can't help you with regards to the situation for bikes because I don't know whether they require a carnet, perhaps another sahara-forum member might be able to help, if you contact Chris Scott, or perhaps Yves Larboulette via this forum they might be able to help

Don't despair, there are always ways and means.

Kindest regards


Yves 27 Aug 2002 14:36

So a UK carnet will cost about 200£ and you have all the hassle to get it, get the refund etc.

A Libyan carnet issued at the border in 10min was 90DEM in 2000, now I believe still less then 100$US. Sari offes to enter your car (less then 3000kg) for 180EUR, carnet included. + 30€ for invitation and to pick you up.

For a reliable option to enter Libya see (in german only, but use an online translator):

Bye, Yves
To make it simple online Translation with http://www.translate.ru/fra/srvurl.asp:

Tel.: 00218214873017
Fax: 00218214873021

Individually Tours - prices:

Our services: invitation, collection, 7 days stamps,
Auto-service (Carnet de passage, assurance(insurance), auto-shields)A) invitation: 30 Euros p. P. - payment by bill
B) collection: 30 Euros p. P. - payment by bill

Paffr. Raiffeisenbank, mountain. Gladbach,
Account: 3628991013 - bank code 37062600

They(you) get from us a copy of the invitation for the embassy(message) to your(their) address.
Visas are treated only after payment entrance.
C) 7-day stamp: 15 Euros payment in cash in Zuara.
D) auto - service: Payment in cash on the border in the Abholer.

1st motor cycle 150 Euros
2nd auto less than 3000 kg 180 Euros
3rd auto of 3000 kg to 5000 kg 235 Euros
4th auto of 5000 kg to 7000 kg 295 Euros
5th auto more than 7000 kg 350 Euros

It is required that you inform us about their(her) arrival and departure data and the border crossing, so that our assistants are on the border.

Please, pay attention that the tourists are expected in race Ajdair every Tuesday between 10.00 to 18.00 o'clock from an assistant the sari Travel and are fetched! Exceptions must be arranged separately and raise the expenses.

The meeting place for all tourists who come from race Ajdair, is:

Assalam hotel in Zuara
Nearness Petrol station
Tel.: 00218-25-22295
Position GPS: N 32°55,48 °, E 12°05,92 °

There the green triangle stamp becomes anxiously a (7 day stamp)

Please, pay attention! New conditions of entry!
The Libyan government(state) has ordered for reasons of the safety that from now every single vehicle einreisende to Libya or also group must take a Libyan companion for the stay in Libya.

The expenses for this 25 Euros per day are to be paid on the border to our Abholer.
The expenses for food go to weights of the tourists.

Please, do not hesitate to take(accept) connection with us, if you need any additional information.

The best greetings!

Soleman Abboud
General manager
Sari Travel and Tourism


Disclaimer: All information were gathered with the necessary care. Changes on the basis of transmission mistakes or local circumstances are possible at any time. Information without guarantee!
With questions, please, address in info@libyen-tours.de

Charles M 27 Aug 2002 18:39

The Libya page on this site is good on the process for Libya

You definitely don't need an AA/RAC carnet to enter Libya - you can buy a Libyan one at the border

In January this year, we paid Arkno tours US$270 to cross the border at Ras Adjar (US$150 for all the paperwork - carnet, plates, etc. and US$120 for a guide to help us get across).

We didn't get our deposit back for the number plates when leaving. The customs officials at Gatrun said they had no money to pay us - yeah right.

Good luck

Susan Johnson 29 Aug 2002 02:16


I would suggest you check with the Libyan embassy in France re your situation. Being Egyptian, and therefore next door to Libya, you may not need a carnet for your bike. Certainly Egyptians cross the border into Libya all the time without carnets. However, be prepared to spend all day at the border when you do cross, and take lots of US$ in small denominations.

You don't need a carnet for Tunisia, but you should have a "green card" liability insurance policy, which can be obtained from ADAC (follow this link to Knopf Tours, who can get it for you without you being in Germany): http://www.knopftours.com/Amerika/Gr...for_europ.html

Good luck, and let us know how you go!



i,m to worry now
my name is omar
i,m in france right now i bought a bike here (honda africa twin 750 c.c. model 1990) i,m egyptian and in 2 weeks i will go back to egypt via tunesia lebya
i just have my motorbike lisence and even the insuerance i couldnt make it by my name so i made it by afriend name
i dont have a carnet and i hope you can help me ?? what i need to cross lybia to go to egpyt ?? and what about the escort ?? i,m egyptian it will be the same or not ???? what the pffffffffffffffff i,m tooo depressed now
thank you any way
my email is omarmansourr@hotmail.com
hope to see you soon
and welcome in egypt any time i live in alexandria wich is too close to you ;hope to see you there
thanks again

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