Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Renate 10 Apr 2001 21:30

Libyan invitations
its me again folks, anybody having trouble getting invitations for Libya? I have a good contact in the UK who can get them for us Brits, if anybody is interested?

ctc 11 Apr 2001 16:37

I would like to get Libyan visa later this year (valid for November /December). Want to enter from Algeria having come up from Niger. Any advice would be appreciated

Renate 11 Apr 2001 19:32


I think you may find that you have to apply to Algerian representatives or even a Nigerian representative to get a invitation for Libya - I'm not sure whether you need to get one, if you are already based in North Africa; I can only assume that you will have to, but I don't know your nationality? - if you are British then I can certainly ask my contact here in the UK what the situation is with regards to travellers already in North Africa? Would this be of any use to you?

Regards Renate

ctc 11 Apr 2001 20:10

Many thanks, am English (UK passport) and currently in London (leaving late June) but will be approaching Libya via the route described.

email: ctc_wakamba@hotmail.com

Renate 11 Apr 2001 22:03


Good! that's a start! I'll ask my contact by email.

Sam Rutherford will be in Libya sometime in June or July, I can't make it 'till later in the year

So, sorry I won't have the pleasure of meeting you - maybe later?


Renate 11 Apr 2001 22:05


Doh! of course! I'll probably be in Libya in November too! brain cell has just expired!


Yves 28 Apr 2001 22:18

Entering Libya from Algeria is normaly not possible. Only the invers, crossing from Libya into Algeria is possible. My be a very, very good contact in Libya could arrange something, but you shouldn't rely on.

Yves, www.sahara-info.ch

ctc 30 Apr 2001 16:41

Still looking for a contact re entering Libya (from South) any contact names / advice would be appreciated.


Renate 30 Apr 2001 22:05


Still awaiting corres, from my contact - will keep you informed, no fear, as I have further info I'll contact you - things happen real slow in the UK sometimes!

Renate 30 Apr 2001 22:09


contact me off-list; I know the situation regarding Algeria and Libya - I'm currently working and negotiating with the Libyan authorities with regards to entries/exits.

If you are interested I'll keep you updated, okay?

GWJ 3 May 2001 03:27

Forget about getting into Libya coming from the South, from Algeria, Niger, Chad, Sudan.
Your only way in on the road is from Tunesia in Ras Jedir and from Egypt in Solloum.
A list of Libyan Tour Operators, which can write an invitation to get the visa and which can arrange the formalities on the border can be found at: www.klaus.daerr.de/veransta3.htm

Renate 3 May 2001 04:20


I Know about the tour operators - am working and negotiation for special dispensation to be in libya for three months - its set to go ahead - I started this thread because I wanted UK people who were interested to know visas/invitations could be obtained for them, and to guage whether there was any interest in Libya.

I don't go into Libya from any other country apart from Tunisia - I'm from the UK and this is the easiest way for me to do it - I take on board your comments, but I'm not entering Libya from other countries.

Thanks for your comments, nevertheless

Renate 3 May 2001 04:27


I'm entering Libya from Tunisia - I'm currently working with the Libyans for special dispensation - the good news is I have now permission to spend three months in Libya.

As I said to Klaus, I'm not entering from any other country apart from Tunisia.

And, being based in the UK, Tunisia is the best option - this is not to say I'm not entering Algeria from the Libyan side - am still negotiating this as I want to go to Djanet and set up base for a few days so I can visit the Tassili-n-Ajjer and Ahoggar

Nevertheless, thankyou for your concerns, Yves

Sam Rutherford 7 May 2001 15:13

Hoping to enter Libya from Algeria, Sept this year - I'll keep y'all posted on progress (or lack of!)


PS hi Renate!

ctc 30 May 2001 21:52

Have been trying various agencies to get an invitation to Libya. All have been helpful.

I have accepted that Djanet - Ghat is not possible if going from Algeria into Libya, so up to Tunisia (Ras Ajdir) it is. Problem now is that tourists have to enter Libya in numbers of four or over unless on business, am pursuing the business angle but is anyone interested / planning on entering Libya in late November? We are currently two in our vehicle. So looking for another vehicle(s).

If you are interested please email me ctc_wakamba@hotmail.com

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