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-   -   Morocco to Tunisia (how best?) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-africa/morocco-to-tunisia-how-best-38631)

Brad XT 29 Oct 2008 11:33

Morocco to Tunisia (how best?)
Hi there guys,
I am looking to get off to North Africa in the Spring. Does anybody know of a way of getting from Morocco to Tunisia avoiding Algeria please? I think crossing Northern Algeria from Morocco would be impossible, as the border is still shut, or unwise to attempt on my own if open.
I understand there is no ferry route from Morocco to Tunisia and I will have to go back to Europe to get to Tunis; not an option I really wish to consider. Does anybody know if it might be possible to negotiate a place on a boat travelling along the coast between these two countries, or is that just wishful thinking?
Any experience or knowledge of getting from Morocco to Tunisia by passing Algeria would be much appreciated.
Many thanks.

airamerica 29 Oct 2008 14:43

it is one!
It is one, for sure: via Mauritania-Mali-Niger-Libya!

Mandarax 30 Oct 2008 12:19


Originally Posted by airamerica (Post 212879)
It is one, for sure: via Mauritania-Mali-Niger-Libya!

But most probably not a legal one. AFAIK the only libyan border crossings legal for tourists are Ras Ajdir (to Tunisia) and Imsaad (to Egypt).

Brad XT 30 Oct 2008 15:22

Morocco to Tunisia (how best?)
Hi Guys, sincere apologies if I have not made myself completely clear, but I am not really looking to go via Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Libya.
Any experience or knowledge of getting from Morocco to Tunisia by passing Algeria, without taking the long way round, would be much appreciated. Somebody out there must have done it???????
Many thanks.

Toby2 30 Oct 2008 16:18

If I understand your question correctly, your only other options other than the long way round via Mauritania, Mali, etc are fly or get a boat to Spain and then either Spain of France to Tunesia.

Joe without Landy 30 Oct 2008 18:27

Do you want to bypass all of Algeria? Aren't there ferries from Spain and France to Algeria? That could cut the Euro driving right down - may even be same port as ferry from Tangiers? I dunno - not checked. I can't see how you'd do it without going into Europe or Africa - would there really be suitable coastal ships going from Tunsia to Morroco? - I doubt it.

Brad XT 31 Oct 2008 10:46

Morocco to Tunisia (how best?)
Cheers Guys, you all seem to be answering my question. It seems that getting from Morocco to Tunisia will not be possible without returning to Europe, or either entering Algeria. The latter is something I am not considering.
Thanks for all contributions.

donncha 31 Oct 2008 14:24

you don't mention your mode of transport, but assuming it has less than 4 wheels maybe Air Maroc, Casablanca(CMN)-Tunis(TUN) is an option.

Brad XT 1 Nov 2008 15:20

Morocco to Tunisia (how best?)
Hi Guys, Mode of travel is by 2 wheel XT600. I had not thought about flying the bike from Casablanca to Tunis. Might well be worth making some tentative inquiries with Air Maroc as to cost, we shall see! Many thanks

pbekkerh 1 Nov 2008 21:02

Flights on Tunisair - Tunis (TUN) to Casablanca (CMN)

Is not very probable, but they do sail to both Morocco and Tunis
MSC - Mediterranean Shipping Company (Hong Kong) Limited

McCloud 19 Nov 2008 14:59

Hi Brad XT

Myself and two friends are planning a similar trip in March `09. Both the Moroccan and Tunisian embassises have said that entry into Algeria is no problem at the borders with the appropriate visa , but the Algerian embassy have been very emphatic on their NO entry

So as you can see this thread is of great interest to us.. The only solution we have so far is to skip either morocco or Tunsia and sail directly into Algeria from Spain...

would appreciate any info you come across in regard to getting across the great Algerian Hurdle...:thumbup1:

strimstrum 19 Nov 2008 18:29


Originally Posted by Mandarax (Post 213028)
AFAIK the only libyan border crossings legal for tourists are Ras Ajdir (to Tunisia) and Imsaad (to Egypt).

Correct, the border crossing at Dehabit is not open to tourists as we found out 2 weeks ago.

Chris Scott 19 Nov 2008 18:44

The only solution we have so far is to skip either morocco or Tunsia and sail directly into Algeria from Spain...

That's the way to do it. Forget Morocco-Alg border, it won't open any year soon, even if Mk would wish it.
East from Alg along the Med it must be Tuni then Libya, etc..

Or just miss out Alg with its escort expenses plus the dodgy northeast and go straight to Tunis from Marseille or Genoa.


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