Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   route to Centralafica via East or West ? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-africa/route-centralafica-via-east-west-13491)

sebbie 30 Aug 2001 21:59

route to Centralafica via East or West ?
Hi travelfolx's , Im prepared for another loong trip - to Centralafrica on my bicycle
going for 1.5 year ,starting begin. of Nov.

Only(big) hook : the itinerary isn t clear yet , visas are to get NOW .
I just read the route West-Sudan - Chad is not open , only the other way round ! Anybody can confirm that ? And why ? If so , is the route Tam. /Algeria to Arlit / Niger currently open ? Lots of sand ? Or I will have to hike the pushy on a truck ?
Thanks and happy travels ,seb.

Chris Scott 10 Sep 2001 01:54

Hi Seb,
Tam Arlit has been done on a bike but a lot of pushing and much begging for water on the way.
But if its too hard you can always sling it on a passing vehicle.

Wear a hat

Chris S

GWJ 12 Sep 2001 17:27

Why do you bother with visas already ?
Isnt it easier to get them "as you go" ?

sebbie 17 Sep 2001 16:36

Why bother for visas already ? To avoid waiting days , s.t. weeks in a city to obtain a visa , In case of Sudanese visa in Cairo for ex..
I m about to get the Algerian visa this week
, will try to get the Niger-visa and the Nigerian one in Tunis . Anybody done that ?
Thanx for advise , seb

hed 17 Sep 2001 21:41

Hi there Sebbie,

Good luck on your venture, sounds like a big one. I am not sure about the West Sudan Chad route but I read soemwheer else on this forum that some folks travelled that route only 2 months ago. Where did you hear it is closed ? To my mind go the western route, more tarred roads and general easier conditions seems like.



sebbie 25 Sep 2001 15:51

Hi Hed, thanks for info. I read bout difficulties getting from Sudan to Chad in the infamous LP-web. from a traveller who got refused at the border cos Tchad supp. didn t want to take any risks regarding the bandit-activity just close to border.
On German www.Daerr.de I read similar info, but couldn t confirm. I will try to get 'back'north via WestSudan in Jan. 2003 on my pushy, inschallah ...

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