Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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peterbaker 15 Feb 2004 13:43

Sudan Chad Libya
Planning to drive by Land Rover from SA to the Sudan into Chan and if possible northbound into Libya. Looking to be in Sudan around mid July. Any advice from someone who has done some or part? What good reference books can you recommend?

Many thanks pcb


Chris Scott 15 Feb 2004 15:09

Have a look here:
and here:
for starters, or search this forum. You will find your route is not possible, Sudan-Egypt is your best bet.


Author of Sahara Overland and the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook, among other things

http://www.sahara-overland.com and http://www.adventure-motorcycling.com

Toby2 15 Feb 2004 21:21

Given the current situation, there are two problems 1) the crossing from Western Sudan in to Chad. In recent months rebel groups have been fighting government forces in the western Sudan region with large numbers of refugees displaced into Chad. This has caused two issues for the trans african traveller, 1) safety in passing through this area 2) difficulty of getting visas. Even if you are willing to chance issue 1, you are unlikely to get past issue 2.

If this situation eases which it may (the sudanese government recently announced that it had won the fighting and all towns were now in their control. The rebels dispute that they have won as they say they are still fighting in the countryside). There is about 1000kms of sand driving where there are no proper tracks or roads in Western Sudan. Most people follow tyre tracks running parrallel to the railway lines.

2) the second problem is that you aren't allowed to drive up in to the tibesti region of northern chad and given there is alot of landmines plus rebel activity from Tubu locals its not particularly desirable for security reasons even if you could get permission. The locals don't even seem to want to go up there. There has been the odd vehicle going through but you also have to enter illegally in to Libya so its a fairly major undertaking. The next route would be to cross from Chad round lake chad into Niger. From there you could head up through Algeria and then Tunesia or alternatively head further West and go up the atlantic route from Mauritania - Western Sahara.

Toby2 17 Feb 2004 14:42

Further to the previous post and inspite of positive news reports that the conflict in western Sudan is improving. More significantly the Sudanese govenment has set up Aid corridors for aid convoys to transport aid overland to upto 1 million displaced people in western Sudan. The aid agencies have declined to use these corridors as they feel the threat from bandits attacking the convoys are too high. Given where aid agencies such as MSF and others are prepared to work, its fairly significant that they don't regard it as safe enough to transit through.

peterbaker 18 Feb 2004 10:21

Thanks for the information. Much appreciated. Are you saying that it is impossible to get from the Sudan into Chad? Wouls it be possible to get from Uganda into Central African Republic, via Juba in Southern Sudan, and thense to N'Djamena, Niger into Libya. A previous posting indicated Niger Libya was possible even if you have to take a full license making workshop! What do you think of the timing, say June to August next year? Thanks for teh advice.

Toby2 18 Feb 2004 17:38

Anythings possible. Each time a border is listed as closed, there is always some mad german motorcyclist that has managed to get through. However if you are a conventional overland traveller who gets Visas and doesn't drive through war zones then certainly at present, all reports suggest Chad / sudan or vice versa is not a possibility. Southern Sudan may be a possibility but the government doesn't like outsiders going in there, again you probably won't get a visa and CAR is supposedly quite dodgy at the best of times. Another expedition by 2 South Africans turned back from CAR and ended up going down the west coast because of security concerns. I would suggest by far your best bet is to come up the west coast - Angola - DRC - Congo - Gabon - Cameroon. Several expeditions have managed to go through that way in the last year seemingly with minimal problems. As to the timing - I'm guessing thats more of a problem with North Africa, you will be coming through on remote routes (if your going the Niger / Libya route) at the hottest time of the year.

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