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omar mansour 11 Mar 2012 09:10

from Egyptian press about the new road
hi all
here is from media press regarding the road
Aswan - ASHA: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 21:52

The committee affiliated to the Egyptian ports and dry land under the chairmanship of Major General Marzouk Shaltout, which included officials of the roads and bridges to inspect ports and border zones Qustul Erqan between Egypt and Sudan in preparation for the establishment of dry ports to receive the movement of passengers and goods between the two countries.
He said As'ad Abdul Majeed city head Abu Simbel south of Aswan The Egyptian Committee began its work two days ago, where she inspected the ports land border between Egypt and Sudan in preparation for the opening of the first arterial land linking the two countries in May.
and Abdel-Majid was ending all acts necessary for the operation of the land port in the east side of Lake Nasser, which is located in the middle distance on the road to Qustul - Halfa length 55 km, with the completion of the development and paving of this road is vital in terms of the Sudanese side length of 22 km at a cost of LE 40 million Sudanese, and was preceded by ending development and paving of 33 km on the Egyptian side at a cost of 33 million Egyptian pounds.
He added that this Dry Port would increase the trade exchange between Egypt and Sudan, as well as provide facilities for the movement of passengers between the two sides .. He pointed out that the port has facilities and administrative buildings including the offices of Passport, customs, quarantine and veterinary controls on exports and imports, in addition to all the devices on inspection and weight, and also a parking lot.
explained Abdul Hamid that parallel with this, will be put paving and development through the Toshka / Erqan a length of 105 km on the Egyptian side of West Lake Nasser and the cost of up to 105 million pounds, and is in progress in the way of Erqan - Atbara Bdnqla Sudanese length of 333 km, the road will contribute to a large extent in building bridges of cooperation and trade between the two countries, especially to receive shipments of cattle and camels, with increasing Egyptian exports needed by the Sudanese markets where land port will be created and integrated customs area includes the same services offered by the Eastern Harbour

roro 11 Mar 2012 10:23

After the road, the main improvement is to reduce bribes and paperwork at Egyptian borders post... Everybody can make dreams...

roamingyak 11 Mar 2012 14:50

Many thanks Omar,

I spoke with well educated people here in Khartoum today and they all said it had been in the news in Sudan as well, though exact details were not really known by anybody, but then it does not affect any of them directly ;-)

MMmmm.... it is close enough to be within reach, but too far away to say that I could do it if it becomes possible to do so for foreigners.... Frustrating....

I do not see the word 'Inshallah' in the press release?? ;-p

If no solid news develops in the next few weeks, I guess when I am ready to go, all I can do is drive up there and ask at the border, if not, ferry it or haul back to Khartoum for a Saudi visa, and haul all the way to Port Sudan for the ferry to Jeddah. At least Diesel is cheap in Sudan!

Fingers crossed all round....

Chris Scott 11 Mar 2012 14:59

Sounds promising Omar, thanks for the extra details.

So I take it the new (old) road in Egypt goes down the west side of the lake to Abu Simbel but from here one will need to cross to the east side to here? (Qustul? looks like a new town in the making). And from here a new-looking tar road runs to the border line, about 30km from Wadi Halfa and the roads south (maybe that's the 33km + 22km = 55km the post refers to).

Assuming I have it right, it sounds like there will still be a ferry/barge involved, unless Sudan build a road and abridge over the Nile where it’s narrower. You’d hope that Abu Simbel ferry will be a regular, uncomplicated RoRo service, and not the dance you have to do in Aswan...

It looks like an interesting area down there, not that Egypt is short on those.



roro 11 Mar 2012 15:24

Hi Roamingyark,"Port Sudan for the ferry to Jeddah"
Do you know if this ferry takes car with their passengers?
And after, if you want to come back to Europe: through Jordan and Syria?

roamingyak 11 Mar 2012 15:31

"Hi Roamingyark,"Port Sudan for the ferry to Jeddah"
Do you know if this ferry takes car with their passengers?
And after, if you want to come back to Europe: through Jordan and Syria?"

Yes it does, plenty of postings on that elsewhere. Daily ferries, alternating between two companies I think. About $200 for a 4x4 and person, or two people I'm not sure. Woman under the age of about 45 must be married to any man they are travelling with, RHD vehicles can be a problem, may have to pay $600 to be transported on a truck to Jordan etc. So not a great option etc but less bollocks than the Aswan ferry - friends mentioned below had to wait 12 days in Aswan to get their landy from the barge etc.

omar mansour 14 Mar 2012 22:35


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 370836)
Sounds promising Omar, thanks for the extra details.

So I take it the new (old) road in Egypt goes down the west side of the lake to Abu Simbel but from here one will need to cross to the east side to here? (Qustul? looks like a new town in the making). And from here a new-looking tar road runs to the border line, about 30km from Wadi Halfa and the roads south (maybe that's the 33km + 22km = 55km the post refers to).

Assuming I have it right, it sounds like there will still be a ferry/barge involved, unless Sudan build a road and abridge over the Nile where it’s narrower. You’d hope that Abu Simbel ferry will be a regular, uncomplicated RoRo service, and not the dance you have to do in Aswan...

It looks like an interesting area down there, not that Egypt is short on those.


Hi Chris
I'm trying to get a map for the road or any more info but so far nothing new
as soon as I know further details will post it here
regards from Egypt

roamingyak 18 Mar 2012 09:05

It has been mentioned several times in Sudan in the local papers - one of them referred to the Egyptian town of "Gastil".

From talks with well connected people in Sudan, apparently a big event is planned for the opening "soon". Some people said the road in Egypt would go up the east of Lake Nasser as well?

So something is definitely going to change soon, but as ever the devil is in the detail for overlanders ;-)

omar mansour 18 Mar 2012 12:22


Originally Posted by roamingyak.org (Post 371794)
It has been mentioned several times in Sudan in the local papers - one of them referred to the Egyptian town of "Gastil".

From talks with well connected people in Sudan, apparently a big event is planned for the opening "soon". Some people said the road in Egypt would go up the east of Lake Nasser as well?

So something is definitely going to change soon, but as ever the devil is in the detail for overlanders ;-)

do you know when that will open it ? im trying to get more details from the Egyptian side but nothing solid yet

McCrankpin 18 Mar 2012 17:36

I'm still following the news on this interesting post - I guess it'll all happen - when it happens!

Now, I thought my ride on this ferry was pretty interesting and left good memories, but if you haven't seen BikingMarco's tales, try this for size.
http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...-14#post371729 :eek3:

Scroll down to next post for photos.
A real adventure........

roamingyak 18 Mar 2012 20:45


Originally Posted by omar mansour (Post 371809)
do you know when that will open it ? im trying to get more details from the Egyptian side but nothing solid yet

"Soon!" is the answer I keep getting ;-) I think when it is ready it will open, and then afterwards they will have a big event with important people to officially open it. Important people are busy, so this will need to be scheduled in advance, but hopefully we don't need to wait for the official opening etc.

I have my well connected sources with their ears to the ground as much as I can ask them to be ;-) But your press release says "for the opening of the first arterial land linking the two countries in May". ;-(

I will be up there in about 2 weeks, so will ask then. Anybody else coming should ask and push to use the road from now on!

roamingyak 27 Mar 2012 07:46

I recieved an email this morning from some travellers who are in Egypt after going north.

Vague details are: a group or convoy, have or will, pay 1,000 euros to be stamped out at Aswan and escorted to the road border by customs and immigration so they can be 'the first Europeans' to cross. Except others over the years have managed to cross before them....;)

So, nothing like opening up a new route with a huge bribe!!!

I am guessing that we will need to pay for an escort or convoy etc.

it seems to indicate that the border staff are not in position yet etc

omar mansour 27 Mar 2012 23:05


Originally Posted by roamingyak.org (Post 372983)
I recieved an email this morning from some travellers who are in Egypt after going north.

Vague details are: a group or convoy, have or will, pay 1,000 euros to be stamped out at Aswan and escorted to the road border by customs and immigration so they can be 'the first Europeans' to cross. Except others over the years have managed to cross before them....;)

So, nothing like opening up a new route with a huge bribe!!!

I am guessing that we will need to pay for an escort or convoy etc.

it seems to indicate that the border staff are not in position yet etc

hmmmmmmmmm!! :ban:
well i hope it will be clear soon ,and thanks for the info ,

roamingyak 31 Mar 2012 11:56

So, no further info yet....

Am I correct in saying that those who want to visit the temple/ruins thing on Lake Nasser have to take a convoy or tour?

I can't see tourists being able to drive unescorted to Aswan if that is the case...

patdavey78 2 Apr 2012 10:15

Will be sad to see the old crossing go when the road opens
It will be sad to not be able to use the ferry. In the 3.5 years that I worked in Africa driving overland trucks that ferry was one of the hi lights along with the Egypt to Jordan crossing?? Yes it was frustrating but it also made the trip. I spent almost 3 weeks in Wadi Halfa once and Its some of the best memories I have!!! Ok its the ass end of the world but I think its all part of it. Its getting harder and harder to overland now and with the new road I'd feel like a bus driver doing a Cape to Cairo now!! It's almost to easy now a days
Ok I was able to stay at Mazar's place just out of Wadi Half which made the stay so much easier but I loved to hate the crossing.


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