Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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syncroswed 2 Mar 2013 12:06

turkey to egypt
Om du skall köra över Isreael så kan du få problem att komma in i Sudan. Men om du har 2 pass kan det kanske fungera. Sen är det en stor procedur att komma igenom gränsen till och från Israel. Träffade en fransman som tog vägen över Israel, för att undvika färjan mellan Jordanien och Egypten och spara pengar. Men efter den turen så sa han att det var det inte värt. Sen när du kommer till Aswan så om du vill uppleva folklivet så sov på däck. Det gjorde vi och ångrar absolut inget, det var en av höjdpunkterna på våran resa. Kolla vår sida: swedenafrica.blogspot.com

Atlas 2 Mar 2013 13:52

Thanks.Did you take ferry from Jordan to Port Said ? I have heard it takes 3 days to clear customs in the port and not very pleasant which is why I wanted to drive into Egypt.
I see you live in central Sweden. My plan is to ship my VW T5 from home in Cape Town to Hamburg,drive to NoordKapp and then Russia,Estonia,latvia,Lithuania,Belarus,ukraine,Ro mania,Turkey.??? Egypt..........

itchyfeet38 2 Mar 2013 14:04


You can indeed get a ferry to Israel and then drive into Egypt. However, the problem is that you will then have evidence of your entry into Israel in your passport. Even if you can get your immigration stamp on a separate piece of paper they still record the importation of your car in your passport.

Also you don't need a carnet for Israel but your entry point into Egypt will also give away your route.

The Israeli stamps may scupper your chances of getting a visa for/entering Sudan. This is why everyone is effectively forced to come on the Turkey/Egypt ferry if they are coming from that direction and planning on driving south.

It is horrible entering Egypt with a car anyway - even via land. I would just bite the bullet and use the Port Said ferry.

Atlas 2 Mar 2013 17:45

Thanks itchyfeet.That clears it up.Not sure I want the hassle of Egypt especially with my wife ! Will see if any other way from Saudi or Yemen.

itchyfeet38 3 Mar 2013 12:08

I have no first hand experience of traveling through Saudi or Yemen - but suspect they may be harder again.

I wouldn't write Egypt off. Yes it is a pain in the backside getting a car in. You will be ripped off to a degree but if you do plenty of research and know what others have paid in advance you will make it through. It is just a few days of pain and expense.

On the plus side it is an incredible country - one of our favourites on our overland trip. A few reasons to visit Egypt...

It has some of the best camping anywhere - highlights include the White Desert watching the moonlike landscape turn pink with only desert foxes for company, the eerie Valley of the Whales where you can walk amongst the fossilized skeletons,on the beach at Ras Mohammed NP outside Sharm, and loads more.

It is really cheap - fuel was 10p a litre when we were there. It is amazing what a difference that makes to your expenditure. We also took the opportunity to stay in a few really nice "treat" places eg Albabenshal in Siwa which cost about $30 and felt like it could have cost $300.

Stating the obvious I know but the history is quite mindblowing. It is pretty easy to avoid the crowds (and thus the touts) if you time your visit right. We were the only people at Abu Simbel, amongst a handful at Karnak, alone at Dendara and Abydos (you just need to get there early before the buses all arrive).

Great people - yes we occasionally had hassle from touts at places like Giza but we experienced great hospitality in the South and in the Western Desert (we drank mint tea til it came out of our ears). Even in Luxor the waiter at the restaurant we'd just eaten in ran down the street after us with a bank note that he'd found under the table.

Anyway I think Egypt often gets bad press from overlanders. There's a lot to make up for the downsides. We loved it.

Pheebs 3 Mar 2013 15:21

Hey all!

So the road is open!!......... Buuuuuuuut for cargo's or large large organised groups only! You would need to organise weeks before and even then it's a nightmare! For tourists we have been told "inshallah 1st of April" but take this with a pinch of salt!

Tomorrow we are supposedly getting the ferry... again, this is if the cargo boat is in.

Inshallah they say, inshallah...

Atlas 5 Mar 2013 04:19

I am convinced Itchyfeet. Thanks.Always believed it must be amazing and only get put off by the hassle to get in

omar mansour 20 Mar 2013 10:38

Hi all any news regarding the road ? will it be open by first of April ??
sorry i cant get any details here in Egypt as we have no authority right now just punch of stupid idiots dictators cover them selves under religion
:scooter: safe always

isaac.feliu 16 May 2013 22:14

I'm going up from Cape Town to Turkey and would love to know if the road is finally open to tourists or I have to take the Ferry. The ferry bugs me because of the timing: I hate staying in places forced because of waiting for things like ferry or visas....

If anyone has any update on this I would love to hear it!!!

Thanks in advance and ride safe!

Thimba 17 May 2013 08:22


Originally Posted by isaac.feliu (Post 422485)
I hate staying in places forced because of waiting for things like ferry or visas....

That's exactly why overlanding is still an adventure, imho:biggrin3:

Safe travels

isaac.feliu 17 May 2013 13:44


Originally Posted by Thimba (Post 422521)
That's exactly why overlanding is still an adventure, imho:biggrin3:

Safe travels

Hehe.... you're right. But I still hate it. :P

Let's see if anyone knows for sure if the border is open or not... :)

isaac.feliu 3 Jun 2013 02:06

Just wanted to let you guys know that this road is still not open. I'm in Wadi Halfa, about to take the ferry.


Sent from my GT-S7710 using Tapatalk 2

jamieT 3 Jun 2013 02:51

Good Luck in Aswan
Good luck in Aswan Isaac, now that will be interesting to many people.

Get in touch if you need anything in Cairo

Dieseloneten 16 Jun 2013 21:41

Two British overlanders have just come through from Wadi Halfa ferry and say the road up Lake Nasser from the Sudan is now OPEN.
Mazar in Wadi Halfa can arrange permission, though it can take up to 21 days. Mazar in Wadi Halfa - mobile 00249 122 380 740.
It has been used by convoys who can spread the high cost between all vehicles. At the moment it seems it's probably NOT useable for single vehicles on sensible budgets.

MickeyB 17 Jun 2013 18:14

Soon a road from Egypt to Sudan
That is indeed good news. Any ideas of the cost? I am planning to cross around the 23rd of July from Qustul to Abu Simbel if there is anyone interested in joining up to make a convoy let me know.

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