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Abducted frenchman freed in Sudan
Understandably eclipsed by other news about France:
http://www.lemonde.fr/international/...3668_3210.html |
Ennedi account
To introduce some action to the summer doldrums, here is the account of our 2018 January trip to the Ennedi:
Ennedi Expedition, Chad - January 2018 http://www.fjexpeditions.com/expedit...di18/P8821.jpg |
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Things kicking off a bit in far northern Chad: https://sahelblog.wordpress.com/2018...-ccmsr-rebels/
Long way from most tourism, what there is of it. Also halfway through reading this long but very interesting and well written report from last year. Paints a good picture of the BET in recent years. Enough clans and factions to keep life interesting. |
These Mercedes trucks, very tough indeed!
RR. |
Tourism in Tibesti - Chad
"Things kicking off a bit in far northern Chad: https://sahelblog.wordpress.com/2018...-ccmsr-rebels/
Long way from most tourism, what there is of it." PS: KB is located in the middle between Murzuk in Libya and Zouar in the Tibesti, there is no more tourism since decades Ursula |
Have not managed to find any precise location for Kouri Bougoudi, but found reports indicating it is in one of the gold mining areas, which would place it well south of the border. Apparently on the 1st September the Chadian airforce used Mi24 helicopters to attack targets (claimed to be civilian) in the Enneri Miski and at Yebbi Bou, which are both in the south central part of the Tibesti, nowhere near Libya (and ON the tourist trail).
https://www.acleddata.com/2018/09/04...eptember-2018/ |
Tibesti - KB and Miski
good morning
there are 2 different places mentioned - Miski and KB http://up.picr.de/33759970vp.jpg Chris link to the article with the map http://www.smallarmssurveysudan.org/fileadmin/docs/working-papers/SAS-CAR-WP43-Chad-Sudan-Libya.pdf Ursula |
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Out of curiosity I tried to find evidence of KB on aerial maps.
Found tracks leading to where it might be on the edge of dunes, but not actual mine site. KB is very near the Libyan border 'spike' below where it turns down SE and SW. The report talks of people nipping over for a day or night's work, to avoid patrols or militias. The whole story of this recent Sahara-wide gold rush is interesting and little reported. Seems to be a free-for-all which in the east, spread out from an established mine in Darfur to northern Sudan, Tibesti, Djado. Tchibarakaten below the Nig-Alg border, south of Erg Killian is better known, or more notorious. More on Tchibarakaten here https://www.wsj.com/articles/stirrin...1?redirect=amp Amazes me how they know where to even start. I was told once there is gold in sand if you sift enough of it. Plus more Chad reading for the devoted connoisseur from the intrepid J Scheele [not free] |
Chad - Enneri Miski
end of october again
http://www.rfi.fr/afrique/20181104-t...-miski-tibesti "Des affrontements entre l'armée et des présumés terroristes ont eu lieu mercredi 31 octobre à Miski dans la région du Tibesti. L'armée avait affirmé avoir répondu à une attaque de la rébellion tchadienne. Selon le sous-préfet de Yebbi-Bou, l'armée aurait utilisé des moyens aériens et d'artillerie pour s'en prendre aux populations civiles." |
I understand the local Tubu population in Miski is in control of the goldmines. (Before Sudanese were in charge). In the end of october the Deby government tried to take over control, but failed. It seems really a lot of money can be earned from goldmining in Tibesti.
Gerbert van der Aa Author of "In Search of the Tuareg" vanderaa-publishing.com |
Chad Ennedi Borkou Tibesti Trip 2018/19
Good Morning
In summer SVS from N‘Djamena proposed us to visit the region of the southern slopes of the Emi Koussi. But after the bombing of Yebbi Bou and all the troubles with the gold miners, the military closed the whole area, we could not travel to Siniga, Onnour, Tigui Cocoina - the Enneri Miski is controlled by the army. We had nevertheless a great and save trip, NW Ennedi and Borkou are fantastic! Some pictures are on Flickr – enjoy! https://www.flickr.com/photos/726643...57702429183001 (click on the image to see more details) All the best Ursula |
a map
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Chad Tibesti - Peace ?
Tibesti - Kouri
«Six Chadian soldiers killed in two separate terrorist attacks over 24 hours: On Friday 4 September, a vehicle from the
intelligence services was stopped in broad daylight in Kouri, near the Libyan border. Three gunmen killed three passengers of the vehicle and wounded two others, according to the Governor of Tibesti province. Northern Chad is known to be an unstable region, due to the presence of illegal gold miners, armed bandits and rebel groups hostile to President Deby» https://reliefweb.int/report/chad/ch...september-2020 |
Normal service resuming in Chad
All times are GMT +1. The time now is 20:13. |