Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Cocktails in Anchorage (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-america/cocktails-in-anchorage-42814)

maja 17 May 2009 03:18

Cocktails in Anchorage
:thumbup1:Subsequent to the outstanding success and the major contribution to the Canadian micro - brewery system of "Cocktails in Vancouver" it is proposed to hold a similar symposium of like minded spirits into "The effect of the Aurora Borialis when coupled with a surfeit of Moose burger, frites and Alaskan beer on the psyche of long distance and local motorbike riders". All welcome, venue in Anchorage to be decided, time, 19th/20th May. Ride safe.

MikeS 17 May 2009 11:05

Hey Mike, glad you made it to Alaska. Don't forget your ID (ie passport) when going for a drink in Alaska. I'm not kidding, we were actually refused entry to a bar in Anchorage as we didn't have our passports on us and I'm nearly 40 for Gods sake!

akliz 30 May 2009 08:03

I just saw this...I'm guessing the cocktails in Anchorage didn't happen? Bummer...I'd have been interested. Hope you're having a good trip :)

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