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maja 24 Apr 2009 04:24

Cocktails in Vancouver BC
Trying to organise a meeting of minds in order to acertain the mystical qualities of Canadian beer sometime around the first week of May in Vancouver. Also swap info on travelling further north.

Ride safe.

markharf 24 Apr 2009 05:42

What did you have in mind? Make it in the evening following rush hour, somewhere not-too-inaccessible from the south and I'll do my best to make it. Maybe there are a few others from this area (Bellingham, just across the border). FWIW, I'm gone Monday and Tuesday the first week in May, but will be around after that.

I've been north by car, ferry and thumb, but only up the Cassiar and back by bike. Might do a bit more exploring this summer, but at the moment it looks like life in general might interfere.

Post here or email: markharf "at" yahoo "dot" com.


PS: never found anythng mystical about Canadian beer, but I'm willing to continue investigating just in case.

maja 29 Apr 2009 00:09

Now arriving in Vancouver BC (downtown hostel) 4th May and staying 'till the 10th when I carry on North. A face to face info and beer exchange would be nice but any info on the nicest way up and down by those doing the route or those that have done it would be much appreciated.

Ride safe.

BlackBeast 29 Apr 2009 02:41

replied to your other posting.

Mombassa 29 Apr 2009 04:21

I'm game! When?

Dirtpig 29 Apr 2009 23:46

I will be in Vancouver on Thursday the 7th and early on Friday the 8th

Maybe Thursday night somewhere for a beer :)


Mombassa 29 Apr 2009 23:56

How about the Keg on Granville Island? Easy to find and lots of parking after 6 pm.

maja 30 Apr 2009 02:55

Anytime is good for me, as I remember it, the best way from the Downtown YoHo to Granville Island is on that little ferry. Ride safe.

Mombassa 30 Apr 2009 04:05

Who is coming from where? And by what means? I can take the bike, although I live in the West End. Keg is fine. Southbound on Burrard bridge, right exit to 4th, right and right and straight. Puts you under the bridge. Hang a left at the lights. Keg is on your left as you get onto the "island".

So 7? I'll be on a red RT.

BlackBeast 30 Apr 2009 04:07

I'm available - so Thurs. May 7th @ 7pm.
I'm on a DR650, if it matters.

markharf 30 Apr 2009 05:23

I'll be there as close to 7 as I can manage. Anyone else from south of the border?

Looking forward to it!


Dirtpig 30 Apr 2009 17:55

I will be there between 7 and 7:30 depending how busy the ferry is - I am coming from Nanaimo


Mombassa 1 May 2009 06:25

fook me... I showed up today, a week early. Had a lovely dinner all by myself...:thumbdown:

Dirtpig 1 May 2009 18:02

Consider it a "scouting mission". :clap:

maja 3 May 2009 22:26

:mchappy:7 on the 7th it is then, I'll be the short rotund pensioner that walks with a stick, there can't be too many of those around. Ride safe.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 07:22.
