Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   North America (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-america/)
-   -   Planning a Trip across Canada in 2012 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-america/planning-trip-across-canada-2012-a-59832)

Chavvstrom 5 Jul 2012 22:54

If you are coming to Montreal, we have an extra bed at home. Just send me an email at miallai@hotmail.com. We will be glad to see you!

waterlilly 17 Jul 2012 17:53

If you plan on hitting Niagara Falls and then come back to Hamilton, we have a spare room if your here when we are home.

If it is around Sept 20-23 come check the HU meeting out in Ontario.


venture 5 Apr 2013 11:28

Cross Canada trip
Was there a follow-up result to this? Sounds like a great trip and lots of support. Would love to hear how it went.


speech 5 Apr 2013 13:34

getting your bike out

are you using an agent to get your bike through customs?

we land in halifax on 1 may and want to hit the road asap, long tale but need to be in seattle 10 days later, every agent we ask has said that the importer needs to do the customs clearance and loosing time clearing the bike makes the timescale hard to meet

cheers speech

larrysimpson 18 Oct 2013 18:21

more Nova Scotia hospitality
I live on the Glooscap Trail in Nova Scotia in the rural seaside misnamed community of Economy on the Bay of Fundy, even higher tides than Wolfville though they are pretty much right across from us. And people around here are even nicer and smarter too. Tent space and sometimes even a bed available for HU bikers.


donaldmeister1 16 May 2014 10:09

Hi Sheila 1940 so that your trip will become more exciting and memorable, here are the most popular tourist attractions in Canada.

- Niagara Falls
- Harbourfront Centre
- Grandville Island
- Stanley Park
- Vieux Port
- Exhibition Place
- The Forks
- BANFF National Park
- Canada's Wonderland
- Mont Royal Park

I hope that my advice will help you a lot. Have a nice and safe trip to you Sheila1940.

brclarke 16 May 2014 14:45

Seeing as how Sheila planned this trip for 2012 (see the title subject) you might be a couple of years too late...

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