Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Application form for Russian Business Visa (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/application-form-russian-business-visa-64128)

Landroverholic 7 May 2012 13:16

Application form for Russian Business Visa

Just a quick question.

When filling in application form for a Russian Business Visa for 3 months for and an overland journey is our 'purpose of visit'
2;overland travel

Just want to make sure I fill out the paperwork correctly



seouljoe 7 May 2012 14:47


Originally Posted by Landroverholic (Post 378140)

Just a quick question.

When filling in application form for a Russian Business Visa for 3 months for and an overland journey is our 'purpose of visit'
2;overland travel

Just want to make sure I fill out the paperwork correctly



I wrote tourism,, got my 3mos biz visa.

Tony P 10 May 2012 10:32

If you are applying for a Business Visa your answer to the purpose of visit should be 'Business'.
Once you have the Visa all that stuff is irrelevant.

Russian burocracy is all about getting the present step's paperwork being consistent then passing you on.
Once you have the Business Visa no-one cares a toss if you are going on business, tourism or what - nor where you go to do it.
As long as someone has made the decision to issue you with a Visa no-one will ever check back to see the reasons or excuses given. "Someone else made the decision, so you have a Visa - that's fine!"

But get each step consistent within itself, not necessarily with the other parts of the process.

Landroverholic 10 May 2012 14:01

Thanks Tony

My application is now completed and ready to be dropped in the mail box. I have double checked everything twice I think to make sure all my dates etc etc are consistent!! Made me laugh to realise there were seven points I needed to obey - and that was just for the passport sized photo ha ha.

Now all I need is for the visa 2 working day processing time to mean 2 days!!!

17 days from hitting the road .......................



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