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-   -   Ban on Americans (and maybe EU citizens!?) obtaining Russian border permits? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/ban-americans-maybe-eu-citizens-80482)

matthewtraver 7 Feb 2015 20:35

Ban on Americans (and maybe EU citizens!?) obtaining Russian border permits?

I don't want to be spreading any rumours if I'm wrong here... but... I'm wondering if anybody has recently tried to apply for border permits in Siberia (Altai/Tuva/Buryatia)?

I understand that I can apply via here online Подробно :: Федеральная Служба Безопасности. However, I contacted two/three local travel agencies familiar with border permits. Each followed a similar pattern of basically 'yeah, we can help you apply. What is your route?'... 'I'm going via Altai/Tuva/Buryatia'... then silence, I check in again a couple weeks later and each gives me basically the same response - 'sorry we can't help you any more'. With each directly stating in one way or another that there's problems with Americans trying to get border permits now (one also saying this applied to EU citizens).

The blunt response I get is almost as if they've enquired with someone more official (FSB/Rosgranitsa?) and then been told 'go no further in helping him! No Americans allowed in the border zone!'

Could this actually be true? Has anybody tried to recently apply? I'm unsure if I should try to apply directly via the FSB.ru link at the minute, as I'm wondering if it's better to try and sort this once I've arrived in Russia (I know there's a two/three month waiting time for some permits)...

I'd appreciated anyone's input/wisdom as if it's true my plans might be a bit screwed!



motoreiter 25 Feb 2015 03:56

so no more news on this?

liammons 25 Feb 2015 10:34


Originally Posted by motoreiter (Post 496580)
so no more news on this?

I was wondering the very same.

This was linked to the Sibirsky page on Facebook a while back, but hasn't had a mention on here (that I have seen so I may get corrected on it)

Foreign applicants for Russian visa compelled to present itinerary of their trips | Russia Beyond The Headlines

I wonder did the original poster apply directly to FSB in the end?

maria41 28 Feb 2015 17:35

I just handed my passport earlier this week at the visa application centre in London, where they took my finger prints. I only presented my plane tickets to Moscow, no itineray ( I am french so had to). My husband was not even asked this.
I gave also to RealRussia the plane ticket from Moscow to Gorno-Altaysk ( in the Altai) but the agency removed it from my application.

As the visa application centre accepted my application i expect to get back passport and new visa later this week.

We plan to ride in the Altai with local bikes ( and bikers). As far as I know, no need for permits, unless you plan to ride beyond Uste Kan instead of joining the M51.....
My contacts in Gorno-Altaysk have not said anything about permits.... I will investigate....

klausmong1 1 Mar 2015 08:20

Is there a map were we can see exactly where is a border permit needed and where not ?

I ask because I am also thinking of going a bit off the main road and I don't want to run into trouble.

maria41 1 Mar 2015 11:43

1 Attachment(s)
We rode lots of little trails last July, taking short cuts to avoid big towns and roads, here is where you do NOT need a permit:

Shamanaika border, to Kurya, Krashneshchekovo, Berezovka, Ogni, never found Petropavlovskaya so took some short cut across instead riding East, Soloneshniye to Ust Kan. Some trails where very bad as we took some short cut so not following precisely this map ( see photo). Make sure you have a GPS, you won't be able to navigate otherwise.

South of Ust Kan you DO need a permit. It is clearly posted in town, i don't think you could ride further without one. We did not try and joined to M52 south instead.

See photo attached (if upload worked!)

I am trying to find out more from my friend in Menzherok. We will ride with him offroad for seven days in the Altai this summer and he is going to investigate for our itinerary, so I asked him to check this.
I think you have to be very close to the border to require a permit.
I will post more info if I get anything.


maria41 1 Mar 2015 11:47

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry guys, seems picture is wrong way down once uploaded. Try this one.

exhauster 30 Mar 2015 14:23


Originally Posted by matthewtraver (Post 494808)

This online form is only for Russian citizens and organizations, as Russian to enter near border territory you need a special permit or Travel passport. It is normally checked ~ 5 km from border.
As I understand if you are holding passport with Russian visa there should be no problem to enter border territory. However i am not 100% sure as you can never be sure ))
It would work on border territory near Finland and Estonia.
Looked in internet. For some hiking routes you will need a permit, if you want you can send me your route in PM and I'll ask some guys from Barnaul about it.

bikevagabond 2 Apr 2015 13:39

These are not nice news, Matt... I hope it's not true.

When I applied my border permits last year, I sent the filled and subscribed forms (as pdf and jpeg) in my first e-mail, without asking before. Buryatia and Tuva answered, that they received my application, Altay didn't answered. In that moment I was not sure, if they will help me, but it was a good signal, that they accepted my applications. Maybe you should try it again and send the filled forms - than the bureacratic procedere will start (irrespective of the result).

In other hand: on your initially planned route all the permits are not really necessary, if you find a way to avoid the last border zone in Buryatia (maybe there is a path in the Ikhe-Ukhgun valley north of Mondy). It's only a short road section through the border zone (25 km), which ends 5 km east of Mondy. Or you leave the East Sayan via Oka river...

Good luck,

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