Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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sunshinegemma 1 Jun 2018 00:12

Border crossing
Hi, can anyone help, we are after advice on where is safest to enter Russia, we would like to enter via Ukraine but have been told it isn’t safe? Is Georgia a safer option?? All advice is much appreciated, thanks.

klausmong1 1 Jun 2018 06:53

Why should it be unsafe?

Done that and no problem.

Its always about " I have heard something" and mostly it comes from someone who was never there.....

sunshinegemma 1 Jun 2018 08:52

Russia border
We have a friend in the RAF who said it isn’t the safest and we have a friend in Russia who said the same! We are hoping to hear from someone who has done the crossing recently to let us know. We are traveling with children so need to be certain. Thanks for your response .

eurasiaoverland 1 Jun 2018 11:45

People saying 'it isn't safe' are generalizing the situation.

Crossing the Ukraine - Russia border from a part of Ukraine which is under the control of the Ukrainian Government is fine. It would be potentially dangerous to approach the regions in the east which are seeing active warfare and are under the control of separatists.

So what that means is, if you trace the Russia - Ukraine border from west to east you can cross at any major road crossing until (and including) Bugayevka / Prosyane in northern Luhansk Region (of Ukraine). I crossed this border in late March and it's fine, though it would not be my first choice as the roads on the Ukrainian side are truly diabolical.

Hope this is clear,


klausmong1 1 Jun 2018 13:32

As I said, I am sure that the people who told you that have never been there.

I have crossed Ukraine Russia 2 times in 2017 and also 2015 and 2013.
And I will do it again this year-

Only place not to go is the area in Ukraine controlled by Russian militants.
That is Southeast at Donbass.

sunshinegemma 1 Jun 2018 15:47

Thank you very much, we’ve been on the road for a little while now and want to make sure we are well informed about the places we go. Happy travels

sunshinegemma 4 Jun 2018 16:32

May I just you another question please, do we have to buy insurance at the boarder and do you happen to know how much it is?

Many thanks


eurasiaoverland 4 Jun 2018 17:22

Yes you do if Russia is not listed on your Green Card. Cost depends of course on your vehicle and what period of insurance you want.

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