Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Homers GSA 22 Oct 2021 21:55


Originally Posted by whitedev (Post 618089)

My qestions is. Is my bike too heavy for this trip?


I think that would depend on whether you are going off road or areas where you might get stuck alone. In that case IMO its down to the CRF250 size or smaller.


cyclopathic 23 Oct 2021 12:20


Originally Posted by Homers GSA (Post 623559)
I think that would depend on whether you are going off road or areas where you might get stuck alone. In that case IMO its down to the CRF250 size or smaller.


If he is a young scandinavian he is probably strong enough to lift that AT without unloading, if needed. Generally something like KTM 690, X-challange, 650 Dakar, DR650, Tenere 660, etc would be the right size as long as you get range resolved. Given the choice I would pick CRF 250 but that's another story..

To OP: make sure that bike is loaded in such way that you can pick it up without unloading. It is also a good idea to have a velcro on handlebar which can be used to lock front brake; in some situations having front wheel locked helps with lifting. Good sand tires are important and be careful they have their version of fech-fech called "pukhlyak".. It's slippery but the main challenge it's like fluid it hides deep ruts and it is a complete whiteout when you hit it. Also do not ride in the dark; free range cattle, horses and effin' camel.. camel does not reflect any light and they are faster than horse.

Homers GSA 23 Oct 2021 23:32

Hi cyclo

I meant stuck, as in bogged stuck, or on a muddy incline stuck, not picking it up after it has fallen over for a sleep.

My 14yo daughter can pick my GSA up ;)


edwardbgill 1 Nov 2021 19:28


Originally Posted by Voxclamantisindeserto (Post 622299)
Only thing is that I would like to travel on a 1976 honda cb400f and don't know if it's doable or not.

Hi there,

A few comments on this, as someone who owns 2 x old-timers, an '83 XT600Z and a '92 XT600E.

On whether it's doable or not isn't a yes or no answer, IMO. It really comes down to your ability to be self-sufficient and (crucially!) organised.

Over the last few years as I've started riding older bikes over long distances, I've found the following have worked for me:

1 - Learn everything to be as mechanically self-sufficient as you can, at least with what you can carry. You might not learn how to repair/deal with everything before you leave, but if you learn as much as you can you'll find that'll give you the confidence deal with the things you don't know yet. And remember, time is a currency in itself with this stuff.

2 - Get ahead of the game, by a) knowing what's been changed, how and when on your bike b) what it's vulnerabilities are and c) what will need to be changed, when. Think about what spares you might need to get and how you might get them.

3 - Prevention is better than cure, be prepared to change/work on the bike with 1 and 2 above in mind. On my trip bike, I work to know the condition of everything on the bike before I leave, and then do scheduled check ups when on the road. Don't fall into the trip of simply hoping for the best all the time (though this can't be totally avoided, admittedley!).

4 - Think about how you manage the bike, in terms of amount of miles, difficulty of territory etc, wear & tear and plan 2 and 3 around that.

I say this as someone who not so long as go was mechanically pretty useless. But I made a decision to act on that.

It's brought a new enjoyment to by riding, even if it's frustrating at times. Riding an older bike is a heart over head decision, but not a heart whilst forgetting your head decision, if you see what I mean.

Good luck and enjoy the Honda!


Hound_Dog 2 Nov 2021 00:26


Originally Posted by Homers GSA (Post 623581)
Hi cyclo

I meant stuck, as in bogged stuck, or on a muddy incline stuck, not picking it up after it has fallen over for a sleep.

My 14yo daughter can pick my GSA up ;)


On your front lawn maybe. In a real world situation, doubtful.

Homers GSA 2 Nov 2021 01:34


Originally Posted by Hound_Dog (Post 623775)
On your front lawn maybe. In a real world situation, doubtful.

That’s the exact point I am making.

My daughter can pick my GSA up on the front lawn.

No hope in hell on its side stuck in the mud in Mongolia or the Liverpool Plains.

And nor could I, or you, or Arnie, or Connor McGregor.

CRF etc - yes.

chris 2 Nov 2021 19:05


Originally Posted by whitedev (Post 618089)

Im looking into a trip this year if the worldwide situation allows it.
I have a few questions.

This will be my first time outside Europe. I have been travelling by motorcycle around Balkans earlier, this time i want a bigger adventure.

Im 33, driving africa twin 1100.
My route so far is Norway - Turkey - Georgia - Azerbaijan - Ferry to.. From this point im not sure if i should take ferry to Kazakhstan or Turmenistan then east through Pamir - Up north to Kazakhstan - Russia (got relatives 100km from Kazakhstan border - Trough Russia back to Norway.

My qestions is. Is my bike too heavy for this trip?
How much time does it takes from Istanbul and to Osh?

Starting in early June.
If anyone got any tips, dont hesitate.


When I was last in Bishkek in 2019 I spotted a HD Electraglide in the hotel awaiting freight back to Italy with ADVfactory | He rode from Italy to Kyrgyzstan.

Lots of people freight their bikes to or from (or both ways) Central Asia. Many use large Euro or Japanese heavy bombers like yours. It is possible to ride pavement all the way around the world, N/S and E/W. How much non-pavement you can do depends on your riding ability and bike suspension.

It is possible to park your bike in the Eurasian customs union (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia) for 12 months, so riding one way and parking bike in order to return the following year is very feasible.

Riding there and back in 2 months?! For me it would be utter hell on earth, but other iron butt-er types probably wouldn't mind. Each to their own.

I have also parked a bike in Mongolia in 2012/2013. Then I rode a fat shed of a 200kg+ Honda Transalp. In 2019 I rode a 145kg Honda XR650L with soft luggage and decent suspension. Ask me why :clap:

edwardbgill 4 Nov 2021 10:37


Originally Posted by Homers GSA (Post 623777)
That’s the exact point I am making.

My daughter can pick my GSA up on the front lawn.

No hope in hell on its side stuck in the mud in Mongolia or the Liverpool Plains.

And nor could I, or you, or Arnie, or Connor McGregor.

CRF etc - yes.

Straying off topic here, but think this is a very interesting point. I have a frustration with certain motorbike companies using their marketing power to give the impression that the risks of having a heavier bike (relative to your individual strength) are no less in the middle of nowhere on your own, than they are on your front lawn (as you say).

From what I've seen, when combined with the increased accessibility of GPX routes in more remote locations, there seem to be more people taking risks with bigger bikes without thinking through the full risks properly, based on what they can and can't do. The TET Facebook group is classic case in point.

I'm all for solo riding - I do 95% of mine that way - but I worry, based on the lessons I've learnt myself along the way, that it's only a matter of time before someone gets into serious trouble.

And, no, before someone says - I do not and have never owned a bike smaller than a 600cc ;-).


cyclopathic 4 Nov 2021 15:44


Originally Posted by edwardbgill (Post 623818)
Straying off topic here, but think this is a very interesting point. I have a frustration with certain motorbike companies using their marketing power to give the impression that the risks of having a heavier bike (relative to your individual strength) are no less in the middle of nowhere on your own, than they are on your front lawn (as you say).

From what I've seen, when combined with the increased accessibility of GPX routes in more remote locations, there seem to be more people taking risks with bigger bikes without thinking through the full risks properly, based on what they can and can't do. The TET Facebook group is classic case in point.

I'm all for solo riding - I do 95% of mine that way - but I worry, based on the lessons I've learnt myself along the way, that it's only a matter of time before someone gets into serious trouble.

And, no, before someone says - I do not and have never owned a bike smaller than a 600cc ;-).


Well no one forcing you to drink MFG Kool Aid and 95% if those bikes they pedal almost never leave pavement. As for TET I'm curious to see how it stacks up against TAT, WR250r is the bike of choice for that one.. at least for the second half if you don't cut the corners.

edwardbgill 4 Nov 2021 15:50


Originally Posted by cyclopathic (Post 623823)
Well no one forcing you to drink MFG Kool Aid and 95% if those bikes they pedal almost never leave pavement. As for TET I'm curious to see how it stacks up against TAT, WR250r is the bike of choice for that one.. at least for the second half if you don't cut the corners.

Well's thats true. I suppose it's the slightly disingenuous nature of said marketing/Kool Aid which niggles me more than anything else.

cyclopathic 4 Nov 2021 16:47


Originally Posted by edwardbgill (Post 623824)
Well's thats true. I suppose it's the slightly disingenuous nature of said marketing/Kool Aid which niggles me more than anything else.

I'm not sure if it is genuine disingenuousness, plain short-sightedness or simply answer to market research. If you look at GS every next gen became heavier and better on road, and what seems to be the hot market now, the middle weight segment, the 890, T700, Tiger 900, etc is heavier than R80GS was. I guess you can't make money by selling many 390 Adventure and 701LR, and doesn't look like there's huge demand for AJP PR7, SWM or Fantic.. just saying.

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