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nivadoo 4 May 2016 18:52

crimea border
Hi, i would like to go around black sea this summer , can anybody tell me ,is there a international border between Ukraine and Crimea(Russia) . ? Is there a way around black sea or the best way is thru Kiev-Sumy-Rostov?

Tony LEE 5 May 2016 05:40

Whether there is a border and where it is depends on whether you ask Russia or Ukraine

klausmong1 5 May 2016 20:12

If you cross into Crinea from Russia and further cross into Ukraine, you are ****ed.

Because Ukraine still thinks Crimea is their territory and you have no stamp in your passport that you crossed legally into Ukraine.

So you will face problems for illegal bordercrossing

Herr_Bünzli 6 May 2016 11:51


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 537750)
If you cross into Crinea from Russia and further cross into Ukraine, you are ****ed.

you will face problems for illegal bordercrossing

What about the other direction, from Ukraine to Russia?

I haven't found information about Westerners travelling to Crimea by land from the last six months.

What worries me is that if blowing up electrical towers is fair game, rejecting tourists who bring some currency to Crimea might be too.

klausmong1 6 May 2016 12:42

I do not really know, but the Russians do respect the Crimea as Russian territory.
So I think they might just have regular Border guards.

But still you don't have any papers, that you left Ukraine.
So if you want to enter the Ukraine again in the future, in their system you are still there with your bike.

nivadoo 7 May 2016 17:56

It's better to leave this part and go around it.I thought that things have calm down but when reading news from Ukraine and Russia there is still a lot of incidents in region.
Better not be in the midle and better to find safe route. Even Russian embassy could 't give me strait answers.
So thanks for info.

duibhceK 8 May 2016 07:16

I looked into it because our original route east would have taken us through the Crimea. From what I have been told by Ukrainian friends it is possible, but you need a special permit from the Ukrainian government to get past the "border" post. On Crimea side there's no problem as long as you have the Russian visa.

We ended up deciding against this route because of the hassle we anticipated with getting the special permit.

nivadoo 12 May 2016 19:05

I asked about that permit in ukrain embassy, and they told me that it is not posible for me as tourist to get that permit. It is only for ukranian citizens . Hope you will have more luck.

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