Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Crossing China - September 2017 - Kyrgyztan to Pakistan (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/crossing-china-september-2017-kyrgyztan-89622)

bodenseeoverlander 20 Nov 2016 10:40

Crossing China - September 2017 - Kyrgyztan to Pakistan
Hello dear HU community ,

so this is my very first post in this forum ... this forum was hidden for me for a long time as I am not a biker (shame on me!). But when reading the book "Right behind the horizon" Chris mentioned that this forum was great for finding fellow travelers.

So here we are bier.

In Mid/End-September 2017 we will cross China from Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan. Therefore we do search for travel companions to share costs.

We are a couple (both around 30 years old) from Germany traveling with our old Land Rover Defender.

I am able and willing to do the prep work and request offers by the different travel agencies. NAVO, tibetmoto, kashgarsilkroad.com and chinaoverland I have already in mind.

So if you are interested, let us know! :cool4:

Claudia & Bernd

pakiuploader 20 Nov 2016 21:09


Originally Posted by bodenseeoverlander (Post 551408)
Hello dear HU community ,

so this is my very first post in this forum ... this forum was hidden for me for a long time as I am not a biker (shame on me!). But when reading the book "Right behind the horizon" Chris mentioned that this forum was great for finding fellow travelers.

So here we are bier.

In Mid/End-September 2017 we will cross China from Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan. Therefore we do search for travel companions to share costs.

We are a couple (both around 30 years old) from Germany traveling with our old Land Rover Defender.

I am able and willing to do the prep work and request offers by the different travel agencies. NAVO, tibetmoto, kashgarsilkroad.com and chinaoverland I have already in mind.

So if you are interested, let us know! :cool4:

Claudia & Bernd

Good luck
Will be waiting for you in Pakistan :welcome:

bigdamo 21 Nov 2016 05:24

bodenseeoverlander did you read the review of Navo from a couple who just used them before it was take down.

bodenseeoverlander 25 Nov 2016 17:54

Hey, no we did not read that - do you have more information where I can find this review?

Chris of Japan 26 Nov 2016 03:22


Originally Posted by bodenseeoverlander (Post 551752)
Hey, no we did not read that - do you have more information where I can find this review?

Try the search field at the top of the screen!

bodenseeoverlander 26 Nov 2016 15:03

Thanks for helping me with the search - I found that:

Crossing China with Navo Tours -our experience- Waste of Money ...
We recently employed Navo as a guide to self drive across China, from recommendations of other travelers who had used them and assured us that they were ...

but if I click on it - I get the error: "No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

kaatje 27 Nov 2016 12:47

Hi Claudia and Bernd,

we are a dutch couple going to travel on two motorbikes starting at april 1 2017. We are also planning to go to central en SE Asia. We also are looking for people who also want to go through China to Pakistan, but we are thinking of doing the next trip: Mongolia-China-Pakistan in september 2017. You want to go from Kyrgyzstan-Pakistan, is that sure or does your planning (like us) also changing weekly?
How is your route look like, and when are you leaving Germany, or are you already on the road?
I also read the post from the couple from Australia about NAVO, i have already contact with Chinaoverland, that feels like a good company. Well maybe we can catch up on the way, or share a guide, if plans change.

greets Dave and karin

bodenseeoverlander 27 Nov 2016 19:04

Hey Karin & Dave,

awesome - we are also starting on 1st of April bier - heading to Cologne (Germany) for a travelers fair (we speak on stage probably). Then we head down to Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Kyrgyzstan. From there we want to cross china to Pakistan to stay in the winter in India and Nepal.

We have fixed that route somehow and have an idea when to apply for which Visa because that seems to be the toughest part on our route.

We really expect a lot from Iran and Central Asia, thats why Russia and Mongolia is not on our route at the moment. But as you know - maybe plans are changing.

you can also write a mail to team@bodensee-overlander.de to reach us for sharing experiences. Would be fun to meet you somewhere on the road!


Claudia and Bernd

kaatje 30 Nov 2016 10:57

Hi Claudia and Bernt,
we have about the same route, but it can change every time, i read that the visa for Turkmenistan is not that simple to get, so it depends if we are going there or take the opposite way; turkey-iran-armenia-georgia-russia-kazachstan-oezbekistan-tatzikstan-kitgizistan-russia-mongola.
I can't wait to see Iran and central Asia, like you. I've been reading so many good things about it, but sometimes i also think we want to do to much.... so we are at the moment busy with; thinking-changing-thinking-changing the schedule every week...
only 4 months to go!! Really nice that you are going to a travelers fair, nice start of the trip.
greets dave and Kaatje, lets keep in touch en hope we will meet somewhere!

laurel 4 Dec 2016 10:33

you should avail your Pakistan visa before leaving home country. You can not get in a third country.

AGM 19 Dec 2016 21:01

Claudia and Bernd,

We are planning a very similar route to you in a Toyota Landcruiser, and are looking to join a convoy to cross China.

We had hoped to leave it a little later (mid-late October), but would be interested in joining none-the-less.

Let me know what you find out with respect of costs.

We are also leaving in April - let the countdown begin!


himola 22 Dec 2016 17:15

Crossing China

We will cross China from Mongolia to Kirgystan in July 2017 and we do search travels companions to share the roads ( and the costs ) http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...s/biggrin2.gif
We travel with a IVECO Daily 4x4
If somebody has the same dream , you can contact me

Martine & Patrick

bodenseeoverlander 28 Dec 2016 08:44

Hi Alex,

Mid to late October is a little late for us - but we are open to think about end of September or beginning of October - what do you think?


xt500 7 Jan 2017 19:03

Hi Bodenseeoverlander,
we are also planning to cross China from Kirgistan to Pakistan end of September ). So your time frame would be great. Would be great to get in contact to check if we could work something out :-).
We are a couple as well travelling by motorbike.


bodenseeoverlander 8 Jan 2017 16:43

Hi Holger,

great to hear from you! I wrote you an email with some preliminary information.

We got first offers from different agencies with the cheapest being about approx. 725 USD per person (bikes a little cheaper, cars a little more expensive).

We agreed on the last week of September for traveling through China.
The itinerary is with all the tour companies like that.

Day 1: Entering China from Kyrgyzstan (Irkeshtam border OR Torugart Pass). Border formalities. Drive to Kashgar. Arrive in Kashgar
Day 2: Formalities at the traffic administration in Kashgar. Here, your temp. Chinese driving license and number plate will be issued. This process might take most of the day until 5 pm.
Day 3: Kashgar - Tashgurkan: Drive on the Karakorum Hwy. to Tashkurgan. 5.5 hours / 300 km
Day 4: Tashkurgan - Pakistan: Border crossing. Around 3,5 hours / 200 km into Pakistan

If somebody else is interested - let us know - we will wait for some more offers and then work on reducing prices, clarifying all the details and so on!

Bernd bier

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