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-   -   Desperate need of welding, Khabarovsk! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/desperate-need-of-welding-khabarovsk-44645)

todderz 13 Aug 2009 00:36

Desperate need of welding, Khabarovsk!
Hi folks,

I've made it to Khabarovsk, next stop Vlad, but my bike is hanging by a thread. The rear sub frame under the seat has completely sheared off, the exhaust hanger has broken and the pannier rails are cracked in two places.

Desperately need to find a bike shop or a welder in Khab or possibly Vlad.

Bike held together with bungies, wire, cable ties and tie down straps. It could collapse at any minute!

I've tried searching the HUBB and the net but I have a really bad connection and haven't had any luck.


Chris of Japan 13 Aug 2009 01:22

Russia is full of welders. If I remember right, the russian word for welding is "swarka"
Or try to find the Linx of Amur biker club for help. Just flag down anyone on a Japanese bike, they should know.
Contact the Vladivostok community and they could put you in contact with someone.

MountainMan 13 Aug 2009 01:41

Hey Todd,

You can indeed track down your own welder pretty easily. If you want to get some help in the whole process and a place to stay while it gets fixed, there is a small bike club in Khab and they have a gathering place which in in one of the members back yard.

They have close ties to the guys in Vlad, who have a great club house and have helped many a foreign biker. Unfortunately both of these places are tough to find without GPS co-ordinates. The approach of waving down a biker is a good one, the alternative is to stop at a couple of bike shops as it's a pretty tight knit community and they will make a couple of calls and track the guys down.

Sorry, can't remember the numbers or exact locations without a GPS but hopefully someone here will have them at their fingertips.

maximondo 13 Aug 2009 04:24

I found a mechanic in Khabarovsk who were linked to the vlad tigers. I think a few of the guys working their are part of the gang, but like Mountain Man, i can not tell you where is it located! im really sorry, I have been stearing at google maps for you with out any luck!

todderz 13 Aug 2009 07:05

Thanks all for the suggestions. I'm really open to any advice as I'm getting nowhere. Hotel reception are no use, and it's raining so hard it's almost impossible to ride around looking for places, especially as the bike is so fragile and doesn't like water anyway. Also means there are no other bikers out. I'll try another ride around this evening if the weather clears. I sent a message to the Vlad community but no replies so far. Can't uncover anything to do with the Amur Lynx club either. If it was dry I could have spent a day riding around looking, but it's been torrential and isn't improving. The streets are like rivers, it's really bad. Of course, all the local girls are still tottering about in very impractical high heels, and I found a place that sells decent German beer, so it 's not all bad!

I think I'm going to lash the bike together and try to get to Vlad. For one thing I can't find a reasonably priced hotel here, and the weather forecast in Vlad is a little better.

It would be absolutely brilliant if anyone could help me find somewhere in Vlad or make contact with the Iron Tigers. I'm in dire straits here and I have to get the ferry before my visa runs out. I might make it to Vlad, but I don't think it will survive the rigours of ferries and air transport so I need to fix it first. Even going for Vlad is a gamble on the strength of a cable tie!

Unless I have better luck later, I'll head for Vlad and should be there on Saturday. If anyone can help me track down a bike shop, the tigers, a regular biker meeting spot, a local's contact details, anything like that, then I would be immensely grateful.

Thanks guys.

mcgiggle 13 Aug 2009 07:35

Been looking for the last half hour and so far not a lot but this guy mentions meeting the Iron Tigers, many be worth sending him a mail poorcirculation at hotmail dot co dot uk


todderz 13 Aug 2009 08:49

Email sent, and whether it comes to anything or not, a thousand thank yous!

Henn 13 Aug 2009 10:28

Hopefully a tour of the motorbike shops should lead to some helpful bikers. Or even just heading for an industrial area if it's only a welder you need.

I sent a PM with some contact details too.


Toyark 13 Aug 2009 10:31

searching the web brought this up -

Habarovskenergo Open Society - shows as selling welding rods so who knows?
680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, street Frunze, 49

(4212) 30-53-80, (4212) 30-49-14, (4212) 33-92-78, (4212) 23-49-14, (4212) 23-53-80


690001, Russia, Primorye Territory, Vladivostok, street Dalzavodsky, 2

(4232) 22-16-93
else maybe head for Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok where Google Earth shows up huge amount of shipping/docks- Someone there must know.

'I need a welder please' translates as ' Я нуждаюсь в сварщике пожалуйста'
Iron Tigers
(president) Mikhail Shluskim vladmoto 'AT' mail 'DOT' primorye 'DOT' ru or Igor (Sinus) Sokolov sinus 'AT' farpost 'DOT' com
Good luck

todderz 13 Aug 2009 10:48


Originally Posted by Henn (Post 253129)
Hopefully a tour of the motorbike shops should lead to some helpful bikers. Or even just heading for an industrial area if it's only a welder you need.

I sent a PM with some contact details too.


Thanks, Ben, really appreciate it.

Any idea where I can find the bike shops? I've asked in several places and no-one has been able to help.


todderz 13 Aug 2009 10:54


Thank you so much. I've emailed the Iron Tigers.

Really grateful for everyone's help!

Toyark 13 Aug 2009 13:17

when you do find a bike shop and or welder, please grab the details and GPS coords and post up for those who may need same after you!
Hope all goes well for you:thumbup1:

MotoEdde 13 Aug 2009 13:48

Seriously...ask a cab driver...they need stuff welded all the time...or go to any auto mechanic...a welder is a welder...BUT make sure you disconnect all electronics brains etc...

Chris Cowper 13 Aug 2009 16:01


Telephone Marina. she is the Khabarovsk Bikers moderator, speaks good English as well. She will be able to put you on the the "Doctor", a very good bike mechanic, and a good bloke as well. marina's number is: +79242016258. If you can't get her, try Dens: +79098785866, or Greg: +79625032238. English might be a problem with the last two. As well the bikers meet most nights at a beer tent down by the river.
the Iron Tigers at Vladivostok can be contacted at Vlad Moto, phone: 8(4232)367514 or 8 902 557 2588. Ask for Mikhail or Max. bloody terrific blokes.

todderz 14 Aug 2009 01:05

Awesome! I've spoken to Marina, and now I'm waiting for the main dude to get out of bed. Could be onto something!

Tried down the riverside are last night, Harley Davidson bar etc. No-one out because it had been raining so hard.

Had a little ride around earlier. Still didn't see anything useful, and the back of the bike is really sagging now, hanging by a thread. Tried a couple more car type places and just got shrugs and "nyet"s. Don't want to risk going anywhere till I know where to go, so I'm really hoping Marina comes through.

If she does, then you've really saved my bacon!

Thanks Chris!

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