Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Diesel or Petrol in Mongolia ? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/diesel-or-petrol-in-mongolia-76322)

LLosch 18 May 2014 11:50

Diesel or Petrol in Mongolia ?
Hi all,
2 friends of mine have decided to follow us to Mongolia using a 4x4.

Fortunate as they are they have the option of taking a diesel-powered one or a standard gasoline-powered 4x4.

Can anyone share a recommendation?
Which type is better available in Mongolia ? Diesel or standard gasoline ?

As a more general question:
What is the approx ratio in Mongolia between standard-gasoline powered vehicles compared to Diesel-powered cars / vehicles ?

Thanx in advance for your help !

Regards from Mainz, Axel

Griffdowg 20 May 2014 11:48

we went with a diesel and had no problems anywhere. I would also suggest that you may get better MPG with a diesel therefore extending your range, which can be handy in Mongolia.

I wouldn't let the petrol/diesel debate rule your choice. Whichever vehicle is more reliable and easier to fix would be my choice! :)

What are the 2 options?


colebatch 22 May 2014 20:47

pretty much all fuel "stations" carry both there. Often the petrol is only 80 Octane in the more remote areas, so diesel (AFAIK only one grade of diesel sold in Mongolia) would avoid the low octane problem.

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