Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Endurotour: New motorbike rentals & tours Kyrgyzstan (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/endurotour-new-motorbike-rentals-tours-82081)

WesleyDRZ400 24 May 2015 22:07

Endurotour: New motorbike rentals & tours Kyrgyzstan
Over the last few years more fly and ride tours have opened up in Mongolia, Georgia and Central Asia and now a friend of mine has started Motorbike rentals & tours in Kyrgyzstan. He is a local based in Bishkek so knows the country well as local knowledge is the best knowledge and the choice of bikes looks good.

I know him through Ali the best bike mechanic in Central Asia based in Bishkek who has helped many on this forum repair there bike and carry on when they thought it was time to chuck in the towel :thumbup1:

Kyrgyzstan & Tajikistan are the real gems of central Asia so now there are more options opening up in the rental & tour market for the fly and ride tourist sector. No visa needed for most nationals to visit Kyrgyzstan and Bishkek is the main place people head to get there Tajik & Pamir visa.

Here is his website Эндуро мото туры по Киргизии - Мотопутешествия, мототуризм, мотошкола - Эндуро Туры :thumbup1:

I am heading there next month so will update

MuzToo 1 Jul 2015 15:54

Hi Wesley. Ali is for sure a good mechanic. The best? I would like to challenge him with Kolia.

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