Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Entering Japan without a Carnet (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/entering-japan-without-a-carnet-45886)

Tiffany 15 Oct 2009 12:54

Entering Japan without a Carnet
Well, having reached Mongolia I seem to have extended my trip a bit and I have now arrived in Japan.

As Japan was never part of the original plan I don't actually have a carnet. Which allegedly is something that customs here demands.

So, blagger Coates reporting in again.

How to do it.

First you will need someone who lives in Japan to act as your guarantor. They will need to contact Customs at the port of arrival about a month before you arrive, giving details about you and your vehicle.
I arrived by ferry from Vladivostock without any problem so I know the Customs at Fushiki port is fine, I can't comment on other ports or airports.
The contact person will also need to inform a Custom clearing agent - we used FKK (Fushikikariku), the main agents at the port - their building is next to the Customs building which is opposite the boat docking area.
E-mail: fkk-air <AATT> toyama-net <DDOTT> com]
phone: 0766-22-2212, fax: 0766-22-7456
They have several people who speak good English.

The customs agent came on board ship when we docked and took me straight out to Customs where we got the form completed, stamped and signed, then he also helped with getting insurance (5400 yen for one month minimum period of time).
I paid the Customs agent 5000 Yen (approx $55) for this service.

And that was all I had to do. I rode out of the docks within an hour of starting the whole procedure- while those with carnets didn't get off until the next day.
It was much easier, simpler and faster than using a carnet. Although do bear in mind there is no guarantee that they will definitely let you in.:scooter:

Good luck.

klaus 16 Oct 2009 00:24

That sounds great!

"yokoso" or welcome to Japan!

That sounds good and easy at the same time. I hope you will enjoy your stay over here. If you should ever come to Shikoku and the Matsuyama area - get with me. There is always a place to sleep, a shower as well as some food and drinks for fellow bikers (not to mention a place to park your bike)! (just send me a short mail!!)

Safe riding

colebatch 16 Oct 2009 09:03

Very good Tiff ... a Japan post , and you didnt even mention the "B" word! :nuke::hang:

Tiffany 17 Oct 2009 11:27


Originally Posted by klaus (Post 260424)

"yokoso" or welcome to Japan!

That sounds good and easy at the same time. I hope you will enjoy your stay over here. If you should ever come to Shikoku and the Matsuyama area - get with me. There is always a place to sleep, a shower as well as some food and drinks for fellow bikers (not to mention a place to park your bike)! (just send me a short mail!!)

Safe riding

Thanks very much for the offer Klaus but I don't think I will have time to reach your island. If things change, and i'm going south,I'll let you know.
meanwhile I've been watching the monkeys in the hot springs today - how cool are they?!

and Colebatch- watch it:eek3:

Chris of Japan 19 Oct 2009 08:53

Additional information:
This usually only applies when coming by ferry.
If sent by cargo ship or airplane, a carnet will most likely be needed.

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