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jimmystewpot 29 Sep 2009 08:51

F650GS help mongolia
Hi All,

My Wife and I are currently in Ulaanbaatar and her bike (2004 F650GS Dakar) is having a few problems. While riding along the bike just stopped. We thought it was the battery that was going awol so we charged it up. However when we went to start the bike using jumper leads the bike starts without even hitting the starter button. I suspect its an electrical short circuit somewhere but we have been unable to find anything.

Does anyone have any recommendations for people that maybe able to help us diagnose this sort of problem in Ulanbaatar?

Any advice would be really great...



BackroadExplorer 29 Sep 2009 15:30


Originally Posted by jimmystewpot (Post 258535)
Hi All,

Does anyone have any recommendations for people that maybe able to help us diagnose this sort of problem in Ulanbaatar?

Any advice would be really great...



I can't help you as far as contacts in Mongolia but perhaps this will help:

I have a 2004 F650GS Dakar and have had trouble at times with both the starter button and the signal light switch. No shorts, just not functioning.

I attributed it to crud or corrosion and sprayed a good dose of WD40 into the switches. Solved the problem on several occasions.

(Perhaps this bump will solicit some better advice for you.)

Lisa Thomas 29 Sep 2009 16:37

try this...
crud all over the terminals - rub them down - clean them- re-tighten and put grease on. but also there is a throttle sensor that can get screwed up and cause sypmtons like these
have a look at this thread

there is also an ignition relay - located at the top of the front frame - very close to the steering head bearing. also check this out. although when a relay goes 'bad' its unlikely that sticking on jumper cables would start the bike.......food for thought.
the problem could be just as simple as loose terminals.
fingers crossed!
hope you are enjoying Mongolia! We have just left and are now in Kazakhstan....where are you heading next?

tmotten 29 Sep 2009 23:28

+1 on cleaning all the connections starting with the switch.

colebatch 30 Sep 2009 03:37

If problems persist, contact the guy from Steppenfuchs (Vait Scholz i think) ... google him. He runs german tours around mongolia, has a fleet of bikes and a couple of very BMW literate local bike mechanics working for him. He is out the east end of town, near Oasis guest house. I guess they will be able to direct you to him

Chris Cowper 1 Oct 2009 03:42

Check into the Oasis Guest House. If anyone in town knows a good mechanic the owners, Rene and Sybil will.

farqhuar 1 Oct 2009 06:29

Check the starter solenoid.
If it is starting as soon as you attach jumper leads then it sounds like the started solenoid is jammed/fried.

This could also cause the battery to run flat because the starter motor would be running constantly.

I'm not familiar with the GS650 but starter solenoids are pretty generic items on most bikes and I'd be reasonably confident you could find something that would substitute - even in UB.

If it is only jammed its even possible a few squirts of WD40 etc. might free it up.

overlandmongolia 10 Oct 2009 02:33

If you still haven't fixed the problem call me 99118257 Chinzo, I might help you. I knew some Mongol mechanics who fixes bike's.


jimmystewpot 26 Oct 2009 08:08

Fault with datatool 3

After two weeks of trying to diagnose the problem with the help of the guys and community at hexcode.co.za we discovered that it was a short within the datatool 3 alarm/immobilizer. We have since fixed the problem and made it to Vladivostok. Thanks to everyone that offered assistance it was greatly appreciated.



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