Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Northern and Central Asia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/)
-   -   Ferry Trabzon > Sochi - Info?? (Turkey>Russia) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/ferry-trabzon-sochi-info-turkey-42885)

Baron Bolton 10 Jun 2009 09:40

I paid in dollars, which is what they quoted price in.
Money changing is straight forward in Trabzon, and I think the agent would help you if it's needed.

Side note, I wish I'd brought more dollars, they're really useful, often getting you much more cash, when exchanged through black market.

Kennichi 16 Jun 2009 12:28

hey Gabe, you got ripped off ,

I paid (drum roll) $200 , and got 2 free meals out of it and a cabin

I was however detained by customs and told not to leave the ship for nigh on 30 hours .

Note the food prices are in USD bring plenty coke is $1.5 a can meals are $7 , the ships are roasting about 42C hot except on deck , and thus maybe you dont need a cabin.

motoreiter 16 Jun 2009 13:04

Can you tell us what you were detained by customs for?

Too much Turkish Delight?

Blue88 22 Jun 2009 14:21

Sorry I'm late in reply ..... but you clearly found the 'Agents' just down the street from the Brothel.

I think I had to pay around $240 in summer 2008. If I remember, they only accepted Euro's ... but I could be wrong.

Ferry was the 'Princess Victoria', registered in Cambodia, overnight sailing and a cargo of two bikes and a load of tomatoes.

Entering Sochi .. be careful that the 'Customs Document' for the bike matches the duration of your personal Visa. It's all written in Russian. Customs officials only speak English when they want to .... so check your 'Customs Document' with the Agent who sells you the bike insurance inside the port. My Customs Document was only for 14 days .. but I didn't discover this minor fact until leaving Russia 60 days later .. Denied exit, missed my Ferry, Kangaroo Court and a Fine that I didn't want to pay .... Oops

Sorry this info is late. ... but maybe it'll help others

Geoff :thumbup1:

Kennichi 29 Jun 2009 08:22


Originally Posted by Blue88 (Post 247273)
Sorry I'm late in reply ..... but you clearly found the 'Agents' just down the street from the Brothel.

I think I had to pay around $240 in summer 2008. If I remember, they only accepted Euro's ... but I could be wrong.

Ferry was the 'Princess Victoria', registered in Cambodia, overnight sailing and a cargo of two bikes and a load of tomatoes.

Entering Sochi .. be careful that the 'Customs Document' for the bike matches the duration of your personal Visa. It's all written in Russian. Customs officials only speak English when they want to .... so check your 'Customs Document' with the Agent who sells you the bike insurance inside the port. My Customs Document was only for 14 days .. but I didn't discover this minor fact until leaving Russia 60 days later .. Denied exit, missed my Ferry, Kangaroo Court and a Fine that I didn't want to pay .... Oops

Sorry this info is late. ... but maybe it'll help others

Geoff :thumbup1:

I know about this Geoff I read about it on Alan Kelly's blog which is why I got an extension in Rostov to match the end of my visa everybody lately has been getting 2 weeks bar the Mongolian entry exit points and the customs guys are unbribable, you just have to go to a russian DVLA place and or a customs place either or and get an extention , customs is free , russian DVLA is 350 roubles.

Andysr6 5 Jul 2009 22:13

Hı took the ferry last week. a lot of sıttıng about and cost about $250 each. customs ın Turkey took about 2 hours but no problems. Thanks for the advıce ı got from thıs lınk. ıf you are takıng thıs crossıng ı hıghly recommend route D915 from OF to Bayburt. Andy

big ad 6 Jul 2009 12:42

thats some good info, we were quated in euros 400 for the landrover and 65 per passager.

will tell you how we got on in 3 weeks.

cheers adam

JoeSheffer 11 Jul 2009 22:01

kennichi you seem to be getting yourself in all sorts of trouble at the moment! Your account of Azerbaijan sounded horrible! Do you have a trouble magnet!!??!:funmeterno:

big ad 15 Jul 2009 12:59

we have got a ferry ticket that costs per passanger 1750 rubels and the car is 17500 rubles, about $650 dollars for 2 of us and the landy. we wont be sailing until tomorrow as its blowing a face 8 gale at the moment.

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