Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   From Ulan Bator to Europe (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/from-ulan-bator-to-europe-45679)

Oliviervier 4 Oct 2009 17:49

From Ulan Bator to Europe
Hi there,

this is my first visit to this site; there's a lot to read!
I'm travelling to Ulan Bator in 2010 with a friend; we want to do the trip in app. 5 weeks, starting end may. Because our employers want us back at the office after 6 weeks we don't have the time to ride back, therefor we are looking for cheap ways to transport our bikes back to western Europe. We have an offer ftom a dutch transporter for nearly 4500 euro's, which is a lot above our budget. Does anyone have another solution?
Thanks a lot!


doosey 4 Oct 2009 18:26


im looking at riding out to Almaty Kazakhstan about the same sort of time as yourself (i know its not Mongolia) im having a meeting with a guy from Bertlings on wed to discuss shipping my bike back, ive also got a contact in Kazakhstan looking at sending it back as part of a back load on a Turkish truck, i will post the prices as soon as i get them, maybe we could share a crate or something?

Chris of Japan 5 Oct 2009 02:54

One option is to ride to Ulan Ude or Irkutsk Russia, and put the bikes on the train to Moscow.
Then ride home from Moscow. You should be able to make it in a week if you don't have problems getting on the train. Maybe try to find an agent in Irkutsk that can handle the details in advance (not that this is a guarantee in Russia).

Oliviervier 5 Oct 2009 18:17

hi Doosey, I don't think shipping is an option for us, cause Almaty is a quite a distance fom Ulaanbaator; I got an offer today from a agent for 4 USD/ kilo flying to Berlin. Still waiting for more offers.

Oliviervier 5 Oct 2009 18:23

Hi Chris, that was our first option, but we just don't have the time! We've got to be back at work on time.....I know, it sucks.....

colebatch 6 Oct 2009 05:41

Vait Scholz from steppenfuchs.de runs german bike tours out there in Mongolia. He regularly ships bikes from UB to europe and vice versa. I spoke with him a week ago and he reckons it costs about 1000 eur. He has mechanics in UB who can strip the bike, clean the tanks and crate it. So try him

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