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rtwdoug 18 Jan 2006 08:49

gas stations in siberia
Im goin rtw this year, and am wondering the farthest I'll have to travel between fuel stations in Siberia. I dont think anywhere else will be a problem. I just need to know how much fuel capacity to plan on with the bike.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks, Doug


Alex Rubtsov 19 Jan 2006 18:16

If you will drive by main roads, the standart fuel tank will be enough

rtwdoug 19 Jan 2006 20:49

I figure on a normal dual sport bike, the gas wont be a problem, but Im doing the trip on a '48 Indian Chief. it has 3.5 gallon tanks on it now (about 14 liters) and will get about 10 km to the liter, (im hoping to improve this with a newer carb) so I'll only have about a 120 km range as is. I can get larger tanks, (5 gallon, 20 liters)but they are really expensive (about 1000 usd) and that will seriously cut into my trip budget. As long as gas stations are only 100km or so apart, I wont have any problems.
Thanks, Doug


simmo 20 Jan 2006 04:42

I would aim for 250kms minimum. Just strap a 10 litre fuel tin to the bike while you need it then dump it later.


Alex Rubtsov 20 Jan 2006 17:17

On the main roads like M5(Moscow-Cheljabinsk), M51(Cheljabinsk-Novosibirsk),M53(Novosibirsk-Irkutsk), M55(Irkutsk-Chita) , M52(Novosibirsk -Mongolian border)you can find a fuel stations in every big village (50-100 km). But you should remember about fuel quality. Try to refuel at a big fuel station (with minimarket, car washing, service, etc)like Yukos(ÞÊÎÑ), Lukoil (ËÓÊÎÈË), TNK (ÒÍÊ). Smell the refueling gun before the buying the petrol. If it has an unusual smell do not buy or buy some litres to reach the next fuel station. The Yukos, Lukoil are every 200-250km or less often.


mpescatori 16 Feb 2006 03:32

Hi Doug, this is what I can say:
- just because villages are 100Km apart, it doesn't mean that you can find gas at every village;
- just because it's called 'gasoline' (benzìn) it doesn't have to be 'premium'... you're most likely to find 'tractor gas', i.e. 80 octane gasoline, or even poorer
- there's a manufacturer of strap-on fuel tanks, www.tourtanks.com, I am looking at the smaller verion for my Suzuki savage (650cc single Sportster clone) but the larger one could be the thing for you.

I'll be keeping an eye on you, you seem to be planning one nice ride !


rtwdoug 16 Feb 2006 08:37

yeah, I dont expect every town to have gas. But, I found a place that makes oversized fuel tanks for the Indian, so I'm going with that. Luckily, since its a 60 year old flathead motorcycle with 5.5:1 compression, it would run on tractor gas http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif



Sun Chaser 16 Feb 2006 14:40

I've several Chiefs. Also have ridden your proposed route. Rather than toss $1,000 away on bigger tanks I'd take a couple of cheap plastic 2 & 1/2 gallon tanks and strap them on the top of your saddle bags/boxes, then give 'em away as you get closer to "civilization." Ride 70 miles, fill up your tank(s) (rest your hands from the vibration) and start looking for gas. Gas was plentiful as noted in the previous post. After you squirt yourself and your bike a couple of times you'll get the knack of telling the old girl in the gas station cage exactly how much you need.
It's the bag of spare parts, tubes, nuts and bolts I'd spend $ on. Mike at KIWI has what you need when you break down, but getting it there within a week to 10 days will be tough for DHL, Fed Ex, etc. Might make sense to just buy a used Japanese car in Japan, ship it across for some guy to follow you carrying the spares, then sell it in Moscow. Heck, add a camera, physician, mechanic, "fixer", camera guy, and bingo, You can call your ride the Indian Star Wars Adventure, cry when you reach Moscow and get someone to write your book/peddle the DVD and you're famous.
Seriously, about 1966 I met a guy who was doing Europe on his '48. Nuts/bolts were his major problem (everything was metric). He ended up using Volkswagon tires when he needed new rubber, and had the mag rewound when it died. He paid the extra $ to get rid of the distributor, that way was not dependant on the crap Indian relay/generator. In the end he said his ride was more of a torture test than fun. I'm sure you've made contact with Lenord who flogged his Chief 2-3 times in the Iron Butt Ride. If not, it'd be worth the time. I don't think he ever got more than 2/3rds of the way through, but could tell you were the weak links in his chain were over the long day-to-day ride. I love my Chiefs, and to ride one, even across town, is always an adventure - not knowing if it has to come back home in the back of a truck. The good news for you: There's lot's of trucks on your route.
All the best
Gregory W. Frazier

rtwdoug 16 Feb 2006 19:28

Hi Gregory,
I just missed meeting up with you at Stefan's in Heidelburg my last trip. I was on my KLR then, was looking forward to meeting you, but I had to get on the road. I'm getting partial sponsorship from Mike at Kiwi, he's gonna help me out if I need parts on the route. I've thought about carrying an extra can, but the more crap ya have strapped on, the more crap can fall off. But, I may save the $ and go that route. I dont have the $ to have a fancy chase car & cameraman, but I do plan on writing a book about it.
Thanks for the tips tho http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif


howaboutmymoney 3 May 2006 18:16

Bad Gas
Hi Doug,
You should be real careful what you put in that tank.....With the modifications you got in Altoona you might need a little octane boost....If I were you I'd try about a pound of sugar......just add it about 10 miles after you pass the last chance for gas sign in Siberia....I've been talking to your "bamabikes" ebay customers and they agree...... and we'd like our money back....
Keep it tween the Ditches


Originally Posted by guzzidoug
Hi Gregory,
I just missed meeting up with you at Stefan's in Heidelburg my last trip. I was on my KLR then, was looking forward to meeting you, but I had to get on the road. I'm getting partial sponsorship from Mike at Kiwi, he's gonna help me out if I need parts on the route. I've thought about carrying an extra can, but the more crap ya have strapped on, the more crap can fall off. But, I may save the $ and go that route. I dont have the $ to have a fancy chase car & cameraman, but I do plan on writing a book about it.
Thanks for the tips tho http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif


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