Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Georgia Motorbike Insurance..? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/georgia-motorbike-insurance-102167)

EtheriumSky 24 Aug 2021 13:49

Georgia Motorbike Insurance..?
Hi there, i entered Georgia with my EU motorbike about a week ago, but didnt have/get Georgian vehicle insurance on arrival. My fault... I'll be here around 1-2 more weeks and can get the insurance online now, but the policy date will then be only from today...

So my question is - will i already get fined no matter what when i leave the country?

Does anyone have any exp with this? Thanks much!

shu... 25 Aug 2021 01:52

I can't remember ever having to show proof of insurance when leaving a country.....could be faulty memory, but I think you're ok.


EtheriumSky 25 Aug 2021 04:43

I thought so too, but another biker i met just left Georgia few days ago and msg'ed me to say he got fined 30eur/day of stay on exit...

PanEuropean 28 Aug 2021 02:32


Originally Posted by EtheriumSky (Post 622296)
I thought so too, but another biker i met just left Georgia few days ago and msg'ed me to say he got fined 30eur/day of stay on exit...

I suspect that was probably a scam by the border guards, rather than enforcement of an actual legal requirement.

markharf 28 Aug 2021 04:10


On a couple of occasions (once Central America, twice West Africa), I've run into border crossings where people are deliberately allowed to evade the control stations or where necessary stamps are not given, so that fines can be administered later--a hundred yards down the road or later at other crossing points.

You're always vulnerable if not following the rules, but in cases like this the appropriate move is to negotiate...hard. That's what local people do, and initial "fines" are often an order of magnitude larger than what is eventually settled on.

tohellnback 28 Aug 2021 04:22

Who in the hell is going to know legal requirements until you get there, this has been a major topic all the time on Avrider and HUBB. Just go and deal with it
PAN euro you have more experience than most and I know why, being a international aviator puts you in a class of its own.
Small plane doing ferry flights to god forsaken places Ive Been there done that
DHC 6 ROCKS and BT67 Biking is a hobby to finally see what's down there, Puntareanas Chile to Guayaquil is a interesting flight Atacama for 3 days Magnificent continent

LosJuajos 6 Sep 2021 02:04

I made if from Turkey to Malaysia (including Georgia) without buying any insurance. Never got asked for it, never got fined, but perhaps I was lucky. My theory was it wouldn't be worth the paper it was written on in the event of an accident, and if I was stopped by officials who were after a bribe they would find a reason irrespective of if I had insurance or not. Certainly whenever I did get a shake down for a back hander they never once asked for insurance, probably because they were too busy explaining a fictional traffic violation. :nono:

chris gale 6 Sep 2021 09:52

Let us know what happens

bernd s 13 Sep 2021 10:33


It is not a scam. Georgia requires mandatory insurance and its quite a transparent process compared to other countries.

Entering from Armenia we already got the flyer with the official rates at the boarder and the information that the office is a few hundred meters down the road. As we planned to stay 10 days we chose the 15 day option for 30 Lari (Landcruiser) instead of the 30 day option for 50 Lari.


Leaving Georgia to Armenia again the insurance policy was checked und we were told to be one day overdue. Unluckily that was true, we just didn’t realize it before. Otherwise, we would have headed straight to the boarder instead of another camping night just before. Anyway, fine was 100 Lari (about 30 Euro) to be paid at a bank. We could have left and paid later but as there is a bank at the Bagratashen-Sadakhlo boarder we paid there with credit card. There was a small handling fee, if I remember right, it was 4 Lari.

I cant say if it was 100 Lari per day of violation or just a general fine.


Tomkat 13 Sep 2021 21:04


Originally Posted by bernd s (Post 622672)
fine was 100 Lari (about 30 Euro) to be paid at a bank.

You know it's genuine when you have to pay at the bank. All over central Asia police are not allowed to accept money for fines - in fact police stations aren't either! The only legitimate fine is one you pay at the bank, and they give you a receipt to take to the police station to get the ticket cancelled.

cyclopathic 14 Oct 2021 14:31


That's what I used

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