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motarddumonde 13 Jul 2015 12:38

Georgia to Elista

I'm actually in Georgia, close to the Russian border.
I will leave tomorrow morning and plan to reach Elista in 2 days.

Any recommendation for the route to take? And the condition of the road.

Thanks for all your advice..


colebatch 13 Jul 2015 12:45

What kind of road conditions are you looking for? Asphalt or off road?

Because its the North Caucasus, there are a lot of inspection points along the highways.

If you want decent asphalt road then go on the Kavkaz highway to Stavropol and then North East to Elista on the main road. The road conditions on the highways and main roads are plenty of: asphalt, traffic cops, trucks, cafes, fuel stations.

If you want off road route there are a lot of options with a wide variety of road conditions depending on what conditions you want to find.

motarddumonde 13 Jul 2015 13:18

Thanks a lot for your response.

Depends of the off road condition roads. Would prefer a good off road ;-)

How is the road from Goryatsevodskii to Elista? I think they call it Mineral Road...


colebatch 13 Jul 2015 14:09


Originally Posted by motarddumonde (Post 510378)
Thanks a lot for your response.

Depends of the off road condition roads. Would prefer a good off road ;-)

How is the road from Goryatsevodskii to Elista? I think they call it Mineral Road...


There is a road from Mineralny Vody to Elista ... is that the one you mean? It will be asphalt. My recommendation is to take back roads (typically old asphalt), that way you will avoid many of the checkpoints.

Maybe Mozdok, Kurskaya, Zelenokumsk, Budyonnovsk, Elista

motarddumonde 13 Jul 2015 14:29


Originally Posted by colebatch (Post 510380)
There is a road from Mineralny Vody to Elista ... is that the one you mean? It will be asphalt. My recommendation is to take back roads (typically old asphalt), that way you will avoid many of the checkpoints.

Maybe Mozdok, Kurskaya, Zelenokumsk, Budyonnovsk, Elista

Thanks you Colebatch.
I will check....

There is some hotel/motel on this road? Plan to do that in 2 days


colebatch 13 Jul 2015 15:49


Originally Posted by motarddumonde (Post 510386)
Thanks you Colebatch.
I will check....

There is some hotel/motel on this road? Plan to do that in 2 days


Well there are motels along the highways ... maybe cross the border and get there for the first day then take the road from Georgievsk to Elista on day 2.

There are a couple of roadside motels at Novopavlovsk on one of the less busy main roads, which strikes me as a good place to break the 2 days in two:
1. N43.9482 E43.6572
2. N43.9597 E43.6524

Alternatively, take the main Kavkaz Highway to Pyatigorsk and you can find a Kavkaz Hotel at the shopping centre here:
N44.0304 E43.1272 (Its right next to the Goryatchedovski suburb of Pyatigorsk I think you were referring to earlier)

roro 13 Jul 2015 16:11

Thanks for these useful infos!

Do you think it's a good idea to have bivouac along these roads (not highway)?


colebatch 13 Jul 2015 16:21

The Caucasus area can be a bit wild n woolly. And its reasonably densely populated along the main highways.

I would avoid camping in that region, personally.

roro 13 Jul 2015 17:10

Thanks for your advice, I'll try to find some motel along these roads , if possible.

motarddumonde 13 Jul 2015 17:56

RR, where are you right now?

klausmong1 13 Jul 2015 18:19

I did that a week ago.

Because i wanted to go fast foreward I took the Main road to Elista.

As colebatch says, boring and many many police checkpoints and radar speed checkings.

So be aware.

I also thought about camping first but for me it was soon clear that this ist not an option in this area....

roro 13 Jul 2015 21:27


Originally Posted by motarddumonde (Post 510408)
RR, where are you right now?

Right now I'm at home:innocent:
Planning my trip to Iran then Stan's, Russia, Georgia, and return.
I'm leaving France at the beginning of August.
And you?

roro 13 Jul 2015 21:31


Originally Posted by motarddumonde (Post 510408)
RR, where are you right now?

Sorry, motarddumonde, I didn't remember you are in Georgia.
If you can tell us your experience in North Caucasus, it will be useful for me.

motarddumonde 14 Jul 2015 18:14


Originally Posted by roro (Post 510424)
Sorry, motarddumonde, I didn't remember you are in Georgia.
If you can tell us your experience in North Caucasus, it will be useful for me.

What do you want to know exactly?

By the way, if you are in France, suppose you speak french as me?


roro 15 Jul 2015 12:50


Originally Posted by motarddumonde (Post 510509)
What do you want to know exactly?

By the way, if you are in France, suppose you speak french as me?


Juste pour savoir quelle route tu as pris, comment ça c'est passé, où tu t'es arrété.
Merci d'avance.


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