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edwardbgill 30 Sep 2015 04:53

Info pls! Mongolia in Oct
Hi all

I'm looking at joining a group crossing China from Mongolia, last minute. The group leaves on the 14th Oct.

The snag? I'm in Bishkek, and it's about 4000km of riding to do.

I understand that the main section of unpaved road is between the Russian border and UB. Can anyone comment on conditions there at this time of year - not just road but also weather. Guessing it's going to be pretty nippy.



Wildman 30 Sep 2015 07:39

We came through in July and the road was paved from the Tashanta border until 61kms east of Ulgii. Can't help with October weather.

eurasiaoverland 30 Sep 2015 14:03

The winter can come in october (i.e a thick cover of snow). I encountered it in early November and the tracks just disappeared. If you stick to the main 'southern route' across Mongolia though, you should be fine.

You can read about my experience and see pictures here:


Chri8 30 Sep 2015 18:29

You can also stay entirely on tarmac, if you go via Baikal.

klausmong1 2 Oct 2015 18:14


Originally Posted by Wildman (Post 516824)
We came through in July and the road was paved from the Tashanta border until 61kms east of Ulgii. Can't help with October weather.

I crossed on the 17th of July and it was half paved to Olgii.

I did not see the full paved street you ment.

Wildman 3 Oct 2015 06:58


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 516994)
I crossed on the 17th of July and it was half paved to Olgii.

I did not see the full paved street you ment.

Well, I checked with my riding buddy and we both have the same recollection. There's one steep hill up and down that is graded and the rest is paved.

klausmong1 3 Oct 2015 09:25

Sorry, but there is a lot not paved to Olgii.
Might be most of the road paved, but at least 1/3rd not.
I got this also on Video.
So I am pretty sure.

crisidsto 4 Oct 2015 10:23


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 517030)
Sorry, but there is a lot not paved to Olgii.
Might be most of the road paved, but at least 1/3rd not.
I got this also on Video.
So I am pretty sure.

Strange: I crossed summer 2014 and from what I remember first 10-20 km from the border are gravel, then all paved to Olgii.

I can be wrong, but I just checked my pictures and they confirm me I'm right.


Anyway, going back to topic, I think october can start being really cold, on either asphalt in Siberia and Mongolia

klausmong1 4 Oct 2015 14:16


I think we met on the northern route near Tes in July.

I was the one with the black Transalp and riding together with Jan from Norway on a 800GS

Modman 7 Oct 2015 08:38

Hello Klaus :) Yes, although I didn't think to get my camera out till it was too late? You were on your way to see your wife if I remember correctly? Hope the rest of your trip was a good one. Daniel, Wildman's trust sidekick (On the G650 X Country)



klausmong1 7 Oct 2015 18:47

Cool Pic:thumbup1::thumbup1:

I dont have one from behind anyway:mchappy:

monnomania 15 Oct 2015 03:46

Sorry for the late reply...
...but i was in Mongolia and the server wouldn't let me connect.

It is probably too late for you now but here is the info you asked.

I was in Mongolia from 23 September till 10 October.

It snowed two times while we were there. Nights ranged from -3 to +3 degrees Celsius with daytime temps reaching sometimes up to 16 degrees.

We did the 'middle route' from UB to the Russan Altai border. It is NOW PAVED from UB-Kharakorin-White Lake-Tesontsengel. After that unpaved. Route is ok quality. There were some deep sandy areas just after Tesontsengel. The route from Ureg Nuur to the border was awesome. However you cross a huge rock field and at least three rivers (at this time two were dry, one ~50cm deep)

We hear that the 'Southern' route UB-Altai-Khovd-Olgii is now paved. Not confirmed.

The northern route, according to some travelers we met was horrendous - they broke a rear shock mount on their 4x4.

From Olgii to the border is HALF PAVED. There is a good roadbed made from Tsagaanuur to the border but very heavy washboard. Everyone including us took the offroad trails parallel the roadbed.

In Russia now, on the M5 heading to Moscow. Cold. Snowed all day.

klausmong1 15 Oct 2015 06:44

I just looked through all my films I made and I am really sure, that it is still a lot of unpaved parts Tashanta to Olgi.
As I said before it is half paved I am not sure anymore, maybe it is a little bit more paved than unpaved.

Regarding the southern route:
I met a couple and they rode on the southern route, and they said, that a little bit more than half of it is paved ( in Juli )

I did the center route and parts of the southern route in 2013 and the northern route in 2015.
I would not say that the streets are worse on the northern route.
It is easy to break a shock in mongolia.

The northern route just seems heavier because of the water crossings at the western part and the pars with soil with turn to mud in rain.

I would not say the northern route is heavier except the mentioned parts

Wildman 15 Oct 2015 13:28

Hi Klaus

I remember you and I've just remembered the gravel between Tashanta and Olgii. We rode on the tracks to one side due to the washboard. Apologies for the misinformation.

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