Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Karkara border crossing open (2016)? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/karkara-border-crossing-open-2016-a-87583)

HeartOfSteel 13 May 2016 17:22

Karkara border crossing open (2016)?

does anybody know weather the Karkara border crossing, north of the eastern side of Issik Kul, is already open?


Bartosz 14 May 2016 00:08

I crossed this border in July 2015. No problem at all.
You have to check it before crossing. Sometimes it can be closed.

Kurvenfieber 20 May 2016 09:38

boarder open
Stefan sent me an email, that the boarder was open and he crossed there succesfuly:thumbup1:

And he was the only one! So it was a quick go!

Zolatustra 14 Jun 2016 13:53

Yes it is
Just crossed it a week ago. Mind you, that the roads leading to the crossing are basically damaged, on both sides.


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