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-   -   Kazachstan to Russia TIP (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/kazachstan-to-russia-tip-88129)

bernd s 28 Jun 2016 04:05

Kazachstan to Russia TIP

does anybody has experience with leaving Kazachstan to Russia without TIP?

Alternatively a hint how to get the paperwork sorted in Almaty could help too.

As far as I understand we will get a new TIP for Russia anyway. So main point is leaving Kazachstan to Russia. Kirgistan should be no problem but that's where we are coming from.


klausmong1 28 Jun 2016 07:58

You mean the temporary import papers for vehicles?

You don't need them at the border Kasachstan to Russia.
You need them when you get out of Russia.

But still, if you don't have them, the Russian border guards will help you.
You just need to know the name of the border where you went into the Custom zone.

We had a person in our group when we passed the border to Mongolia in 2015, who also had no import papers.
First they argumented a little bit, but then they had an extra custom officer clearing this problem.
Might just take 15-30 minutes extra.

They have everything in their computer system anyway.

bernd s 4 Jul 2016 03:13


procedure as Klaus described.

Kazakhstan to Russia border north of Semej straight froward, quick and friendly. No more vehicle documents necessary.

We hoped to get new ones in Russia because our Problem is that the vehicle is not in the system. It appeared that there are no more facilities at the border to do so. The stuff was very helpful but no chance to fix our issue.

Looks we will have to leave to Mongolia and return form outside the custom union to Russia to get the papers straight.


klausmong1 5 Jul 2016 08:17

Don't worry to much.

Just go to Mongolia and enjoy.

And when you enter back to Russia, you will receive the right paperwork.

bernd s 29 Jul 2016 06:25


just made the TIP run from Russia to Mongolia and back.

They can easily track your and your vehicles custom history in the computer and prepare a new TIP to leave.

In our case it wasn’t that quick. We had an open entry with our car out of 2013 in the system which was not closed when leaving Kazakhstan at this time.

22 hours later the issue was solved with a lot of stamp checking and copying, a detailed report of the travel history and a final call to the Kazakh border post the car left 2013.

Even I am not a big cloud fan. Based on this experience we just can recommend to have the full travel history with entry and exit stamps plus every single custom document for the vehicle on-line accessible from the road. This would have saved us a lot of time.

Insist on correct custom documents when entering the custom union. Especially in Kirgistan not all custom officers seem to be aware of the latest procedures as full member of the custom union.

The very good news is:

Custom Union TIP is now valid for 12 month!

No more extension necessary for long time parking. Knowing this earlier I could have saved a lot of money on my one year business visa ;-)


Jil 4 Aug 2016 13:47


Originally Posted by bernd s (Post 542481)

does anybody has experience with leaving Kazachstan to Russia without TIP?

Alternatively a hint how to get the paperwork sorted in Almaty could help too.

As far as I understand we will get a new TIP for Russia anyway. So main point is leaving Kazachstan to Russia. Kirgistan should be no problem but that's where we are coming from.


If it can help, don't know if my case can be generalized : I left Kazakhstan to Russia 3 days ago, and since my first entrance in Russia after Ukraine (where I have been delivered a TIP), my TIP has never been asked at any border. But perhaps the russian/kazakh borders have it in electronic format....

Edit : yesterday night I passed back the frontier from Russia to Ukraine, end of my 2 entries visa, this time my TIP (paper) has been requested.

Zostran 17 Jan 2017 10:45


Originally Posted by bernd s (Post 544296)
The very good news is:

Custom Union TIP is now valid for 12 month!

No more extension necessary for long time parking. Knowing this earlier I could have saved a lot of money on my one year business visa ;-)

Thanks for the tip, Bernd!

Would you mind clarifying what you meant about the one-year business visa? Did you mean that it would be possible to get a 12-month TIP when entering Russia on a short-term (90-day) visa?

Batelumes 18 Jan 2017 19:29

Hi all.

And anyone knows what happens if you don´t go out of Custom Union before that 12 months?

Fine? How much?

Zostran 18 Jan 2017 20:25


Originally Posted by Batelumes (Post 555356)
Hi all.

And anyone knows what happens if you don´t go out of Custom Union before that 12 months?

Fine? How much?

You'll get a fine of 2000 Roubles, your vehicle will be impounded and you have to pay full customs/import duty to get it back. There is a calculator here (use the translate function in Google Chrome if you don't understand Russian): http://www.tks.ru/auto/calc/

Batelumes 23 Jan 2017 10:58

Thanks a lot, Zostran. Very good info...

Batelumes 23 Jan 2017 14:41


Originally Posted by Zostran (Post 555273)
Thanks for the tip, Bernd!

Would you mind clarifying what you meant about the one-year business visa? Did you mean that it would be possible to get a 12-month TIP when entering Russia on a short-term (90-day) visa?

About this question, it is independent the Temporary Import Paper in relation with your visa. One is given by russian embassy where you get it, and the other by the customs officers at the border where you enter Custom Union with your vehicle.

Tomkat 2 Feb 2017 06:34

On a similar subject maybe someone could advise me?

I'm a UK citizen currently working in KZ and will be buying a (new) bike locally, to be registered in KZ. My plan is to ride it home to UK through some of the countries in the CIS, to include Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Russia and Ukraine. Will I need to do any paperwork to prepare for this or does the customs union membership cover me all the way through?

Will I have to make some preparation for the border with the EU?

Thanks in advance!

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