Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Kyrgyzstan 2015 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/kyrgyzstan-2015-a-81254)

Mac-1769 30 Mar 2015 08:59

Kyrgyzstan 2015
Anyone traveling through Kyrgyzstan this summer? Send me a message and we can meet up for coffee or :scooter:

I live in Sokuluk, not far from Bishkek.


grahamtheman 31 Mar 2015 02:59

I'm on a year long service/missions trip in Asia that will come to an end this July. After that I would love to buy a motorbike in Tajikistan/Kyrgyzstan and make my way to Europe and I'd love to meet up with you on my way.

Do you have any advice for a foreigner buying a bike in Kyrgyzstan, is power of attorney good enough? I'd PM you but I'm new to the forum and need 5 posts first.

Every day with the Lord IS and adventure.

Mac-1769 31 Mar 2015 13:08

Hi grahamtheman,

Sent you a pm

klausmong1 31 Mar 2015 16:39

I might pass by in the middle of July bier

Mac-1769 2 Apr 2015 16:25

hope 2 C U
If it works out I will be very glad to meet with you.

Be safe.


motoreiter 2 Apr 2015 17:26

I might be heading down that way as well, not sure yet.

MuzToo 10 Apr 2015 08:35

Hi Mac. I hope to make it to your place this year. Or maybe you?

By the way, i have a KLR 650 in my garden on US plates that is for sale.



Mac-1769 11 Apr 2015 01:55

You are welcome here any time. I have been thinking and trying to work it out to go to your side of the mountains in the next week or so, before you get busy.
What year is your KLR?
Hope to make it over your way and hope you have a great and safe season. If I can help from this side let me know.


scalpo 13 Apr 2015 15:47

Hi, I'm to Armenia now, I think to be there starting on june....I'll write again 'cause I've not great planning my trip ;)

Mac-1769 19 Apr 2015 05:20

June is a great time to ride here. Mountains will be cool at night and not to hot in the day. Let me know when you will be here and if you will need anything. Enjoy and be safe.


guyinthejungle 19 Apr 2015 21:42

Hi Mac,

myself and a friend will be out in Kyrgyzstan in May/ June, travelling up to Bishkek around the 15 June. We're on a pair of Honda c90s so wont be tearing the place up!!! It would be great to meet up.

all the best


Mac-1769 20 Apr 2015 03:57

Sounds great! Looking forward to meeting you all. Try to give me a heads up before you get here.

Batelumes 30 Apr 2015 11:10

Hello. I'm planning to travel from Spain to Central Asia and even get to Mongolia, I still have not decided. If not give me time, I will wait for the next summer. But it is thank you very much thank you for your invitation.


Mac-1769 30 Apr 2015 12:56

Sounds like an awesome ride. If you can not make it all the way to Mongolia we have stored bikes here before. MuzToo stores bikes in Osh too. Let me know when you get close so we can meet somewhere.


laroche 1 May 2015 08:20


Originally Posted by muztoo.com (Post 501293)
Hi Mac. I hope to make it to your place this year. Or maybe you?

By the way, i have a KLR 650 in my garden on US plates that is for sale.



hello Patrick,
when we return from Mongolia, is it possible to store our sidecar with you from August 2015 to June 2016 ??

laroche 1 May 2015 08:25


Originally Posted by Mac-1769 (Post 500244)
Anyone traveling through Kyrgyzstan this summer? Send me a message and we can meet up for coffee or :scooter:

I live in Sokuluk, not far from Bishkek.


hello Mac,
we'll see you coming back from Mongolia,
we want to leave our sidecar from August 2015 to June 2016

Mac-1769 1 May 2015 13:45

Hope you enjoy your trip. Would be get to visit with you. I am sure that Patrick can help you with the storage, if he can't then i will see what i can do.


rollingstoned 4 May 2015 07:05

Advice on Kyrgyzstan Buying Ural
Hey MAC,
How are you?

I have a few questions I hoped you could help me finding an answer to.

I am currently in Nepal where I was planning on buying a royal enfield and then ride it home to Germany, but due to the earthquake this seems nearly impossible to go through with at the moment.

So Im looking into alternative routes and Kyrgyzstan looks like a good starting point.
One of the main problems is that Ive been on the road for about three years now, (just finished my trip around Australia on a harley davidson) so I have to get all my visas on the road.

Kyrgyzstan shouldn't be a problem, neither should Kazakhstan.
Do you have any information about Azerbaijan? My plan was to cross the caspian sea by ferry and then transit Az within 72hrs and cross the border at Nakhchevan/Dilucu.

One of my main concerns at the moment is the bike markt in Kyrgyzstan.
I'm interested in buying a ural, preferable with Side car.
Do you have any information about availability and prices for urals in kyrgyzstan at the moment?

Thanks heaps,

Ps: drop me a pm if you want, I don't have enough posts yet.

Ramish 26 May 2015 13:05


Originally Posted by Mac-1769 (Post 500244)
Anyone traveling through Kyrgyzstan this summer? Send me a message and we can meet up for coffee or :scooter:

I live in Sokuluk, not far from Bishkek.


Hello Mac,

Me and my partner will arrive in Bishkek on the 4th of July.
We are going to fly-in and send our Africa Twin by truck, all ready for one month of offroad :)
We have another friend riding an Africa Twin coming through Russia and a third friend flying from Indonesia (his Africa is already in Osh). So 3 Africas, 4 people.

We want to go to Pamir and we have 1 month for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. We will come prepared with beautiful tracks, no doubt about it.

Give us a message if you please.

We are looking forward at meeting fellow travelers.

p.s. Here you can check some photos from our last year 1 month of Morocco.

Moroccan Adventures 2014 — Heavy Duties

Thank you and see you in Kyrgyzstan!

Mac-1769 26 May 2015 17:09

Hello, look forward to meeting with you all. Looks like it was a great time in Morocco. Believe you will have a great time here too. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. 1769IAM@gmail.com


dazcarts 29 May 2015 15:36

Hi Mac

Im currently in Georgia and hope to be in Russia in 3 days, then on to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan before head back through Kazakhstan. I hope to be there before the end of June, but will let you know as I get closer.

Cheers Daren

Mac-1769 31 May 2015 18:14

Wonderful, looking forward to meeting you. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. I will be taking some short trips through the mountains this month, so if you can give a little heads up it will help me to schedule my time.


Dan38 7 Jun 2015 12:41

Hi Mac

I'm currently in Osh and will start heading towards Bishkek anytime soon. Not sure how long it's gonna take me but would be nice to stop for a coffee if you were around.

Cheers Dan

Mac-1769 7 Jun 2015 13:04

hi Dan
If you ride long and hard you can make it here in one day. Not a good idea! It is possible to get here in two days, but not much fun. Three day would be comfortable.
Do you know the route you want to take? I was trying to make a trip to Ming Kush, an old mining town. If you would like to meet somewhere give me a call or an email.
1769iam@Gmail.com 0551500998


Dan38 7 Jun 2015 14:13

No that's nothing for me, I'm not in a rush and will take my time.
Thought about going to Sary-Chelek and then from there more or less along the Uzbek border but will ask Patrik (Muztoo) for some tips before I'm gonna leave.
Need to get Visa/Passport stuff sorted in Bishkek but will definitely be up to check out this place while waiting or after I got everything in order.


WesleyDRZ400 12 Jun 2015 11:27

I will be around this area next week for a few weeks, i will be easy to spot as i will be the guy on the side of the road pushing an old soviet bike in either Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan :innocent:

Mac-1769 12 Jun 2015 11:37

What happen to your drz? If you are pushing the old Soviet bike close to Sokuluk give me a call and we will come pick you up, those things are heavy.
Hope you have a great time. If you get the time would be great to meet you.

WesleyDRZ400 12 Jun 2015 17:47

Yes back in 2014 after my summer ride there i was thinking to leave it in Bishkek with a friend but also knew custom union was coming in January so thought at the time it was better to get it sent home as i dont wont any problems regarding customs issues and as Sambour was heading back he had space on his truck for my bike so he took it back and got it sent to my door in England cheaper than it would cost to fly it back.

Probably looking at getting Planeta 5 as lighter than a Ural and easier to maintain

roo141 18 Jun 2015 09:19

Hello Mac, My name is Roo I'm heading your way in about 5-6 days I'm in Aktobe at present and leave tomorrow on a DR650.I have to stop in Bishkek for a few days to organise Visa for Tajik Maybe get back to me on ianhoran@hotmail.com? also I met Darren in Volgograd, i think he mentioned me?

Cheers mate

MuzToo 21 Jun 2015 05:57

Hi Christian. Yes it is possible. Can you contact me for details at: patrik (at) muztoo.ch

Jhons87 22 Jun 2015 22:53


Originally Posted by muztoo.com (Post 501293)
Hi Mac. I hope to make it to your place this year. Or maybe you?

By the way, i have a KLR 650 in my garden on US plates that is for sale.



Hi Patrick,

Is this bike still for sale?

Could you PM me if it is with some specs and costs?

Cheers, Rich

LorryG 25 Jun 2015 01:39

It's funny how I met you in Sokuluk (at a grocery store) and Muztoo in Osh (at an exchange office) just so randomly. Looks like you guys are where the adventure riders are! :)
Really miss Central Asia...I've done a couple of presentations at HU meetings in Canada and hope to inspire more people to visit this hidden pearl of the globe.

Lorry (blue Vstrom 650, 2013)

motoreiter 25 Jul 2015 20:29

Looks like I'll be heading to Kyrgyzstan in August.

I have a dumb question: are there generally places to stay, or should I bring a tent? I have seen much about lodging options in Kyrgyzstan on the HUBB.

In Mongolia I stayed in yurt camps several times; are there local equivalents in Kyrgyzstan? I'd rather not bring a tent, but I suppose it's best to have one as insurance?

I haven't really chosen a route yet; I'm sure I'll tool around Issyk kul a bit, then not sure...

klausmong1 26 Jul 2015 03:56

In Kyrgistan there are places to stay.

But this country embarassed me most of the ones I visited.

I was betrayed in a hotel on kara Kul for 100 Dollars.

After the Uzbek border there was no bank or ATM, and I tried to change money, but everyone told me that he doesnt

So I found this hotel and the ldy told me she woult take my dollars and give me the rest in Som.

And I only had 100 Dollar notes.

After I gave her the 100 Dollar, sghe said that she does not give me anything back and I can be happy that I can stay overnight...

so ****ing Kyrgistan.....

motoreiter 26 Jul 2015 05:41


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 511496)
So I found this hotel and the ldy told me she woult take my dollars and give me the rest in Som.

And I only had 100 Dollar notes.

After I gave her the 100 Dollar, sghe said that she does not give me anything back and I can be happy that I can stay overnight...

so ****ing Kyrgistan.....

Not a good story, sorry to hear! That would have really pissed me off as well.

I'm going with a friend, and it turns out that he's bringing a tent, so I'll do so as well.

edwardbgill 26 Jul 2015 08:05

Hi Mac

I'll be your way in late August/early September - would be good to meet up!


Mac-1769 26 Jul 2015 13:28


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 511496)
In Kyrgistan there are places to stay.

But this country embarassed me most of the ones I visited.

I was betrayed in a hotel on kara Kul for 100 Dollars.

After the Uzbek border there was no bank or ATM, and I tried to change money, but everyone told me that he doesnt

So I found this hotel and the ldy told me she woult take my dollars and give me the rest in Som.

And I only had 100 Dollar notes.

After I gave her the 100 Dollar, sghe said that she does not give me anything back and I can be happy that I can stay overnight...

so ****ing Kyrgistan.....

Was this in Kyrgyzstan or in Uzbekistan? There is no problem with changing money here in Kyrgyzstan. If this happened here please tell me the name and address of the hotel.

To answer the question about places to stay, there are many hotels, hostels, home stays, yurt camps and a major load of places to camp.
The sad thing is over the last few years I have noticed more kyrgyz trying to charge more for travels as much as double. A night in a yurt with breakfast should be between 500 and 700 Com.
If there is anything I can do for you just ask. I live in Sokuluk, just west of Bishkek.


klausmong1 26 Jul 2015 14:25

As I wrote, it was in Kyrgistan at the lake in kara Kul. And I tried to change money from the Uzbek border to karakul.
Where ever I stoped everybody said no.

Karakul was the first ATM and that did not work

So I had bad luck.

Yes, I stored the hotes as a waypoint and I took a picture of it.
But It will take a little bit till I can sort the data out.

But for sure I will spread the name of the hotel everywere.

klausmong1 26 Jul 2015 14:54

By the way, it was this one


hope the link works

41.752520, 72.925261

Mac-1769 26 Jul 2015 15:02

I am in the mountains right now and have real poor Internet. I will look it up when I get home. I feel real bad that this has happened. I am not Kyrgyz but have lived here for 8 years. Just last week another riders was robbed of $500.00 out of his room. I know it happens but it sure embarrasses me when it happens here.
If there is anything we can do to help let me know.

Tristanjr 19 Aug 2015 10:21

Place to leave bike in Bishkek...
Hey Patrik & Mac,

Just got to Kyrgyzstan today. You guys are clearly the local experts. Maybe you could help me out with a couple of issues.

I'm halfway through a trip from Beijing to Madrid on Chinese bike, a Shineray X5.

I've been riding around China for the last 3 months:) Just got past the Chinese border at Irkeshtam after 2 days of bureaucratic wrangling. Now rushing towards Bishkek.

I'm going to have to break up my trip for a few weeks to go to my best friend's wedding in Spain. (I'm the best man, so I've gotta be there). I also have a few work things to sort it whilst I'm back.

I'm flying from Bishkek to Madrid on the morning of the 24th & coming back to Bishkek on 15th Sept.

After that, the road west begins again ;)

Here is where I would love some advice/help:

1. Can you guys recommend a place where I can leave my bike in Bishkek for 20 days? From the 24th Aug till the 15th Sept.

2. Also, I'm looking for a decent mechanic who could help me out when I get back.
I plan on coming back from Spain with some new tyres, a new chain & sprockets, as well as a few other much needed bits & bobs (the crappy Chinese speed gauge stopped working a couple of days ago, for example).
Do you guys know anyone good in Bishkek?

Thanks a lot!


Mac-1769 20 Aug 2015 07:47

I live in Sokuluk and you are welcome to leave it there. Right now I am on the road, not sure when I will be home. You can find my email on here or number. If not send me a pm.

robtho 20 Aug 2015 16:06

Bishkek bikers bar

Originally Posted by Tristanjr (Post 513722)
Hey Patrik & Mac,

Just got to Kyrgyzstan today. You guys are clearly the local experts. Maybe you could help me out with a couple of issues.

I'm halfway through a trip from Beijing to Madrid on Chinese bike, a Shineray X5.

I've been riding around China for the last 3 months:) Just got past the Chinese border at Irkeshtam after 2 days of bureaucratic wrangling. Now rushing towards Bishkek.

I'm going to have to break up my trip for a few weeks to go to my best friend's wedding in Spain. (I'm the best man, so I've gotta be there). I also have a few work things to sort it whilst I'm back.

I'm flying from Bishkek to Madrid on the morning of the 24th & coming back to Bishkek on 15th Sept.

After that, the road west begins again ;)

Here is where I would love some advice/help:

1. Can you guys recommend a place where I can leave my bike in Bishkek for 20 days? From the 24th Aug till the 15th Sept.

2. Also, I'm looking for a decent mechanic who could help me out when I get back.
I plan on coming back from Spain with some new tyres, a new chain & sprockets, as well as a few other much needed bits & bobs (the crappy Chinese speed gauge stopped working a couple of days ago, for example).
Do you guys know anyone good in Bishkek?

Thanks a lot!


I arrived in Bishkek today aboard a DRZ400S with a troublesome regulator rectifier and have spent all afternoon trying to get it sorted. I asked the technician about possible accommodation with bike security and got directed here. Nice bar, hostel style rooms and good food. I asked them about bike storage for you and they said it's possible. There's also a mechanic working here. Location N 42.82655 E 074.64169 Hope that helps.

motoreiter 30 Aug 2015 03:39


Originally Posted by robtho (Post 513818)
...and got directed here. Nice bar, hostel style rooms and good food. I asked them about bike storage for you and they said it's possible. There's also a mechanic working here. Location N 42.82655 E 074.64169 Hope that helps.

Does this place have a name?

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