Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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k974 5 Jan 2012 02:53

leave car in mongolia or russia

was planning a mongolia trip, then africa, now back to mongolia, things are still up the air, it'll be the last big trip we do so still working out the one to go for.

just wondering can you leave/donate/abandon a car in russia/mongilia or nearby country, we will be driving a 1997 landcruiser prado and have come via turkey, iran and the stans so will have a carnet,

trying to maximise the time we have, by not having to double back and fly out would allow us to spend more time elsewhere.

thanks for all your help.

OnkelKarle 5 Jan 2012 06:35

Hi k974,

after riding from Germany to Mongolia this summer we left them in Mongolia. We sold them to 2 expats. We were asked no questions on our way out.
The expats did some paperwork to register the bikes but that was after we left the country.
5 years ago I left Mongolia for China and I left my bike in Mongolia (but picked it up afterwards). That time no one asked questions at the border either. It seems to me its no problem to abandon a vehicle in Mongolia.

Russia is a different matter however. They seem to be pretty exact and serious with their paperwork. I wouldn't try there. A friend of us DID leave Russia with his bike but the Russians thought for some reasons he didn't. He got multiple letters sent to his home (Switzerland) where they tried to fine him.

What I don't know how this work with your carnet.

Cheers Patrick

Gunnermon 5 Jan 2012 17:02

You have to sort out some paperwork on donating the car to a charity otherwise you'll have to pay excise tax on the border.

Tony P 5 Jan 2012 22:34

It is perfectly permissable to exit RUS, leaving your vehicle behind in RUS.
E.G. Right now I am now sitting on Gran Canaria, offshore Spain, having spent a week in London en-route and all this time my UK registered car is gathering snow in Moscow.

However this can only be temporary.

The difficulty comes when your vehicle exceeds it's Customs Permit time limit. They have your Passport details and the name and address taken from the Registration Document produced on entry. They could persue you, albeit fairly ineffectively until you try to re-enter RUS. Their nation wide computor systems are highly effecient. On re-entering RUS you could expect a far more pro-active approach!

RUS Customs will accept a vehicle as being stolen or written off in an accident subject to you providing valid Road Police reports etc.

Otherwise go to the Customs office with the person you are giving it to and make sure they clear you of potential duty liability and transfer any liability to the recipient.

For reference - your vehicle will normally be given 3 months Customs Permit on entry. This can be extended at local Customs Offices by up to a further 9 months to give a full year, or such shorter period for which you have rights to be there (Visa, Permit, etc).

Zimi 5 Aug 2016 17:34

Hi Tony,

do you have an idea on how to process in case of loss of papers?

I just lost all my documents, including the bike papers and the papers I got at the border when I entered Russia.

I need to prolongate the temporary import and come back next year... As well, do you have a idea about the amount of the fine if the maximal duration is exceeded?

As I have no document for the bike it is difficult to prolongate them...

klausmong1 5 Aug 2016 21:21

As i figured out with some friends at the russian border, it ist not the bib problem if you lost your temporary import. it is in the computer and they find it and solve it.

And the thing with the documents:
Do you think you can get duplicates from Switzerland and have them sent to you with eps are something similar?

Zimi 6 Aug 2016 03:02

Hi Klaus, thanks for your reply. Yes I could, but as I lost my passport, I can't enter Mongolia without visa, so it doesn't help.

I will check if I can find a custom office in Yakutsk to try to sort this out.

klausmong1 6 Aug 2016 05:47

Ups, that is really bad.

Store it in ancustom zone?

motoreiter 6 Aug 2016 06:55

I recommend getting this fixed, because my understanding is that it is not good to have the temporary import certificate expire; I've never actually met anyone that it has happened, but I've met several people say that it is a "major problem" and best not to do it. I would certainly consider getting a police report or statement from your embassy, or both to the effect that your docs were lost/stolen--maybe that will help.

One story however: once I was standing in line at the customs place in Moscow to extend my temp import. The guy in front of me in line told the customs guy that the car had totally burned, including all of the papers in it--he was asking was to do...the customs guy told him that burnt or not, the car had to be towed to the border from Moscow before the expiration of the temp import (maybe just a wind-up for a bribe, but still...).

When you enter Russia, usually you are given a temp import for three months. You can extend this for up to a year (ie, a year total not a year from the three months), but you will need your bike docs, passport, visa, etc. Also, as far as I know, you can only extend the temp import for as long as you can stay under your visa. For instance, if you have a three year visa, but can only stay for 90 days at a time, you can only extend for 90 days, then you have to do it again. But in no case longer than a year.

If you're not very careful, you're going to end up in a bureaucratic mess! Putting it in a customs zone is an interesting idea; never heard of anyone doing it, but it might work...

bernd s 6 Aug 2016 08:43

Hi Zimi,

Been just through a similar custom issue but still had the passport and vehicle papers.

After several attempts to get the missing custom papers sorted we decided to leave to Mongolia because the custom there is used to the vehicle documentation system and has access. In the end it worked.

Without passport you will need a passport replacement anyway. I would suggest getting this 1st. To get this you may need the recommended police report anyway. As long as you know when and where you entered custom will find the entry in the computer system and can close it and issue a TIP copy. Ok a necessary Visa makes things not as easy and you may try your luck at the next bigger cities custom

Can you remember the expiry date on the bar code sticker? We and everybody we met during the last 5 weeks had now one Year validity for the TIP. This may give you sufficient time to park and return within this time.

Everybody we had contact to about a potential TIP extension warned us to let it expire. We have been told that an extension is just possible with a valid TIP.

Good luck with solving you issue. Shouldn’t be that big problem but may need some time.

Similar problems but dated back to 2011:

Our story:

Copy of the summary:


just made the TIP run from Russia to Mongolia.

They can easily track your and your vehicles custom history in the computer and prepare a new TIP to leave.

In our case it wasn’t that quick. We had an open entry with our car out of 2013 in the system which was not closed when leaving Kazakhstan at this time.

22 hours later the issue was solved with a lot of stamp checking and copying, a detailed report of the travel history and a final call to the Kazakh border post the car left 2013.

Even I am not a big cloud fan. Based on this experience we just can recommend to have the full travel history with entry and exit stamps plus every single custom document for the vehicle on-line accessible from the road. This would have saved us a lot of time.

Insist on correct custom documents when entering the custom union. Especially in Kirgistan not all custom officers seem to be aware of the latest procedures as full member of the custom union.

The very good news is:

TIP is now valid for 12 month!

No more extension necessary for long time parking. Knowing this earlier I could have saved a lot of money on my one year business visa ;-)



motoreiter 6 Aug 2016 18:11


Originally Posted by bernd s (Post 544824)
Hi Zimi,
The very good news is:

TIP is now valid for 12 month!

This is great news indeed, did you get this long term TIP this year, or what? Last summer I only got a three month one.

eurasiaoverland 6 Aug 2016 21:39


Originally Posted by bernd s (Post 544824)
Hi Zimi,

Been just through a similar custom issue but still had the passport and vehicle papers.

After several attempts to get the missing custom papers sorted we decided to leave to Mongolia because the custom there is used to the vehicle documentation system and has access. In the end it worked.

Without passport you will need a passport replacement anyway. I would suggest getting this 1st. To get this you may need the recommended police report anyway. As long as you know when and where you entered custom will find the entry in the computer system and can close it and issue a TIP copy. Ok a necessary Visa makes things not as easy and you may try your luck at the next bigger cities custom

Can you remember the expiry date on the bar code sticker? We and everybody we met during the last 5 weeks had now one Year validity for the TIP. This may give you sufficient time to park and return within this time.

Everybody we had contact to about a potential TIP extension warned us to let it expire. We have been told that an extension is just possible with a valid TIP.

Good luck with solving you issue. Shouldn’t be that big problem but may need some time.

Similar problems but dated back to 2011:

Our story:

Copy of the summary:


just made the TIP run from Russia to Mongolia.

They can easily track your and your vehicles custom history in the computer and prepare a new TIP to leave.

In our case it wasn’t that quick. We had an open entry with our car out of 2013 in the system which was not closed when leaving Kazakhstan at this time.

22 hours later the issue was solved with a lot of stamp checking and copying, a detailed report of the travel history and a final call to the Kazakh border post the car left 2013.

Even I am not a big cloud fan. Based on this experience we just can recommend to have the full travel history with entry and exit stamps plus every single custom document for the vehicle on-line accessible from the road. This would have saved us a lot of time.

Insist on correct custom documents when entering the custom union. Especially in Kirgistan not all custom officers seem to be aware of the latest procedures as full member of the custom union.

The very good news is:

TIP is now valid for 12 month!

No more extension necessary for long time parking. Knowing this earlier I could have saved a lot of money on my one year business visa ;-)



Are we talking about Russia (+ customs union) or Mongolia?

bernd s 7 Aug 2016 08:26


12 Month TIP for Russia and the custom union July 2016

Should have written:

just made the TIP run from Russia to Mongolia and back to Russia


motoreiter 7 Aug 2016 12:43

OK, that's great news, thanks for posting.

bubbla 7 Aug 2016 16:49

Just checked my TIP, entry to Russia 10.06.2016 - valid until 10.06.2017.
Confirmed and good news indeed.:thumbup1:

eurasiaoverland 7 Aug 2016 20:52

Wow, that is great news!!! Thanks for sharing :)

I've been worrying a lot about how to keep my truck in Magadan from November until all the ice roads reliably open in Jan / Feb, which would have made a trip of more than 90 days.

Thanks Mr P for the Custom's Union!!

Zimi 8 Aug 2016 01:10

Great to know!!!!
and on my side, an incredible news, some other foreigner riders found my wallet with all the document and money!! In 3-4 days I will be able to go on and leave my bike in Mongolia, as initially planned.

Thanks for you support and help anyway!!

I had already been at the police to make the lose declaration and was about to go today to the custom office in Yakutsk.

Luckily I don't have to go through all that anymore.

motoreiter 8 Aug 2016 05:19


Originally Posted by Zimi (Post 544941)
Great to know!!!!
...incredible news, some other foreigner riders found my wallet with all the document and money!!

bier doesn't get much luckier than that, but I'd run out and buy some lottery tickets just in case.

klausmong1 8 Aug 2016 07:35


Originally Posted by Zimi (Post 544941)
Great to know!!!!
and on my side, an incredible news, some other foreigner riders found my wallet with all the document and money!! In 3-4 days I will be able to go on and leave my bike in Mongolia, as initially planned.

Thanks for you support and help anyway!!

I had already been at the police to make the lose declaration and was about to go today to the custom office in Yakutsk.

Luckily I don't have to go through all that anymore.

Congrats !!

Best what could happen:thumbup1::thumbup1::D

Zimi 8 Aug 2016 16:00

Now that I solved this problem, there is another question coming.

Do I need to do something special at the border crossing if I want to leave my bike in Mongolia for 1 year?

I will leave the country with the plane and come back next summer.

I heard from someone that I need to pay the temporary import tax of 15.5%.


motoreiter 8 Aug 2016 18:18

In past years travellers have left their bikes in Mongolia at the Oasis Guest House; there is some customs paperwork/procedures which need to be dealt with as I understand it.

klausmong1 9 Aug 2016 16:59

No, dont tell at the border that you leave it in Mongolia, solve that in UB.

at the paperwork write in a different border to leave .

Sometimes they try to get tax from you, but I think that is just to jerk you and you dont get that back.

So write a different border to leav and in UB you go to oasis and they help you.
They do that a lot of times.
And then you go to customs and clear that.
2 persons I know did that this way.

motoreiter 11 Aug 2016 05:35

Back to the issue of leaving a vehicle in Russia--I've got another sighting here of someone who entered Russia in May and got a one-year TIP at the border. Bernd and Bubbla, could you tell us your nationality and what type of visas you had? Just trying to figure out if either of those factors matter...

bernd s 11 Aug 2016 06:41


German on a one year business visa.

Met two other German parties entered with a 4x4 each and a group of 3 German Motorbikes with 1 year TIP.


motoreiter 11 Aug 2016 07:00

I wonder if it makes a difference if you have a business or tourist visa? The guy I know here is a US citizen with a work permit.

This is obviously a big and very helpful change, so it will be good to have a full understanding of the change. I will be at the Russian border tomorrow and will try to clarify there as well, although I'll be going out rather than in.

ta-rider 11 Aug 2016 08:01


Originally Posted by k974 (Post 361763)
just wondering can you leave/donate/abandon a car in russia/mongilia

Hi you could donate the car to me in Mongolia and i will drive it back. Thats a win win. We can arange everything else on PN :-)

bubbla 12 Aug 2016 14:54

Passport German, bike Sweden, business visa 6 month, multiple entry.

motoreiter 15 Aug 2016 07:08

I exited Russia on Saturday. While at the border, I asked the customs guy about the TIP. He confirmed that it is one year at the border, nationality and visa type do not matter. And as in the past, it can be renewed by leaving Russia for a day (or an hour) and coming back in.

All-in-all, this is a great development for moto travellers--now all you need to do is find a place to store your bike for the winter!

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