Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Northern and Central Asia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/)
-   -   Leaving car in Rusia/Kaz/Kyrg - TIP regulations - what is really possible? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/leaving-car-rusia-kaz-kyrg-93346)

bernd s 15 Nov 2017 21:04


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 573869)
Yes, you have 3 TIP

You leave Russia ( Customs Union ) and give back the TIP.

Get a new one in Mongolia, and agein a new one in Russia.

But that is easy.

You can keep the TIP. The departure will be just registered in the computer system and with a stamp on the TIP. You get a new paper in Mongolia. On your return to Russia you either can use the existing TIP (thats what all the Mongolians do with 20 stamps on it) or fill in a new one to get the 12 month again.

Having had an uncleared departure myself and read of similar issues of other travellers I can just strongly advice to keep the old TIP’s and store pictures / scans online so you have it available for the next years just in case …


klausmong1 16 Nov 2017 01:37

Yes, you keep the paper but it will get out of the computer.

I just did not want to make it to complicated.

I never used the old TIP paper again, actually I tried the first time and they did not want to accept it at the Mongolian / Russian border.

And this year everyone at the border filled out new ones, even Mongols.
And also Russians had to fill out the paper which surprised me. ( maybe because of REimport after exiting )

Lovetheworld 16 Nov 2017 08:19

Ok thanks guys. I'll make pictures of the TIPs when they are stampt and returned (so when exiting the country) if possible and allowed.
I don't worry to much about it, but just curious to how it works.

We will also have a Carnet Du Passage, which they can ask for at the Mongolian border, but won't be using it. We only arrange it for Japan.

klausmong1 16 Nov 2017 08:44

I never heard someone asking for a carnet at the mongolian border.

In fact, I know a person who wanted to show his carnet and they refused it.

As far as I know you only may need it in Mongolia when you ship the bike there and pick it up in UB

Lovetheworld 16 Nov 2017 09:16

I read it somewhere (can't remember where), but it doesn't matter, you will get in either way.
It will be fine, I just have to get the Russian and Mongolia visas sorted and everything is good to go for our trip. (Japan is 90 day visa free, and entering with Carnet)

Anyway, this is enough disruption of the thread, let's go back to the original discussion.

klausmong1 16 Nov 2017 17:52

I have been 3 times in Mongolia now and I met a lot of travellers, no one had a carnet.

Except some Travellers who shipped it to Mongolia.

Pagan 17 Nov 2017 00:00


Originally Posted by klausmong1 (Post 573638)
As far as I know there is only one border from Belarus to RUS that can handle Foreigners.

Which border crossing is it?

klausmong1 17 Nov 2017 03:16

I forgot the name, but it is a main border and there is also a special Computer terminal what can handle non Russian and Belarus Travellers.

I met a few Motorcycle travellers this year near Kursk and the entered legally on this border.

eurasiaoverland 17 Nov 2017 13:22

I think it's at the three-way border which is known in Russia as Novy Yurkovich, at the point where Belarus, Ukraine and Russia all meet. It's close to what I regard as the most scenic parts of Belarus (and the most radioactive!) in the wetlands along the Priptyat River.


But, I have never crossed this border, so cannot tell you 100%. It would make sense however, as the Belarussians will have to stamp you out in case you go to Ukraine.

Martin_N 25 Nov 2017 17:52

About storage: I have an address in Kyrgyzstan, but considering as well to leave the car at first in Kazahstan.

Does anyone know any reliable car storage options in South-East Kazahstan, close enough to an airport to fly back home?

Thank you,

Zimi 4 Feb 2018 10:32

Hi Guys,
on my side it was always possible to have a business visa for Russia (1 or 2 years, now even 3). Just a money thing. But last year I had troubles at the border with Mongolia in Buryatie. Got fined for staying in a border zone without special permit and then fined again for traveling with a business visa. On my way back from Mongolia to Altai, had lot of discussions at the border as well because of my business visa. Eventually, the next time I showed up in Domodedovo airport, I was sent back to Switzerland and banned for 3 years. No explanations except that my visa has been canceled.
I still don't know the exact reason. Has any of you experienced issues with business visa lately? The last 4 years I had never a problem.

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