Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Northern and Central Asia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/)
-   -   Mongolia & Central Asia, 2011 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/mongolia-and-central-asia-2011-a-45785)

Wildman 9 Oct 2009 10:18

Mongolia & Central Asia, 2011
Latest plans here.

Lisa Thomas 10 Oct 2009 04:47

..you might enjoy this then!
Wildman....you might just enjoy reading our recent trip report - which has GPS ref etc and (we hope) useful information....through Mongolia. see here:
2ridetheworld.com : diary

Not that it appears that you need anymore incentive to travel through Mongolia or CA.
We are currently in Kyrgyzstan and so this report will continue as we get further into CA.....
cheers and hope you enjoy the planning and anticipation that this brings :-)

Wildman 10 Oct 2009 11:03

Thanks Lisa.

Fantastic trip you're undertaking and very useful information there.

You're right, there's a lot of enjoyment to be had just in the planning.

Good luck with the rest of your ride; I'll keep an eye out for your updates.

bjorg 10 Oct 2009 16:28


Originally Posted by Wildman (Post 259740)
I'm in the very early stages of planning a major trip. There's a proposal that the 2011 Russian Sidecar Motocross Grand Prix will be held in Kamensk-Uralskiy, 2,000 kms east of Moscow. If this event gets the go ahead then I intend to ride there and having ridden that far, it seems if I'm ever going to do it, Mongolia beckons.

Thinking of leaving UK mid to late-July - Rostock to Helsinki ferry - St. Petersburg - Moscow - Penza (home of the 2009 & 2010 GPs) - Ekaterinburg - Kamensk-Uralshiy to arrive for the Friday or Saturday of the GP (the date has yet to be announced but the Russian GP is usually on the second or third Sunday in August). After the GP, travel to Omsk - Novosibirsk - Irkutsk - Ulan-Ude - cross the Russian/Mongolian border arriving in Ulaanbaatar.

Rather than retrace steps, I'm then hoping to set out west through Mongolia, cross the Mongolia/Russian border at Tsagaannuur then, Barnaul - cross Russian/Kazahkstan border and head down to the 'stans aiming for Issyk Kul and Samarqand before heading back via Azerbaijan and Turkey.

About 16,000 miles in all. I'm a 'plodder' so am not anticipating being back in the UK before the early or mid-October 2011; 12-14 weeks in all. Mix of camping and hotels. Options that might exist based on time, money and political climate include a brief detour to Kashgar in China, riding the Pamir Highway through Tajikistan and dipping down into Syria, maybe even to Petra in Jordan.

The decision for the venue of the GP will take place at the end of October 2010, just over one year from now so this is very early planning. That date should allow plenty of time for visas and carnets etc. if it's a "green light". I'm novice at this type of trip but with the amount of time to plan, save and prepare, I think it should be possible.

I've been keeping a track on some of the reports from the area; inspiring stuff! All advice or benefit of experience gratefully accepted. Anyone interested in joining me for part or all of the trip, would be most welcome.

I would be interested in looking at joining you..have a trip planned for next summer so this would be good for 2011..may have another couple also interested..it would be myself and my female partner who also rides..camping is not our favorite thing but if we have to we will do it..can you go for a longer period..might be good to start in middle May..I am from the US so we would ship our bikes..bj

Wildman 10 Oct 2009 21:18

Hi Bjorg

It would be excellent to have a small group to travel with for either all or part of the way.

Three months away, including August, is about the maximum I can justify and the second quarter, April, May and June, is traditionally the busiest period for my business so leaving in mid-May might be a challenge but not impossible. The only date I was working around is the likely date of the Russian GP but that's just kind of a catalyst, not a 'must do'.

bjorg 11 Oct 2009 05:26


Originally Posted by Wildman (Post 259897)
Hi Bjorg

It would be excellent to have a small group to travel with for either all or part of the way.

Three months away, including August, is about the maximum I can justify and the second quarter, April, May and June, is traditionally the busiest period for my business so leaving in mid-May might be a challenge but not impossible. The only date I was working around is the likely date of the Russian GP but that's just kind of a catalyst, not a 'must do'.

I was thinking more about the weather and thought that July,August,Sept..would be better..although it is nice for us to be home in June and July..3 months on the bikes is about enough so we will just have to plan the itinerary accordingly..We are planning to go to Jordan this next summer if all goes well..will start in Spain and go down to Morocco and then across to Sicily..to Bosnia etc ..turkey..Greece..plan to be gone 2-3 months..have been looking at some trips to China ,Mongolia and Tibet also..but your trip looks appealing ..let's work on it..bj

Wildman 5 Jun 2010 12:09

Plans beginning to fall into place.

Set to leave from the proposed German ADV event near Siegen in Germany Whitsun weekend 2011 (12/13th June) heading for the Russian Sidecar Motocross GP at Kamensk-Uralskiy scheduled for 10th July, probably via Poland, (Belarus?), Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, (Finland?) and Russia.

Two options from there. Either on to Ulan Ude and Ulaanbaatar and then back through Mongolia and home via Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Rep. (likely) or dip into Mongolia at Tsanaguur for a couple of days and then back via more of the 'stans, Turkey, Bulgaria etc. (possible). Aiming to be back in Western Europe 31st August.

Anyone interested to help shape plans and link up for all or part, most welcome.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 20:24.
