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Landroverholic 15 Jan 2012 02:14

Mongolia Visa
Hi all

Just a quick check. I'm driving from UK to Vlad through Europe Russia Mongolia Siberia leaving in June.

From what I gather I can cross the border at Tashanta and then get a visa once I am in Mongolia? I know there are Embassies in Irkutsk and Ulan Ude but is there one on the West side of Mongolia?

Am I correct with this or can I organise a visa for Mongolia somewhere else on route through Russia following the TSH?

Would be greatful for any info.



Gunnermon 15 Jan 2012 12:04

Why don't get it in Moscow, Alma-Aty or somewhere any capital cities of European countries you drive through

estebangc 15 Jan 2012 12:20

Slight correction: You refer to Consulates (they deal with their own citizens/foreigners to renew passports, issue visas, etc). They may be many and located anywhere found necessary. They depend on the Embassy. Embassies deal with the relations between the States (political issues) and in 95-99% of the cases they are located in the capital (thus, only 1 per State). But there may be a consular section in the Embassy or a Consulate in the capital. Why I say that? They may be in a completely different location, so if you ever ask and go to the Embassy instead of the Consulate, you'll waste your day (not in Itkursk, but in Moscow, for instance).

Maybe a non-sense, but why don't you get the visa while at home, not possible? (The Mongolian Consulate - General Australia)

In Tashanta border there's a reasonably big office on the Mongolian side, but I have no idea if they issue visas. Sorry, this may not be a very useful answer, but I wanted to point out the difference b/w Embassies and Consulates.

Happy travels,


Sam I Am 15 Jan 2012 17:40

Visa available enroute?
I guess I have the same question. I can't get the visa before I go as at least for us Canadians, the Ottawa embassy website says "Visas are valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. The duration of your stay in the country starts from the entry date to Mongolia." In my case I'll be leaving Canada mid-April and don't plan to arrive in Mongolia until mid-July. By then, the visa will be invalid.

In my case, I plan to cross Russia from the west, entering Mongolia by dropping down from Ulan Ude. Should I plan on getting a visa in Ulan Ude or get it in Moscow or elsewhere? Any problems getting it enroute? I don't see that they are one of the countries that insist that you get the visa in your home country.

Thanks... This is my last visa hurdle.

MadDaisy 15 Jan 2012 23:09

Ulan Ude visa
I am a Canadian, and got my Mongolia visa for about $90 in Ulan Ude in one day, in July 2011. Just make sure you are not applying during Nadam, as the embassy is closed for 2 weeks!

cheers & good luck. Mongolia is fantastic.

Sam I Am 15 Jan 2012 23:34


That's what I needed to know. Looks like Nadam is July 11-13 which is just about the time I expected to hit the area. So you're thinking that the consulate is probably closed then, eh? If so, I should probably pick it up earlier in Moscow.

Yes... very much looking forward to Mongolia. It's been a destination for many years. Can't wait.

Landroverholic 16 Jan 2012 03:27


Do things close down for 2 weeks in Mongolia at this time as we will be travelling through at this time?


MadDaisy 16 Jan 2012 06:40

The Mongolian consulate in Ulan Ude was closed for at least a full week in July 2011. It was very difficult to find out the actual opening dates from the signs on the consulate gate.

A quick google search turned up this contact info:

Tel: 7-301-2-215275 (consul)

and hopefully you will get the full story from them.

Sam I Am 16 Jan 2012 19:27


Thanks for the info. Assuming that the closing times might be tricky to find, yesterday I emailed twice to the consulate in Ulaan-Ude (finding and using the same address you gave) but both were returned - invalid address. So I tried to email the consulate in Irkutsk but that was bounced back as their mailbox was full. I emailed the embassy in Ottawa several weeks ago but have heard nothing.

They say that the 30-day tourist visas have a 90 day validity period. So would you happen to know if that means I have to enter within the 90 days, or exit within the 90 days. It impacts on where else I might pick one up.


chris 16 Jan 2012 19:38


Originally Posted by Sam I Am (Post 363418)

They say that the 30-day tourist visas have a 90 day validity period. So would you happen to know if that means I have to enter within the 90 days, or exit within the 90 days. It impacts on where else I might pick one up.


Enter within 90 days. So, if you entered on day 89 after the issue date, you'd still have 30 days to stay in the country.


Sam I Am 17 Jan 2012 00:25


Enter within 90 days. So, if you entered on day 89 after the issue date, you'd still have 30 days to stay in the country.
Excellent. That opens a lot of options.


Gunnermon 17 Jan 2012 07:23

Yes, Chris is right. As long as you r entering within the 90 days, no probs. There consulates in Moscow, Irkuts, Ulan-Ude, Kizil and Alma-Aty. So Irkutsk is another possibility if you happen to arrive in Ulan-Ude around the Naadam Festival. By the way, if you have questions regarding authorities in Mongolia that can be asked by simple phone call, I can help as I'm Mongolian living in Mongolia. info@adventuresmongolia.mn

Sam I Am 17 Jan 2012 14:37

Great contact! Thanks. I'll plan on picking the visa up in Europe then and if I can get moving, instead of avoiding the festival, maybe I'll be lucky enough to get there in time to attend. Looks like it would be a great time to be there!


Landroverholic 18 Jan 2012 04:55

Thanks for the info folks.

Sam looks like we might be in Mongolia around the same time so maybe we can catch up or bump into each other along the way? Will PM you. I will be in a Landrover.

I have been looking at trying to cross the border North of Khovsgol Lake back into Russia but last I could see the border was not yet open to tourists/travellers.

Happy travels


motoreiter 18 Jan 2012 05:44


Originally Posted by Landroverholic (Post 363600)
I have been looking at trying to cross the border North of Khovsgol Lake back into Russia but last I could see the border was not yet open to tourists/travellers.

I'm also interested in this crossing--does anyone have definite news? I read a rumor somewhere that a few people have been able to talk their way through, has anyone on the HUBB tried this crossing?

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