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-   -   Old Road of Bones in Winter (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/old-road-of-bones-winter-68654)

motoreiter 4 Feb 2013 13:19


Originally Posted by Travelbug (Post 410449)
@motoreiter: That is exactly why I sound perhaps "condescending" on my blog (your quote on the links provided by @chris) to anyone who fits the description.

Sorry, I don't understand your point, but my interpretation is that you deem me someone that you can condescend to, is that it?

Frankly I don't care much either way, but I was rather concerned in this thread that you are seriously underestimating the difficulty and risk of this kind of trip ("...with a Kamaz truck in front of our car it would certainly be possible," "...it definitely wasn't a miscalculation of road conditions," etc.), and I did not want you to freeze to death because your rather optimistic conclusions had not been challenged.

Sorry that I can't provide first hand information for you, but I decided that you could use some common-sense advice based on my experience in Russia, including the Road of Bones, so I've provided that, much of which was repeated by Colebatch.

In future, however, given your high opinion of yourself, I will humbly refrain from further efforts to provide any meager assistance, in this thread or any other.

m37charlie 4 Feb 2013 14:39


Originally Posted by Travelbug (Post 410449)

@m37charlie: You are seconding a third party's comment that is based on a media report which has a commercial interest ... instead of having any first-hand-experience yourself. May I call this a modern mass phenomenon ?

@motoreiter: That is exactly why I sound perhaps "condescending" on my blog (your quote on the links provided by @chris) to anyone who fits the description.


You are making a statement about me without any knowledge whatsoever. I have travelled by dog sled at -46C north of the Arctic Circle in February. I camped in a thin tent at -35C for 3 days caribou hunting on the Alaska Peninsula, and spent a Christmas camped in a tent moose hunting at 62 deg north. I have lived in Alaska and operated vehicles here for 34 years.
Go do what you want and ignore advice, I really don't care very much - just enough to type on a computer!


craig.iedema 4 Feb 2013 16:21

I think given that you have a car that you say is 'weak' and that you have been rescued once already, in far simple conditions than the ones you are contemplating tackling, I would humbly suggest that you think about who else endangering with this idea.

All very well endangering yourself being half prepared, it is another putting the lives of any potential rescuers at risk.

chris 4 Feb 2013 18:53


Originally Posted by craig.iedema (Post 410484)
I think given that you have a car that you say is 'weak' and that you have been rescued once already, in far simple conditions than the ones you are contemplating tackling, I would humbly suggest that you think about who else endangering with this idea.

All very well endangering yourself being half prepared, it is another putting the lives of any potential rescuers at risk.

In regard to this comment with which I 100% agree, I suggest the OP thinks about the discussion at http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...he-right-68611 and substitutes "deliberately going to area with dodgy political situation" with "deliberately driving wrong vehicle to wrong place at wrong time".

Also to the OP: Is it a modern mass phenomenon (or phenomenon of a gentleman adventurer?) to ask a question on a forum, not like the answer received from very knowledgeable individuals (who spent a large portion of their valuable time composing their replies) and then arrogantly belittle their responses?

Travelbug 5 Feb 2013 12:13


Originally Posted by chris (Post 410497)
Also to the OP: Is it a modern mass phenomenon (or phenomenon of a gentleman adventurer?) to ask a question on a forum, not like the answer received from very knowledgeable individuals (who spent a large portion of their valuable time composing their replies) and then arrogantly belittle their responses?

Sorry, the answers of motoreiter and m37charlie and craig.iedema are a waste of time.

Nobody needs unqualified opinions and assumptions - or worse - fatherly interpretations of press articles. On an expert forum, I can get answers of individuals who have been there, tried it or done it. Or at least give recommendations how it could be done (like colebatch), instead of just babbling that it can't be done, because easyjet doesn't fly there.

There is no doubt that the old road of bones in winter is doable. It just depends on the effort - and on MY decision if I will take that effort.

It will be a lot easier than climbing Mount Everest or reaching the South Pole or the Moon ... and people have done that too.

This will be my last response to armchair traveller advisors.

P.S.: "deliberately going to area with dodgy political situation" ... harharhar ... unbelievable !

chris 5 Feb 2013 13:36


Originally Posted by Travelbug (Post 410582)
Sorry, the answers of motoreiter and m37charlie and craig.iedema are a waste of time.

Nobody needs unqualified opinions and assumptions - or worse - fatherly interpretations of press articles. On an expert forum, I can get answers of individuals who have been there, tried it or done it. Or at least give recommendations how it could be done (like colebatch), instead of just babbling that it can't be done, because easyjet doesn't fly there.

There is no doubt that the old road of bones in winter is doable. It just depends on the effort - and on MY decision if I will take that effort.

It will be a lot easier than climbing Mount Everest or reaching the South Pole or the Moon ... and people have done that too.

This will be my last response to armchair traveller advisors.

P.S.: "deliberately going to area with dodgy political situation" ... harharhar ... unbelievable !

I'll take my hat too. Won't be posting any more on your threads either. Good luck on this endeavor and all future gentlemanly adventures. If I spot your car when I ride it past this summer, I'll make a point of riding past without stopping.

Travelbug 5 Feb 2013 17:38

Back to topic: I haven't received a response from Bolot yet.

Someone knows someone who can provide a Kamaz? Or at least a UAZ. Ideally in Tomtor, Kyubyume or Khandyga.

Or would someone have the details of the Norwegians?

Many thanks.

motoreiter 5 Feb 2013 19:32

This thread has gotten truly amusing. The self described "gentleman adventurer" (and I apply the term very loosely) has already promised not to respond, but I would like to point out a couple of ironies:

1) The GA has repeatedly criticized m37charlie for relying on a "third party's comment that is based on a media report which has a commercial interest" and for "fatherly interpretations of press articles", but the GA is relying on exactly the same blogpost, refers to it repeatedly, and draws rather fanciful conclusions from it. (and even that blog had to be spoon-fed to him, he couldn't find it himself). Not sure that I understand the "commercial interest" bit either...

2) the GA criticizes others for being "armchair traveller advisors" and yet seems to have a rather weak grasp of travel-planning. Gems include:
--he thinks that bringing a satphone constitutes good planning;
--he thinks that running out of fuel in -50 degree weather is understandable if it happens because a vital fuel station in the wilderness was closed
--he actually thinks that he will "save a full day" by driving a shorter distance through deep snow rather than going a longer distance on a better road.
--he is contemplating doing all this in a vehicle which he has described as "weak" and which already broke down once (or maybe ran out of fuel??).
--his "breakdown plan" is to call someone in Moscow to ask them to alert the local authorities.

Great stuff! And best of luck on your trip, GA!

[EDIT] I just got an auto-response from Bolot's e-mail account--he is on a one-month reindeer sledding expedition, apparently including this route, and won't be back until the end of February, so I guess the GA will have to do without his help, but no loss since Bolot is obviously one of those "armchair travel advisors" that the GA can do without...

craig.iedema 5 Feb 2013 20:12

I guess he some hope of Reindeer Rescue then :laugh:

Ah though if he is comparing himself to Everest Climbers and Moon Walkers then he can rest in comfort that he should need worry about calling anyone. After all in those places it get yourself out or die.

chris 5 Feb 2013 21:03


Originally Posted by Travelbug (Post 410582)

It will be a lot easier than climbing Mount Everest or reaching the South Pole or the Moon ... and people have done that too.

Not only a Hilary/Tsenzing/ Shakelton type, but simultaneously a Space Cadet. I recon you're having a laugh. Are you really in Siberia? Why is the IP address of your posts on this thread Munich/Germany? Might you just be a troll?

motoreiter 6 Feb 2013 02:53


Originally Posted by Travelbug (Post 410582)
There is no doubt that the old road of bones in winter is doable. It just depends on the effort - and on MY decision if I will take that effort.

It will be a lot easier than climbing Mount Everest or reaching the South Pole or the Moon ... and people have done that too.

The thing is that when you read about Everest or South Pole expeditions, often when someone says that it "there is no doubt [it] is doable. It just depends on the effort," Mother Nature has a way of proving them wrong, often with fatal results. We can only hope that the GA is in this by himself and not putting anyone else's life in danger...

And I had to snicker a little bit when he asked about a UAZ...I've owned a UAZ, he's not getting through this route with one of those...

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